UK Newswire Archive
Tory Councillor Abuses His Power to Silence Critics
25-09-2010 08:53
Tory Councillor Richard Stay of Caddington (a small village near Luton Bedfordshire) who is also Deputy Leader of the newly formed Central Bedfordshire Council was instrumental in getting two of his constituents arrested and house searched with computers taken away, citing he was harassed by two residents. 12 Police officers were used in this operation - what you might call over the top policing.SOLIDARITY TO OUR ANARCHISTS COMRADES IN CHILI FROM LONDON ACTFORFREEDOMNOW!
25-09-2010 02:31

Nottingham Animals Rights stuff
25-09-2010 02:29
A belated rundown ofthis fortnight's activities.
Friday 23 Sept. Shark Fin Soup demo at Mandarin Restaurant, bottom of Hockley.
Saturday 24: Nottm AR Street Stall. Meet 12.30 at the Lions, or call 07703 031667. Possible anti-slaughter leafleting at Food Festival.
Also: Veggies at Agrofuels demo in Dorset - save rainforests and urangutans from intensive palm oil trade.
Wed 29: Vegan Free Food GiveAway outside Nottm Trent University Arkwright Building, Shakespeare St.
Prep and possible cookery skillshare Tuesday. To help call 07824 398642 or email nottsfreefood[+at+]
Wed 29: Derby Animal Rights Meeting:
Thurs 30th + Tues 5th: Brinsley Animal Rescue workday.
Fri 1st Oct: Greyhound Racing demo. 6.30 at the Nottingham track.
Also: 11th-17th October - Lush greyhound action campaign at their Nottingham store. Contact them (or Nottm AR) to help and show support.
Sat 2nd Oct: Farmed Animal Rally in London.
Sunday 3rd: Conservative Party Conference.
9.28 train from Nottm to Derby; change for Birmingham.
A Friday afternoon to be arranged: demo at Harlan/Sera, animal breeders for vivisection near Loughborough.
Hunt Sabbing every Saturday and other times.
Fur in back in season. Please check for places selling real fur. Send details, even if you are not sure, so others can double check. See
25-09-2010 00:03
Join the demonstration outside Marks & Spencer,458 Oxford Street, Marble Arch, London W1
Saturday 25 September 12-3pm
The CTC once again betrays Cuban workers
24-09-2010 22:47

CUTZ: this week in Bristol ...
24-09-2010 22:15
Another packed week in Cutsville UK[Some links deleted due to spambot]
First up, the one I forgot last week. South West Tourism, the regional tourist board funded by the South West Regional Development Agency is being axed on 31 March 2011. The number of job losses is not yet clear.
Unison seem to be reading this even if noone else is. On Wednesday they started making a fuss about the 25% cut in planning officers proposed by Bristol City Council (pictured) we reported last week.
Also continued from last week ... Word arrives that 16 of the 20 staff made redundant at a Bristol Connexions office were part-time working mums. If that's not sex discrimination what is?
Apparently one plan circulating around the Environment Agency, due to move 1,000 staff intoan upmarket, designer new HQ at Cabot House, College Green, Bristol imminently, is a proposal that they only meet their statutory duties in the future and ditch the rest of their work. The number of redundancies this entails is unclear but could easily reach 30% plus. Will they be needing a new expensive state-of-the-art HQ for 1,000 staff?
A director at Bath and North East Somerset Council who has been paid £1.2m over the past five years has received a pay increase of £22,000 per year.
Bristol City Council are moving to cut redundancy payments for their staff at the end of this month as they start making 1,000 of their staff redundant over the next year or so. They are also cutting pay protection for any staff who get redeployed.
Yet another senior management reorganisation is in the offing at Bristol City Council barely two years after the last effort to "streamline management", which resulted in an extra 22 senior managerial posts being in place by October of last year. The latest management wheeze is contained in a report presented by the Chief Executive to the council's Human Resources committee today in which any new senior management grades and salaries are conveniently omitted as they have not yet been received from the "external job evaluation consultant".
A Freedom of Information request reveals more evidence of senior management featherbedding at Bristol City Council. It seems the former 'Strategic Leader' Neighbourhoods, Graham Sim, was handed a pay rise last month and promoted to Deputy Chief Executive on the basis of an informal chat with his friend and colleague, the Chief Executive. Sim is now responsible for communications and marketing at the council, disciplines in which he has no apparent skills, qualifications or experience. Not that he needed to meet criteria from a person specification like any other job applicant at Bristol City Council has to.
While Bristol City Council managers sort out their improved personal remuneration packages and luxury homes, those relying on them for vital income and services are being ignored and abandoned. Time2share, a charity working with children with disabilities and their families, has had to send a desperate letter to the Evening Post in an effort to get the council to listen. "Organisations and the families they support will need clear information from councils about what services and funding are at risk to enable us to plan for an uncertain future," they say. At present they're not getting this as Bristol City Council makes plans in secret instead.
