UK Newswire Archive
Reclaim the Night Gig Weds 29 Sept
24-09-2010 10:50

Six Tyneside men arrested after burning Korans on youtube
24-09-2010 10:04
Six men arrested for inciting racial hatred - despite Islam being a faith and not a race.How the police support unlawful hunting
24-09-2010 09:35
Sorry this is a bit long. To precis Operation Rumble, Thames Valley police arrested me for trying to film a hunt who were hunting a wild mammal. I was convicted and unable to appeal because it would appear that it is not a defence to say that the legal activity you are accused of interferring with is not in fact legal!Boycott Day of Action to protest the Mavi Marmara Murders
24-09-2010 08:59
Meet 12.00 onwards outside Tesco Metro on Union Street, Broadmead Shopping Centre, Bristol.Wear red (Turkish colour) plus Palestine tee-shirts, scarves, etc.
We may roam around Broadmead visiting both Tesco branches, M&S, Starbucks, and Holland & Barrett. We will finish at the Peace vigil on the Centre 3.00 to 4.00pm
A UN Human Rights Council report, published this week, tells the truth of what happened on Monday 31st May 2010 when Israeli commandoes attacked the Gaza aid-ship the Mavi Marmara killing nine and wounding dozens.
It states:-
The Israeli blockade of Gaza is illegal due to the scale of the humanitarian crisis
People on the flotilla were genuinely committed to peace & humanitarianism
It was unlawful for Israel to intercept the Mavi Marmara on the high seas
There was no evidence that any firearms were taken on board the ship
There was no evidence of live fire being used by passengers
The IDF action was totally unnecessary and incredibly violent
Live ammunition was used from the helicopter prior to the descent of soldiers
Forensic evidence shows two passengers, Dogan & Bilgen, were shot at close range
Four passengers including a photographer, on a lower deck, were shot dead from the upper deck, while posing no threat to the Israeli forces.
Passengers used a white flag to indicate surrender but this had no effect on the firing
The seizure and retention of private property from the passengers was unlawful
It accused Israel of war crimes and breeches of International law
Read the full report at
See also Guardian Thursday 23 September:-
“UN panel accuses Israel of war crimes for 'unlawful' assault on Gaza flotilla”
Catch up on the only independent video footage smuggled off the ship at and on YouTube
New Bristol Convoy to Gaza
24-09-2010 08:59
Monday 27th SeptemberBristol-Gaza Link special weekly meeting
6.30 to 8pm pm at the BDA, Russell Town Ave (opp City Academy School), Lawrence Hill,
Bristol BS5 9LT
Meetings to discuss plans for “Roads to Hope” convoy to Gaza
Come along if you can help or want to be involved with fund-raising etc.
Bristol-Gaza-Link is launching a new convoy appeal. We're fund-raising for vehicles to be loaded with donated educational materials. These will depart Bristol early in October and travel with the "Roads-To-Hope" convoy across North Africa and Egypt to Gaza (see
Anyone who can help with fund-raising or donations of educational materials is welcome to our planning meeting on the next two Mondays. 6.30-8.00pm at the BDA offices, Russell Town Avenue (opposite City Academy School), Lawrence Hill Bristol BS5 9JH.
People can help by donating in the following ways:-
Post – send cheques (payable to Bristol Gaza Link) to Bristol Gaza Link, c/o BDA offices, 5 Russell Town Avenue, Redfield, Bristol BS5 9LT.
Bank Transfer - Coop Bank, Account name “Bristol-Gaza-Link”. Account number 65360523 Sort code 08-92-99
On-line donation: at Britain Gaza Link website at
By mobile phone – Text VIVA to 84424 to donate £3
Obama deplores World poverty: Welcome to the theatre of absurd
24-09-2010 08:00

