UK Newswire Archive
Riots in Athens day of general strike - Police Delta force in action!
23-02-2011 19:53

more fotos here >>

7/7: main points of contention revealed so far
23-02-2011 18:06

World Week for the Abolition of Meat
23-02-2011 17:23
Closing communiqué
World Week for the Abolition of Meat
Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
beacause their living conditions and their slaughter cause many of them to suffer,
because eating meat is not necessary,
because sentient beings should not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,
therefore farming, fishing and hunting animals should be abolished.
Closing communiqué
World Week for the Abolition of Meat
Because meat production involves killing the animals that are eaten,
beacause their living conditions and their slaughter cause many of them to suffer,
because eating meat is not necessary,
because sentient beings should not be mistreated or killed unnecessarily,
therefore farming, fishing and hunting animals should be abolished.
The animals killed for food represent nearly 99% of animal exploitation; that is in particular 64 billion animals slaughtered for butchery each year worldwide (seven million and three hundred thousand each hour) along with hundreds of billions of water animals.
This speaks for the utmost importance of <>the demand for the abolition of meat and of the struggle to popularize it throughout the world.
photograph: <>aboliamolacarne (Italy)
The past <>World Week for the Abolition of Meat from 22 to 29 January 2011 - the very first WWAM of the year - was <>a success. Varied events (such as street actions, silent demonstrations, "human" meat tray actions, protest marches...) were organized in over 70 towns and cities, mainly in Europe, but also in South Africa, in both Americas, in India as well as in Japan (here's <>the list). These events were largely <>covered in the media.
photograph: <>nea (France)
Throughout the week a large number of people all over the world organized numerous events locally, nationwide and worldwide in order to convey in a strong and explicit manner the idea that our societies must abolish the murder of animals for the consumption of their bodies.
Even if we share the same goal as veg*ans, we are not promoting vegetarianism or veganism, we are not trying to convince each individual to personally change her/his diet. What we are aiming at is to bring on the political scene the issue of the legitimacy of animal flesh production and consumption and of their legal abolition.
We are seeking to address all citizens and start an open debate, without taboo, <>about this issue, on which society as a whole must take up a position. Such a debate should lead to the political decision to abolish farming, hunting and fishing.
That is the reason why another World Week for the Abolition of Meat will be organized at the end of May 2011, yet another at the end of September, and so on...
photograph: <>Tierrechtsinitiative München (Germany)
Link: <>For the abolition of meat (under construction)
Short introductory document: <>For a world-wide movement for the abolition of meat
For more detailed information: <>"Meat Abolition" brochure
International discussion group: <>
To subscribe, send a blank message to <>meatabolition-subscribe(at)
Contact: <>contact(at)
Ian McEwan: Don't shake hands with Apartheid
23-02-2011 16:06

Wording of leaflet handed to Ian McEwan in Jersalem:
Ian McEwan: Don't just criticise the Occupation
Ian McEwan did not need to receive the Jerusalem Prize in order to come to Israel/Palestine and express his views. Distinguished scholars, such as Judith Butler and Naomi Klein have visited Sheikh Jarah and other parts of Israel's backyard, without legitimizing those responsible for the crimes of apartheid and occupation committed there. By accepting the Jerusalem Prize, McEwan has allowed the perpetrators of these crimes, such as Nir Barkat, to exploit the occasion, and disseminate the blatant lie "we promote tolerance here in Jerusalem, an open city". When families in east Jerusalem are expelled from their homes to make way for Kahanist settlers, and when 9 year old children in Silwan are abducted from their beds by the Israeli police in the middle of the night, this city is neither tolerant nor open. Furthermore, McEwan's compliments to Israeli "democracy" are vacuous in view of these facts. McEwan has assisted the Israeli establishment in conveying a false message of "business as usual". He should return the prize, and atone for shaking the hands of apartheid and occupation.Calls grow for Johnny Clegg not to play Saharan ‘Sun City’
23-02-2011 15:07
The decision of South African musican and one-time anti-apartheid campaigner Johnny Clegg to play a concert in occupied Western Sahara has caused surprise and outrage around the world.Leeds Council Building Occupied
23-02-2011 14:22
There was a demonstration today outside the Civic Hall as Leeds City Council met to decide on this years budget.
The Council meeting was to decide the fate of Leeds Crisis Centre, Leisure Centres, Adult Social Care and other services.
To stop these cuts being pushed through the Council chambers have been occupied.
Middle East dictatorships armed by H&K
23-02-2011 13:28
Across the Middle East and North Africa, people have risen up to try to overthrow their undemocratic governments, and these uprisings have been met with state-sponsored violence and repression. Now Notts Anti-Militarism can reveal that several of these repressive regimes have been armed by a company with an international sales office in Nottingham: Heckler & Koch.
In Libya, forces loyal to 42-year dictator Muammar Gaddafi have been slaughtering civilian protesters in the streets. According to Jane’s Infantry Weapons, Libya’s armed forces are still equipped with Heckler & Koch G3 rifles. They bought these rifles from the Greek state manufacturer, which was in turn licensed by Heckler & Koch. This is an arrangement that H&K has used many times in order to evade export restrictions.
The regime in Bahrain has also been shooting pro-democracy demonstrators. Bahraini forces are equipped with the more up-to-date MP5 submachine gun. This weapon is also used by the armed forces of Egypt, Jordan and Morocco, all of which have seen pro-democracy demonstrations recently. Jordanian forces are also armed with Heckler & Koch’s modern G36 assault rifle.
And these are only the countries that have seen recent pro-democracy uprisings. Heckler & Koch weapons are used by other repressive regimes in that part of the world, including Lebanon, which teeters on the brink of civil war, Sudan, which has been riven by conflict for decades, and Saudi Arabia, whose autocratic regime is characterised by gross abuses of human rights.
This is just a snapshot of the profile of Heckler & Koch, whose weapons have been sold to undemocratic and repressive regimes around the world, and have killed at least 1.5 million people. If the people of the Middle East can face down the bullets in a once-in-a-lifetime fight for freedom, then the people of Nottingham should rise up and end the company that makes these weapons.
Tomorrow: Mass picket of Vice Chancellors’ conference
23-02-2011 12:46
Thursday 24th FebruaryNational Day of action, including mass picket of Vice Chancellors’ conference
From 2pm outside Woburn House, Tavistock Square, Central London (map:

