Impeach Blair! Public Meeting in Wrexham
WPJF | 14.01.2005 11:32
Wrexham Peace and Justice Forum and Plaid Cymru are holding a public meeting on Friday 21 Jan, 7pm at Wrexham Lager Club, Union St., Wrexham (off Regent St opposite the Sorting Office).
Speakers Adam Price MP, Mehdi El-Rahdi and Janet Ryder AM.
All welcome, free entry.
Advance notice of another WPJF public meeting: Milan Rai "How can we stop Al-Qaeda?" Mon 21 March 7pm, Trinity Church, King St., Wrexham (next to the bus station).
Speakers Adam Price MP, Mehdi El-Rahdi and Janet Ryder AM.
All welcome, free entry.
Advance notice of another WPJF public meeting: Milan Rai "How can we stop Al-Qaeda?" Mon 21 March 7pm, Trinity Church, King St., Wrexham (next to the bus station).