One way for council's to raise funds in the age of austerity is to come over all green and raise parking charges. Bristol City Council are doing exactly this and increasing on-street parking and car parking charges by anything between 10% and 66%. Of course, the majority of people targeted by these rises have either stagnant or decreased wages to look forward to.
People find public services are worse if you cut them reports the BBC. A survey by Bristol Older People's Forum found four out of five people in sheltered accommodation said the service had worsened since Bristol city council cut residential wardens two years ago.
And also according to the BBC, Bristol City Council has spent £700k on their effort to host matches at the 2018 World Cup. This seems a low estimate of costs as it includes only £13k in wages - enough to pay a very lowly admin assistant for a year. Are all the other staff involved working for free in their spare time?
Bristol City, Bath & North-East Somerset, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils have scrapped plans for nearly 38,000 homes that will cost these areas around £340 million in government incentives at a time when budgets are being brutally cut and funding restricted.
Thousands might be losing their jobs but Bristol City Council still managed to find £10,400 to put towards a total budget of £36,500 for an 'artwork' to celebrate the European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion! The artwork consists of 50 tents stuck on College Green for the week and culminated today with Stephen Williams MP discussing community cohesion over lunch. That's the poverty box ticked then.
Being made redundant? Problems at work? Boss acting the twat? Contact Bristol IWW, the union where you do it so it gets done. or Tel: 07506 592180
Got any news about cuts in Bristol, Bath or beyond? Send your stories, gossip and informed speculation to Cutz, the brashest and best cuts news in the west:
Anti-Badger Cull demo EXETER WED 29TH SEPT
24-09-2010 22:11
Anti-badger Cull demonstration @Exeter Livestock Centre hosted by National Beef Association on Wednesday 29th Sept, time tbc.Abdul Aziz Arrested
24-09-2010 20:00
Abdula Aziz was arrested this morning and is being sent to a detention centreAbdul Aziz - the gentleman from Afghanistan who features in the Bristol Bike project short film has been arrested and is being threatened with being returned to Afghanistan against his wishes and despite his fears that he will be tracked down and executed by the Taliban if he returns.
Abdul Aziz - the gentleman from Afghanistan who features in the Bristol Bike project short film - is being threatened with being returned to Afghanistan against his wishes and despite his fears that he will be tracked down and executed by the Taliban if he returns. He phoned me this morning from Southmead Police Station, having been arrested early this morning by UK Border Police. He has just had his second appeal for asylum refused but had an appointment to see his solicitors to start a fresh claim next week. He is now likely to be sent to a detention centre close to Heathrow this evening or tomorrow.
Aziz has the support of local MP Kerry McCarthy who has intervened and we have set up an online petition to raise support for him - It really can make a difference! We must not lose Aziz – he is a great spokesperson for peace in Afghanistan, interprets for Bristol refugee Rights regularly and is a fantastic volunteer at the Bristol Bike Project. Please sign and encourage others to do so...
If you have not yet seen the The Bristol Bike Project short film, in which Abdul Aziz talks about his past and fears of being sent back to Afghanistan, please watch the short film here:
many thanks in advance for your time and support.
BP: The Unfinished Crimes and Plunder of Anglo-American Imperialism
24-09-2010 18:35

Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadeq’s discourse at the UN Security Council session in October 1951 was one of the most tragic utterances of a country that was being raped and pillaged and striving to retain its dignity:
"It went without saying that as long as the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company had a monopoly over this source of national wealth, the government and people of Iran could not enjoy political independence. Despite its business façade, this company is to be considered as the modern counterpart of the old British East India Company, which in a short span of time extended its control over India. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company had an annual income exceeding that of the Iranian government; its foreign trade was larger than ours; it intervened actively in the internal affairs of the country, and grossly interfered in our elections to the Majlis and the formation of cabinets, and thus conducting themselves in a manner calculated to wring the greatest profits from resources which it owned and controlled. By a complex conspiratorial network within the country, by widespread corruption of government ministries, and the illegal support to native journalists and politicians, it had in fact created a State within a State. Little by little it sapped the independence of the Iranian nation."
Even as the Iran of today and its democratically elected government face the threat of physical liquidation by the combined forces of Zionism and imperialism, the struggles and aspirations of this great humanist and architect of freedom will remain, to all who strive for justice and decency, forever green.
Notts resident takes on the Pope
24-09-2010 17:57
The Pope's state visit to the UK generated a huge amount of controversy. Protesters rallied in London on Saturday 18th September to express their anger at his promotion of reactionary values within the Church. Among them was "Cardinal Ratzarsse von Flashern" who made a pilgrimage from Nottingham in defence of secularism.