Making Waves #22
24-09-2010 07:30
- Training for Change, Super-T .......................... 2
- Ground Rules .............................................. 4
- Soma games for activists ............................ 6
- Forum Theatre ............................................ 7
- Battling with strategy .................................... 9
- Radical booksellers take on Amazon ................ 10
- Book review .............................................. 11
Anti Cuts Resistance in Bristol
24-09-2010 07:29
Were all in this togetherThe Anti Cuts Alliance is growing in Bristol and Bath with a massive demonstration planned for the 23rd of October in Bristol, Coaches going to the Tory Party Conference on the 3rd October. Well attended meetings in Bristol and Bath have saw over 100 people representing all groups on the left coming even the anarchists were there. Local groups of opposition are coming together with a meeting in Fishponds happening last Tuesday and further meetings being planned for the future. All to show opposition to the money grabbing, service wrecking, community destroying government that we have headed by David (I'm one of you, honest guv, were all in this together, please help us to help you destroy your community) Cameron.
Well guess what David we are all in this together, all in this together to F**K you off, to stop you destroying our services and communities you Etonian Scumbag. In fact I would just like to send out my heartfelt thanks as it has taken years for the left to actually get off its arse and start working together in collective resistance in Bristol and just by magic you can get this to happen in just a couple of months and even the Unions are starting to act like Unions at a National Level, much to the delight of the membership. Nothing like to Tory government to mobilise the masses, also a big shout out to Nick Clegg for completely discrediting the Liberal Democrats and thus further increasing the new membership or anti cuts resistance, although they can't really claim and real credit as they don't really do anything. And the labour party well... well done for losing.
As my mate said to me the other day about the Lib CONS, you got to give it to them those bastards they bring politics right into the front room and smack you in the face with it.
Well now is the time to get out of the front rooms and join the fight, as you can be sure that the fight will come to find you if you don't. The CON Libs are not about inequality they want all people to suffer equally in a drive to the bottom, until we are all equal in our lack of services, lack of benefits safety nets, lack of affordable housing, healthcare, social services, education of our children and on and on. So don't think this won't affect you, because it will, unless we directly do something about it. Oh the rich aren't included in this plan surprise, surprise!
This attack will not be stopped by Party Politics, Direct Action and organising is what's needed.
This is not just about protecting our services, communities etc. it's about making a better world not just the continuation of the New Labour Project or another Neo Liberal apologist government. I don't want to just stop the cuts I want a fundamental change on the way our society organises and we cant wait another 20 years for this to happen.
This crisis is an opportunity, the time to act is now and the way to act is together.
What you can do:
Go to the Demos:
Coaches for the 3rd of October Demo in Birmingham can be got from 07792133457 they are only a fiver and leave Anchor Road 8.45am
Demo on Saturday 23rd October in Bristol - make this a day to remember.
Distribute leaflets.
Leaflets for the demo and rally are now available and they will also be available from the trade union stall in Broadmead (centre circle by BHS) from 11.00 to 3.00 on Saturday 25 September or to arrange to get some.
Email and request to be on their mailing list to find out about the next meetings etc.
Publish any information you have about cuts on Bristol Indymedia - Keep us all informed of what is going on in your local community and email them to
Organise local resistance.
Speak to people about the cuts, dispel the myths. (cuts leaflet) (interesting link to why this debt is not that bad) (want to know the truth about Camerons Heritage)
This is a brilliant analysis of what's going on by David Harvey and why we should all be anti capitalists and is good entertainment check out some of the other animated talks on the right hand side.
UN report condemns Israel for Flotilla attack
24-09-2010 07:29
A UN Human Rights Council report, published this week, tells the truth of what happened on Monday 31st May 2010 when Israeli commandoes attacked the Gaza aid-ship the Mavi Marmara killing nine and wounding dozens.It states:-
The Israeli blockade of Gaza is illegal due to the scale of the humanitarian crisis
People on the flotilla were genuinely committed to peace & humanitarianism
It was unlawful for Israel to intercept the Mavi Marmara on the high seas
There was no evidence that any firearms were taken on board the ship
There was no evidence of live fire being used by passengers
The IDF action was totally unnecessary and incredibly violent
Live ammunition was used from the helicopter prior to the descent of soldiers
Forensic evidence shows two passengers, Dogan & Bilgen, were shot at close range
Four passengers including a photographer, on a lower deck, were shot dead from the upper deck, while posing no threat to the Israeli forces.
Passengers used a white flag to indicate surrender but this had no effect on the firing
The seizure and retention of private property from the passengers was unlawful
It accused Israel of war crimes and breeches of International law
Read the full report at
See also Guardian Thursday 23 September:-
“UN panel accuses Israel of war crimes for 'unlawful' assault on Gaza flotilla”
Catch up on the only independent video footage smuggled off the ship at and on YouTube
Saturday 25th September
Meet 12.00 onwards outside Tesco Metro on Union Street, Broadmead Shopping Centre, Bristol.
Wear red (Turkish colour) or black plus Palestine tee-shirts, scarves, etc.
We may roam around Broadmead visiting both Tesco branches, M&S (both entrances), Starbucks, and Holland & Barrett. We will finish at the Peace vigil on the Centre 3.00 to 4.00pm
Exposing racism and intolerance online
24-09-2010 06:17
Exposing raciosm and intolerance online.The BNP have been beaten but still racists are mobilising.
Teresa Lewis was executed
24-09-2010 05:24
Teresa Lewis was executed on September 23, 2010, at 9 pm by lethal injection, at the Greensville Correctional Center in JarrattDemo at Cardiff UKBA against Tete's deportation
23-09-2010 23:06

