UK Newswire Archive
AfricaVox 2007: fresh perspectives on the G8
30-05-2007 15:11
At next week’s G8 Summit in Germany, the spotlight is once again on world leaders to see if promises that were made in 2005 have been kept. AfricaVox 2007 brings you new perspectives and differing views on the G8.Good Riddance Attention Whore
30-05-2007 14:47

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Indymedia G8 Timeline online!
30-05-2007 14:15
From now on, you can find verified, up-to-date news also via the new Timeline webpage:

New Useful G8 Info Online!
30-05-2007 13:38
The Interventionist Left's (IL) website has been updated with new and important info. Take a moment to check it out!Indymedia Photo Exhibition
30-05-2007 13:15
There are plans to put together an exhibition of photos published on Indymedia which can be put up on display at social centers or taken to outreach events such as the alt media tent at the Big Green Gathering this year etc. However, there have been no clear ideas on how photos might be selected so over to you....Anarchists join Gay Pride march
30-05-2007 12:24
Local anarchists supported the march and distributed leaflets.Week of actions against NATO in Sweden
30-05-2007 11:53

The response force held a huge naval exercise in the Baltic Sea at the end of May, and 37 ships stopped in Göteborg beforehand for preparations.
The G-8 Meeting...
30-05-2007 11:27

G8 infoweek and more at rampART
30-05-2007 09:59
While the G8 summit takes place in Germany, the rampART will be hosting a series of G8 Info Nights with indymedia access point,presentations and discussions along with the latest news of what's going on at the protests. Each night will have a specific theme as well as screenings of the latest footage...PLEASE DO GET INVOLVED
Afghanistan: war crimes amnesty prepares further atrocities
30-05-2007 09:46

‘I took a picture of Tower Bridge and was arrested for terrorism’
30-05-2007 09:35
Salam AbdulrahmanA chilling glimpse of ‘stop and search’ Britain
Republican Candidates Employ “al-Qaeda” Fairy Tales
30-05-2007 08:29
Like paranoid schizophrenic neglecting his meds, Senator John McCain tells us Osama will get us if the United States pulls out of Iraq.Bush supporters, soon enough to lend support to McCain, Guiliani, or Romney, are so inculcated with impossible and fantastic Brothers Grimm stories about turban-wearing terrorists they have completely surrendered their higher reasoning faculties, that is if they had any to begin with.
The Basement Social Center needs you!
30-05-2007 01:13
After the fire on Lever Street, the Basement Social Center is in need of urgent help.Black Ribbon Campaign
29-05-2007 21:56
The news is that many people around the world have had enough of the killing of human beings and animals. The Black Ribbon Camapign urges all your readers who feel likewise to wear a black ribbon to show you want an end to the killing.Bush's New Middle East
29-05-2007 21:43
" ... under the skywithout hope
the self inside me dies ...
I will always be from nowhere
Without a face, without a history
from nowhere."
"Traveler without Luggage" by Abdul-Wahab Al-Bayyati
Simon Reynolds interview: Pop, politics, hip-hop and postpunk
29-05-2007 21:34
Jamie Reid's 1977 cover for the Sex Pistols' single God Save The Queen. You can see the original artwork and much more at Panic Attack! Art In The Punk Years, an exhibition at the Barbican art gallery in central London running until September 2007.
Saturday Inspiration: Peace is Possible
29-05-2007 20:14

R.S.V.P. - Saturdays - Parliament Square
The Vicar of Baghdad, peacemaker or powerbroker ?
29-05-2007 19:25
The five Britons kidnapped in Baghdad work for Garda World, a Canadian security firm. Channel 4 news tonight led with a feature on them, where Jon Snow was pretty sceptical about their chances of survival due to their profession. There are 20,000 foriegn 'private security guards' in Iraq who are widely hated for acting like private mercenaries unconstrained by laws or morals. Jon seemed surprised to hear a few hundred of them have already been killed.Gulf Stream Slowed by 30% Since 1957
29-05-2007 17:37
Failing ocean current raises fears of mini ice ageBy Mike Rhodes
From the NYCity IMC, 5/25/07