On the newswire: Cardinal Ratzarsse von Flashern interview | Pilgrimage to London to see the Pope
The demonstration attracted as many as 20,000 people. National Catholic Register conceded, "Even though the pope’s supporters clearly outnumbered his critics, this was nevertheless easily the largest public protest Benedict XVI has ever faced on one of his foreign trips, and one of the largest protests against a pope in modern history."
Zimbabwe – Music For All Fund-raiser
24-09-2010 17:55
Fidelis Mherembi, master of mbira & marimba, invites you to join him & friends for an evening of music, readings, film and mirth! Fidelis is fundraising for Music For All – the pioneering music project he's launching in Zimbabwe.Enjoy a great night of music – and help Zimbabwe's Matirige school to buy instruments! 80% of the pupils are orphans – and Music For All uses the power of music to bring hope & healing into their lives. Suggested donation of £10 or more. Booking essential on 0117 924 4512 or
Saturday 2nd October, 7.30pm
The Pierian Centre, 27 Portland Square, St Pauls, Bristol BS2 8SA
Freeskilling - Tues 28 Sept - Freestyle Rhyming
24-09-2010 17:55
Better Food Company, Sevier Street, St Werburghs, Bristol, BS2 9QS.Hi,
Next week's freeskilling is Freestyle Rhyming,
here's a note about the timing -
7 o'clock, for a 9 o'clock end,
Paul Farrow's offerred his skill to lend.
28th September
is the date to remember,
Better Food Company
is the place to be!
Sorry that was a rubbish rhyming attempt. Anyway, come along next Tuesday to discover the art of freestyle rhyme and how to do it - plus a host of interactive games to get you rhyming.
5 October Public Speaking Tricks of the Trade
Learn how to prepare and deliver an inspirational and engaging talk or presentation - whether to 5 or 100 people! With Claire Milne
12 October Meditations for Inner & Outer Peace
Learn the basics of how to meditate, how to apply meditation to solving our human problems and finding the lasting happiness that we long for. With Kelsan Chonden
19 October Car Sharing
Set up and manage a car share with your own car, limit your car use and share running costs. Understand the logistics, pit falls, benefits and responsibilities. There will be a car-share match making service during the evening where you could find your perfect partner. With car sharers Sarah Pugh, Hannah Fearnley & Adele Watt.
26 October Bach Flower Remedies for Pets
Learn more about the Bach Flower Remedies and how you can use them to help your pets with emotional problems such as fear of fireworks, anxieties, bullying, grief, and re-homing. With holistic vet Holly Mash
If you have any skills you would like to learn, skills you could share, or if you would like to help organise freeskilling events, please get in touch. You can email or talk to one of the freeskilling team at the next freeskilling evening you go to.
This Week In Palestine Week 38 September 15-21
24-09-2010 17:28
This past week between 174 and 253 trucks entered the Gaza Strip daily.This past week nine mortar shells were fired into Israeli territory, eight on one day. Some of them contained phosphorus. In response, the Israeli Air Force attacked terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip.
An aid convoy organized by Viva Palestina left for the Gaza Strip. It is currently in France and from expects go to Italy, Turkey, Greece and Syria. From the Syrian port of Latakia it expects to sail to the port of El Arish. It expects to be joined by convoys from Middle East countries. The convoy will drive overland from El Arish and enter the Gaza Strip through the Rafah crossing.
This Week in Palestine week 38 2010
24-09-2010 17:27

Wickham Labs Demonstrations and March
24-09-2010 17:15
It's been a terrible year for Wickham labs, so please come along tomorrow and make it that little bit worse. Meet 12noon Mill House Car Park Wickham, Hampshire"Peak Everything...And then?"
24-09-2010 16:00
Monday, September 27th at the Tobacco Factory - Ian Page. 7.45 for 8pm"Peak Everything...And then?"
We often see statements such as " we are about to run out of ..., the world is going to collapse!", from the well thought out warnings of "Limits to Growth" and Hubbert, to less credible shock horror journalistic material. What is the real situation? Is there any way of finding out? And if we are running out is that the end of our civilisation or is there a future? Will recycling solve our problems?
This talk offers some structure for discussing this topic rationally, and has a stab at a positive direction for a post extractive world.
Ian Page gave a great talk last year on Peak Oil - this covers his latest research and, having had a preview of the content, is not to be missed!
What’s the Blogging Story?
24-09-2010 16:00
Who can you trust when new media meets old?On October 22nd, a group of prominent journalists and bloggers will come together at the Watershed to discuss the ways in which blogs and the mainstream media interact and influence each other.
On October 22nd, a group of prominent journalists and bloggers will come together at Bristol's Watershed to discuss the ways in which blogs and the mainstream media interact and influence each other.