Feeder marches from London universities including LSE, KCL, LSBU, UCL & ULU
LSE Students Occupy Against University’s Ties To Libyan Regime
23-02-2011 12:40

UPDATE: This morning LSE students occupied the office of director Howard Davies in protest at the university's links to the Libyan regime.
New Campaign to Save Care Homes!
23-02-2011 12:34
Save My Home 2011 is a group fighting to keep the Birch Avenue and Woodland View care homes open. The homes provide specialist care for those suffering from Alzheimer's, Dementia, and related conditions. We need you to get involved!Anarcha feminist Weekend a Roaring Sucess!
23-02-2011 11:53
The weekend of 19th/20th February saw over 40 women and trans people and lots of children gathered at the Rossport Solidarity Camp house for a few days of workshops, discussions and skillsharing.Affinity - issue #3: mental health
23-02-2011 11:28
The third issue of Affinity explores the complexities of mental health, providing two personal perspectives on how the struggle to maintain a healthy mind can affect our battles for dignity and freedom against a sick society.
Affinity is an irregular zine providing space for analysis and critical reflection on strategies for resisting the dominant culture. Previous issues on privilege and violence can be found at
We very much welcome comments, ideas or contributions for future issues. Please contact
Russian Pensioners Protest - Arrests Made
23-02-2011 11:19
Nationwide student campaign for Western Sahara launched
23-02-2011 10:56
A new student solidarity campaign calling for self-determination for Western Sahara - unlawfully occupied for over 35 years - will be launched today in London endorsed by students from across the country and by Jeremy Corbyn MP.Tubu Tribe solidarity appeal
23-02-2011 10:10

Unison anti-cuts public protest
23-02-2011 03:18
Tuesday 22th February
Nottingham City Unison organised a public protest at 12.30-1.30pm in the Market Square, in front of the Council House.
Nottingham City Unison organised a public protest at 12.30-1.30pm in the Market Square, in front of the Council House.
Today, the City Council Executive Board discussed and recommended the 2011/12 budget to the full council.
Thus, Unison had called a public demonstration with speakers. They Said:
"With £60 million cuts threatening up to 600 jobs at the city council, staff facing pay cuts and 7,000 vulnerable people facing withdrawal of their voluntary sector support, city services are in crisis. Nottingham city unison calls on all council staff, service users, voluntary sector groups and the public in Nottingham, join our protest.
We are standing up for Nottingham, and we think the city council should do too. We demand the government returns the £60 million stolen from it in this year’s grant settlement.
We also call upon the city council’s leaders to join us in this fight."
Notts Save Our Services Demo 1 The March
Notts Save Our Services Demo 2 The Speeches etc
We Love Nottingham Services: Cards against cuts
Nottingham Students Protest Against Scrapping EMA
Nttm Students another Protest Against Scrapping EMA
Action on fees and education cuts in Nottingham
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
List of people on Cameron's tour of middle east
23-02-2011 01:32
An interesting snapshot of the UK PMs friends... maybe this can be of use to someone...Please Tell Smithfield No More Pig Gestation Crates
22-02-2011 22:47
While the world's biggest pigkiller, Smithfield Foods of Virginia, has gestationcrates for pigs which have been outlawed in the EU, its crates continue
in the US and 3 states in Mexico.
Speech at Southwark Town Hall
22-02-2011 22:22
22 February 2011, Protest against the cuts at Southwark Town Hall. Somebody from Trades Union Council talking about the conditions of council workers under outsourced management.
see also
Rudolf Elmer - not forgotten, 1 month on. $22 Trillion gone.
22-02-2011 22:22
A month has passed since Rudolf Elmer has been held captive.2000 accounts on file and the whole offshore banking system under scrutiny.