UK Newswire Archive
Prescott Bush: Guilty of Treason
10-11-2003 19:14
The following article confirms that Prescott Bush was guilty of treason and should have been hung at Nuremberg with the rest of the Nazis.Thessolaniki Prisoner Update. Now refusing liquids. Demonstration call out
10-11-2003 18:58
The hunger strikers, who have all been in hospitalsince Friday night, last night also began refusing
Stop Bush events in Oxford
10-11-2003 18:33

Germany: Police-run propaganda radio
10-11-2003 18:28
For three years the police have had their own more than 100-person propaganda unit for Castor transport deployments. Its official name is "Deployment Accompanying Public Relations Work and Conflict Management". This year this unit has come up with something new again: their own police radio, initially only for officers on a Gorleben anti-nuclear protest assignment.West Papuans terrorised by Indonesian Special Forces
10-11-2003 18:05

Hunger Strike of the Salonika 7: News about the Prisoners of the Greek Presidenc
10-11-2003 17:45
Seven of the demonstrators arrested last June during the mobilisations against the EU Summit in Thessaloniki, Greece, are still in Diavata prison awaiting trial.Five of the prisoners are currently on hunger strike protesting against the circumstances of their arrest and imprisonment. Solidarity Actions are Urgently Needed!
Secure webspace needed for P.A.C.A website
10-11-2003 17:10
Hi,We're 'People Against Cruelty to Animals - West Midlands' based in the U.K. We campaign against vivisection (mainly our local death camp for animals - Sequani animal testing laboratories in Ledbury,Herefordshire) We also campaign against the fur trade among other issues.
300,000 believed to be buried in Iraqi mass graves
10-11-2003 16:24
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi and U.S. rights investigators said Saturday they suspected Iraq had up to 260 mass graves containing the bodies of at least 300,000 people murdered by the former regime of Saddam Hussein. They told a conference that the task of identifying bodies and preparing evidence for tribunals could take years and millions of dollars, but the long process would be worth it to heal the wounds of three decades of brutal Baath Party rule.They risk their lives to save other lives
10-11-2003 16:18
Respect to the Firefighters. They risk their lives to save other lives.It’s Castor time again...
10-11-2003 15:44

understanding zionist thinking..pictish defence forces claim scotland!
10-11-2003 15:34
This looks like its bad news for ScotlandNext Dosummat Meeting
10-11-2003 15:19

Video of Tractors & Trollies
10-11-2003 15:18

In the days running up to the event, 'pilgrims' traveled from as far afield as Wales, Cornwall and Scotland and visited significant 'bio-threat' locations such as Cambridge, Newbury, Weymouth and Oxford.
day of action in solidarity with anarchists in spanish prisons
10-11-2003 13:26
solidarity with anarchists in spanish prisons -Slide Presentation on the Yanomami Indians
10-11-2003 13:22
A Slide Presentation on the Yanomami Indians by Robin Hanbury-Tenison,co-founder of Survival International.
What is The Arts Collective?
10-11-2003 13:18
The Arts Collective is actively engaged for radical democratisation through artistic expression. The Arts Collective takes the side of the oppressed, the progressive and the voiceless.Thessaloniki solidarity action
10-11-2003 12:43
Anarchists bomb Athens banks in solidarity with prisonersWSIS video project
10-11-2003 12:28
WSIS? We seize is an initiative for tactical, grassroots, activist and community media actions and discussions in and around the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, Dec 10-12. The High Noon project is calling for videoclips to include in their stream.