UK Newswire Archive
10-11-2003 11:42
Liverpool is developing a gay village, but what will this really add to the lives of gay people in Liverpool? Gay villages began because of persecution, but I would argue that over time they have actually become oppressive rather than empowering. They have created a set of stereotypes for gay and bi people(NOTE: NOT ALL GAY MEN JUST WANT TO CONSUME ALCOHOL AND GET LAID!)
ISM Reports: November 9th Action In Palestine
10-11-2003 11:07
Press ReleaseInformation regarding action against the Israeli Apartheid Wall, Zbooba village, Jenin District, November 9, 2003.
Bloody Friday In Jenin & Across Palestine
10-11-2003 11:04
Yard fury over Bush visit
10-11-2003 10:59
The Met police "spin" in the Evening Standard more than any other paper.I think the article below is getting people ready for some pretty heavy policing during Bush's visit, with the strap line "the Yanks made us do it", as the excuse!
Warning to Bush
10-11-2003 03:41
Just a reminder of anti war demo... a demo with a difference!!! Please let as many people know as possible. Dates: Nov 19-21st. Place: Central London, UK.Stop Bush! Upcoming demos.
10-11-2003 01:49
Protest against the visit of the man who serves as a mouthpiece for US economic and military domination.London, 08/11/03: Thessaloniki Prisoners Support demo video
10-11-2003 01:33
Short video of yesterday's demo in London to support the 7 prisoners in Thessaloniki, plus some stills from Athens (same day) and Thessaloniki (the night before).Bush toppled by West Yorkshire peace campaigners
09-11-2003 23:39

An effigy of the US President was symbolically toppled from Stoodley Pike, a famous local hill top landmark and a monument to peace.
09-11-2003 23:15

proceeds to transport for Stop Bu$h demo -
Alex jumped for joy at the thought!
Oxford indymedia training session at the OUCS
09-11-2003 22:50
Oxford indymedia training session at the OUCS on Monday, 10th November, 12:30pm."The Bitter Drink" - Profits before People in the State of Kerala, India
09-11-2003 22:40
Screening and discussions in Oxford.SUPPORT NEEDED - Three on trial for causing £8000 damage at Fairford
09-11-2003 22:32
Three people face charges of criminal damage in Gloucester Crown Court afterthe main gate of USAF Fairford was pulled open with ropes by a crowd of
anti-war protesters last Febuary. They are charged with £8000 of damage each!
This is serious, they need lots of support
U.S. warplanes renew bombing of Iraq targets
09-11-2003 22:18
This might explain the recent sightings of busy airbases in ScotlandCambridge Stop BU$H Mobilisation
09-11-2003 21:51
George W Bush will we be the UK on the 19,20,21 Novmeber.On Wednesday the 19th there will be a Protest rally at 6:00pm in the Market square in Cambridge.
On Thirsday there is a national demonstration in London, Cambridge Stop the War Coalition is organising coach transport leaving Cambridge at 12:00 noon. Tickets are £5/£10 unwaged/waged. Phone to book you place now.
09-11-2003 21:23
The Board of Deputies was delighted to host a breakfast this morning for Natan Sharansky, Israel’s Minister responsible for Jerusalem, social and Diaspora affairs.Bemused Oxford shoppers meet with walls and checkpoints
09-11-2003 20:17
This afternoon, as part of the international day of protest and action against Israel's 'security wall', protesters in Oxford (wearing huge white cardboard boxes on their heads :) attempted to give the local weekend shoppers a glimpse of life in occupied Palestine.STOP BUSH Guantanamo Bay Demonstration
09-11-2003 19:32
News of Guantanamo Bay demonstration London 21 November.Knesset speaker on Palestine
09-11-2003 19:11
"Israel must choose between right and wrong"This article is by Avraham Burg, speaker to Israel's parliament from 1999 to 2002 and an Israeli Labour Party member. This article, which first appeared in English in The Forward, was adapted by Burg from an article that appeared in the Israeli newspaper Yediot Ahronot and was translated by J. J. Goldberg.
Vigil against the Wall
09-11-2003 18:08