The event, which is organised by UWE and Bristol National Union of Journalists, will feature contributions from Roy Greenslade (The Guardian), Donnacha DeLong (NUJ), Sunny Hundal (Liberal Conspiracy) and Brooke Magnanti (Belle de Jour). The panel will discuss many of the most pressing issues surrounding new media and the news, including who you can trust, the relationship between traditional journalism skills and push-button publishing, and the effects on the professional when everyone become a potential reporter.
Tickets for the panel event are available from the Watershed website, priced £7 (£5 concessions and NUJ members).
The panel event will be followed up with a pair of workshops discussing accountability in the blogosphere and blogs as journalism at the Pervasive Media Studio, Anchor Road, Bristol.
"Working Class Peoples Bloc WILL disrupt the Conservative Party Conference!"
24-09-2010 13:46
Unauthorised Working Class Bloc march in face of police repression and promises to disrupt the Conservative Party Conference.Anti Cuts Resistance in Bristol [1]
24-09-2010 12:34
Were all in this togetherThe Anti Cuts Alliance is growing in Bristol and Bath with a massive demonstration planned for the 23rd of October in Bristol, Coaches going to the Tory Party Conference on the 3rd October. Well attended meetings in Bristol and Bath have saw over 100 people representing all groups on the left coming together, even the anarchists were there. Local groups of opposition are coming together with a meeting in Fishponds happening last Tuesday and further meetings being planned for the future. All to show opposition to the money grabbing, service wrecking, community destroying government that we have headed by David (I'm one of you, honest guv, were all in this together, please help us to help you destroy your community) Cameron.
The Anti Cuts Alliance is growing in Bristol and Bath with a massive demonstration planned for the 23rd of October in Bristol, Coaches going to the Tory Party Conference on the 3rd October. Well attended meetings in Bristol and Bath have saw over 100 people representing all groups on the left coming together, even the anarchists were there. Local groups of opposition are coming together with a meeting in Fishponds happening last Tuesday and further meetings being planned for the future. All to show opposition to the money grabbing, service wrecking, community destroying government that we have headed by David (I'm one of you, honest guv, were all in this together, please help us to help you destroy your community) Cameron.
Well guess what David we are all in this together, all in this together to F**K you off, to stop you destroying our services and communities you Etonian Scumbag. In fact I would just like to send out my heartfelt thanks as it has taken years for the left to actually get off its arse and start working together in collective resistance in Bristol and just by magic you can get this to happen in just a couple of months and even the Unions are starting to act like Unions at a National Level. Nothing like to Tory government to mobilise the masses, also a big shout out to Nick Clegg for completely discrediting the Liberal Democrats and thus further increasing the new membership of the anti cuts resistance, although they can't really claim any real credit as they don't really do anything. And the labour party well... well done for losing.
As my mate said to me the other day about the Lib CONS, you got to give it to them those bastards they bring politics right into the front room and smack you in the face with it.
Well now is the time to get out of the front rooms and join the fight, as you can be sure that the fight will come to find you, if you don't. The CON Libs are not about inequality they want all people to suffer equally in a drive to the bottom, until we are all equal in our lack of services, lack of benefit safety nets, lack of affordable housing, healthcare, social services, education for our children and on and on. So don't think this won't affect you, because it will, unless we directly do something about it. Oh the rich aren't included in this plan surprise, surprise!
This attack will not be stopped by Party Politics, Direct Action and organising is what's needed.
This is not just about protecting our services, communities etc. it's about making a better world. I don't want a continuation of the Neo Liberal New Labour Project or any other Neo Liberal apologist government. I don't want to just stop the cuts I want a fundamental change on the way our society organises and we cant wait another 20 years for this to happen.
This crisis is an opportunity, the time to act is now and the way to act is together.
What you can do:
Go to the Demos:
Coaches for the 3rd of October Demo in Birmingham can be got from 07792133457 they are only a fiver and leave Anchor Road 8.45am
Demo on Saturday 23rd October in Bristol - make this a day to remember.
Distribute leaflets.
Leaflets for the demo and rally are now available and they will also be available from the trade union stall in Broadmead (centre circle by BHS) from 11.00 to 3.00 on Saturday 25 September or to arrange to get some.
Email and request to be on their mailing list to find out about the next meetings etc.
Publish any information you have about cuts on Bristol Indymedia - Keep us all informed of what is going on in your local community and email them to
Organise local resistance.
Speak to people about the cuts, dispel the myths. (cuts leaflet) (interesting link to why this debt is not that bad) (want to know the truth about Camerons Heritage)
This is a brilliant analysis of what's going on by David Harvey and why we should all be anti capitalists and is good entertainment check out some of the other animated talks on the right hand side.
Simon Chapman and 3 defendents trial has been postponed
24-09-2010 10:54
This is a quick update, a fuller one will be posted later today.