UK Newswire Archive
resistance anarchist bulletin issue 69
14-01-2005 13:42

Oxford Palestine Solidarity Campaign Dayschool - 29th Jan
14-01-2005 11:39
at Friends Meeting House, St Giles, Oxford
10:15am to 4:00pm
Planning for European Day of Actions for Migrant Rights
14-01-2005 11:14
January 20th - London meeting to plan for 2nd April Euro Day of Actions for Migrant RightsOn Ethnic Cleansing: Israeli Zionist Historian Benny Morris Speaks Out!!
14-01-2005 10:11
Benny Morris says he was always a Zionist. People were mistaken ... when they thought that his historical study on the birth of the Palestinian refugee problem was intended to undercut the Zionist enterprise. Nonsense, Morris says ... So they came to the mistaken conclusion that when Morris describes the cruelest deeds that the Zionist movement perpetrated in 1948 he is actually being condemnatory, that when he describes the large-scale [ethnic] expulsion operations [against the Palestinians by Israel's founders] he is being denunciatory. They did not conceive that the great documenter of the sins of Zionism in fact identifies with those sins.A Letter from The Maitreya to the World
14-01-2005 09:09
As the emotions of peoples all over the globe range from anger and rage, to sadness and despair, to shock and dismay, to contented disdain, no more pressing could be the need for the voice of God to calm the savage seas of human emotion. While the news reports following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 are speaking the collective voice of the peopleone of revenge and retaliationseemingly forgotten are the words God has sent for thousands of years to His children on Earth: To live by the sword is to die by the sword.5. World Social Forum Brazil: Lula, ATTAC and the Crisis of the "Another World"
14-01-2005 07:32
Das 5. Weltsozialforum findet von 26. bis 31. Januar in Porto Alegre, Brasilien, statt. Er wird ein guter Moment für eine Bilanz der Vorschläge sein, die in den letzten Weltsozialforen vorherrschend waren und bis heute immer noch sind, d.h. im Wesentlichen: Die Humanisierung des Kapitalismus.European Ministers continue fisheries extinction policy
14-01-2005 06:57
A 10 per cent reduction in fishing quotas was announced by the European Agriculture and Fisheries Council meeting held in Brussels, Belgium on 21-22 December. This small reduction has been strongly criticised as too small and too late by environmentalists and conservationists.Scientists: Protect One-Third of World's Oceans
14-01-2005 06:43
A scientific report released in Britain 0n 7 December 2004 said that one-third of the world's oceans should be declared protected areas to stop the wholesale slaughter of fish species. Such an extreme measure is necessary because whole ecosystems are on the verge of collapse, the report argues.Victims of over-exploitation and climate change
14-01-2005 05:55
Over the last couple of breeding seasons there have been many reports of birds dying by starvation. Sea birds are under severe pressure from a shortage of sandeels, the primary food source for the chicks of most British-breeding seabirds, and an important staple for adults.J18-03 MLK WDC Photos Never Before Seen
14-01-2005 05:31

Spay and Neuter Your Heterosexual
14-01-2005 04:08
The streets are full of them, breeding is out of control, and how many more have to suffer without good homes before something is done? This web site helps solve this terrible problem.An injury to one is an injury to all!
14-01-2005 03:50
There is a direct connection linking the abuse of animals with the abuse of human beings. When humans exploit and abuse animals, it legitimizes ALL abuse of power. Animal abuse legitimizes child abuse,sexism, racism, homophobia, ethnic prejudice and all the ways humans exploit each other.A Video Message from the Iraqi Resistance
14-01-2005 02:35
Reuters obtained from Iraqi guerrillas "an English-language video urging U.S. troops to lay down their weapons and seek refuge in mosques and homes" (Michael Georgy, "Iraq Rebels in Video Taunt," January 12, 2005), promising protection to soldiers who heed their call. The Information Clearing House has made the video and a transcript of its content available: "A Message from the 'Iraq Resistance.'"Activists arrested over Gujarat videos
14-01-2005 02:02
Preceeding the indian activist film festival at the rampART this week, an unrelated yet related incident ...Mark Thomas writes a column offensive to Christians
14-01-2005 01:40
Mark Thomas writes a column offensive to ChristiansWhy are evangelical Christians so upset at a musical that shows Jesus calling himself "a bit gay"? According to the Bible, he was arrested for kissing a man in a public park. By Mark Thomas
Before starting this column, readers should be warned that it contains explicit language throughout. In fact, this 820-word column features the word "fuck" 46,000 times - according to calculations done by evangelical Christians.
The editor would like to issue a second warning to really stupid Christians. Evangelical Christians especially, please be aware that the following column features the word "God" a mere seven words away from the word "evolution".
The police are under resourced (part 2)
14-01-2005 00:44

14-01-2005 00:35
Indymedia states:Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.
However, is it really that?
Bicycle Film Festival: Call For Entries
13-01-2005 22:41

The Bicycle Film Festival is seeking submissions for its fifth annual Festival.
The 2004 Festival was a great success with many sold out showings. This year’s festival is larger then ever and will have showings in New York, Los Angles, San Francisco, Tokyo, and London!
London Film Screening - BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH'S "This OBE is NOT For Me!"
13-01-2005 22:23
A Public Film Screening of BENJAMIN ZEPHANIAH'S "This OBE is NOT For Me!"