Points-Based Immigration in Context: Research and Campaign Strategies
23-09-2010 22:09
Urgent Research and Campaign conference on new restrictions on movement between countries.Emmerdale's Leyla to open vegan festival
23-09-2010 21:20

The West Midlands Vegan Festival will offer all you need for healthy, cruelty-free, eco-friendly living. You don't have to be vegan to attend, everyone is welcome! Come and see why people are increasingly adopting a vegan lifestyle.

Cardinal Ratzarsse von Flashern interview
23-09-2010 20:28
The Pope's recent state visit to the UK, attracted thousands of demonstrators, angry at the reactionary social policies promoted by the Pontiff. Among the protesters was "Cardinal Ratzarsse von Flashern" who made a pilgramage from Nottingham. I interviewed the Cardinal to find out why he participated in the protest.
Q: Can you briefly describe what happened on Saturday?
A: On Saturday 20-30,000 people gathered in London to 'protest-the-pope', to show our opposition to the State Visit of the Pope to Britain. The march began at Hyde Park Corner and proceeded to Downing Street where platform speakers included Richard Dawkins, Peter Tatchell, Geoffrey Robertson QC.
Q: Why did you decide to join the protest against the Pope?
A: I joined the march to demonstrate against the Pope and the Catholic Church's homophobia, its misogyny, its cover-up of paedophilia within the Catholic Church, and the use of £12m of public money to confer approval on the Pope. However, whilst protest is serious it should also be fun, hence my 'fancy dress'.
Q: What would be your message to the Pope and/or grassroots Catholics?
A: I don't have a message for the Pope. My message to catholics would be to abandon the Church and religion altogether: religions encourage servility, autocracy, hatred, conflict, death.
Q: Do you think the protest was successful?
A: Secularism is now under attack from religionists and needs to be actively promoted. This is the first national demonstration in support of rationalism that I can remember. I think it was very successful in bringing rationalists, atheists, secularists together, a good starting point for campaigns against the extension of religious priveleges in law, education, etc.
Q: Where can campaigners go from here?
A: Where to go from here: an end to religion in schools, and ending public support for 'faith' schools in Britain would be a good starting point, removing exemptions for religion in employment law, dis-establishing the Church of England, and supporting those in other countries whose lives are blighted by religious bigotry.
Brow Well - Supporting Animal Abuse & Eco-Destruction
23-09-2010 19:38
TELEPHONE, EMAIL, DEMO!Gathering at The Happendon Wood Action Camp - Weekend of action and skill-sharin
23-09-2010 19:37

After spirited resistance to Scottish Coal’s plans to mine Mainshill, the site of their next mine in South Lanarkshire has been occupied! The Happendon Wood Action Camp (THWAC) has squatted a beautiful part of Happendon Wood to serve as a base from which to organise in surrounding communities and to take action from, as well as dig in for the long-haul and inevitable attempt to open cast the area. With corporate rule taking over the Douglas Valley and legal threats to communities from the council and fat-cat land owner, action is needed now more than ever.
Video & Pix of the first (gmo) Field Liberation Meeting in Brussels
23-09-2010 19:22

Dialect - Bristolians' continuing efforts to relieve besieged Gaza ghetto - Dr Judith Brown
23-09-2010 18:20
plus details of secret Masonic lodges in the Houses of ParliamentDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
hi-fi listen
hi-fi download
00.00 - Intro
01.18 - Lady Madonna by the Beatles
03.31 - Bristol Gaza link and relief convoy for besieged Gaza and - Dr Judith Brown
13.26 - People's Republic of Stokes Croft new museum - Katy Bauer
23.39 - Baroness Hayman
33.54 - Bristol Curiosities author Julian Lea Jones
41.36 - Masonic lodges in the Houses of Parliament and Nazi ratlines - Secrets and Lies by David Southwell read by Malcolm Grieve.
49.20 - Tim Burroughs poem
51.44 - What's on guide including Song of the week by Ella Fitzgerald
56.17 - Credits
Presenter: John Peters-Coleman
Reporters: Michaela Dennis, Alec Milne and Tony Gosling
Studio Engineer: Michael Noyes
Producer: Michaela Dennis