UK Newswire Archive
Migrant’s and Refugees’ Rights March and Rally
07-05-2007 13:48
A multitude of groups, ranging from migrant groups, unions, religious groups, churches, human rights and social justice activists called for a joint rally and a National Day of Action and Celebration of Justice for Migrants on what turned out to be a wet bank holiday.
Read their announcement here:

The spectacle strikes again. May day 2007 London
07-05-2007 13:16
Leaflet handed out in Trafalgar Square by the new Angry BrigadeJohn Bowden Writes From Glenochil Prison
07-05-2007 12:08
Long-term prison resister John Bowden writes about his recent 'ghosting' to Glenochil maximum security prison, and about attempts to smear the Anarchist Black Cross as a "terrorist" and paramilitary" organisation.Anti-Sarko Riots Break Out in Paris, elsewhere
07-05-2007 11:55
Riot police in Paris fired tear gas into crowds which gathered after Nicolas Sarkozy's presidential election victory. The disturbances happened at the Place de la Bastille, a popular hub for demonstrations and strikes.Plane Stupid Callout for Local Groups
07-05-2007 11:21
Plane Stupid is looking for people to set up their own Plane Stupid groups in their local area to resist the growth of the aviation industry the fastest growing and least unchecked cause of climate change.Changes coming to London IMC
07-05-2007 11:15
If you make use of the London IMC region pages you might have seen the first signs of change coming to the site. So far this has been nothing more that adding a list of links to London specific campaigns, projects and spaces that might be of interest and have some kind of regular presence within reports on the indymedia newswire. Other changes are coming soon...Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Video - You Plant, We Dig
07-05-2007 10:32

8 mins, 19mb, H264 encoded
support anti arms protester in court charged with DISTRESSING POLICE STALKER!
07-05-2007 10:07
TUESDAY 8/5/7, 10.00AM BRIGHTON MAGISTRATES COURT,EDWARD ST,Fact Sheet: Twenty Reasons against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran
07-05-2007 09:48

Switch off Capitalism...[temporarily as a test run] mp3s out
07-05-2007 01:56

Full article | 2 additions | 6 comments
Students baton-charged at Leeds house party
06-05-2007 22:40
In the small hours of Saturday 5th May, a party in Hyde Park was shut down with extreme force by West Yorkshire Police. The party of mainly Leeds University students, was peaceful until the Police closed roads, baton-charged partygoers and set loose attack dogs. Many students were hospitalised - there are reports of head injuries, dog bites to the genitals and elsewhere, with one student suffering a broken arm.Sarko Wins One for the Global Elite
06-05-2007 22:31
It certainly helps that enough people in France were bamboozled—as the Americans were bamboozled twice running—to put a dull shine of legitimacy on this phase of what will soon enough become one world tyranny and global slavery.M1 widening to cost £21m per mile
06-05-2007 21:45
Todays Observer contails an article about the cost of the M1 widening which is to cost £21m per mile: "Budget of huge project is now expected to exceed the annual GDP of a third of the world's countries". The first two paragraphs of the article follow, for more info see the feature article: Work Starts On M1 Widening As Protests Continue,
6 Boat Lane, Evesham raid Tuesday 1st May 2007
06-05-2007 21:29
The following is an account written by one of the people who was raided in relation to 'animal rights extremism' on May 1st 2007Esso Protest in Aberdeen
06-05-2007 19:08

STWC National Discussion Forum
06-05-2007 18:38
The national Stop The War Coalition discussion forum has just been created. This will enable all STWC members across the UK to discuss the current situation, communicate with each other and plan future events more effectivelyThis is a national forum and all STWC members/supporters and local groups are invited to join.
Take Action to End the Occupation - 40 Years is Enough!
06-05-2007 17:39
40 Years is Enough!Six Days of Action against the Occupation of Palestine - June 6-12 2007
Global Day of Action - June 9 2007
global marijuana march: 14 held in moscow
06-05-2007 17:26
protests against cannabis prohibition took place in over 200 cities worldwide on saturday