G8 infoweek and more at rampART
rampART | 30.05.2007 09:59 | G8 Germany 2007 | Analysis | Free Spaces | Indymedia | Migration | Social Struggles | London
While the G8 summit takes place in Germany, the rampART will be hosting a series of G8 Info Nights with indymedia access point,presentations and discussions along with the latest news of what's going on at the protests. Each night will have a specific theme as well as screenings of the latest footage...
This weeks cinema presents SOPHIE SCHOLL - THE FINAL DAYS
While protesters gather in Germany to protest against the policies and
existence of the G8, and while civil liberties in this country are being
erased bit by bit and permission must be sought to exercise 'free' speech,
this film seemed somehow rather apt. It's about members of the White Rose,
a group of mostly students produced and distributed anti-war leaflets in
nazi Germany during the second world war and paid a heavy price.
"In 1943, as Hitler continues to wage war across Europe, a group of
college students mount an underground resistance movement in Munich.
Dedicated expressly to the downfall of the monolithic Third Reich war
machine, they call themselves the White Rose. One of its few female
members, Sophie Scholl is captured during a dangerous mission to
distribute pamphlets on campus with her brother Hans. Unwavering in her
convictions and loyalty to the White Rose, her cross-examination by the
Gestapo quickly escalates into a searing test of wills as Scholl delivers
a passionate call to freedom and personal responsibility that is both
haunting and timeless."
"SOPHIE SCHOLL stars Julia Jentsch in a luminous performance as the young
coed-turned-fearless activist. Armed with long-buried historical records
of her incarceration, director Marc Rothemund expertly re-creates the last
six days of Sophie Scholl's life: a heart-stopping journey from arrest to
interrogation, trial and sentence."
http://www.sophieschollmovie.com/ and
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Rose for more information about the
White Rose and their bravery.)
While the G8 summit takes place in Germany, the rampART will be hosting a
series of G8 Info Nights with films, presentations and discussions along
with the latest news of what's going on at the protests. Each night we'll
screen the latest footage and reports and there will be the opportunity
for people to plan solidarity actions etc.
You could also check out the podcasts from the FLASH RADIO team who will
be reporting from the G8 everyday. Tune in from the 2nd to the 10th of
June from 10pm to stream or download a daily half hour programme and get
news and audible documents of groups and individuals who have come to
campaign and work for change.
Their second podcast is on-line now and covers the upcoming events and
background information on the G8, the opposition to it and the alternative
summit. The Flash Radio repression forecast informs on the current
political climate.
'40 years enough' films and discussion
In Israel preparations are a foot for next months celebrations of 'the
reunification of Jerusalem', the 40th anniversary of the end of the 1967
Six Day War. The date marks the beginning of the Israeli military
occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The anniversary will
also be accompanied by an international day of action on 9th June in
protest against Israel's ongoing violent and illegal occupation.
In London, there will be a massive march meet at 1.30pm on Saturday 9
June, at Lincoln's Inn Fields for the march to Trafalgar Square. (see
To get you in the mood there will be a discussion and film screenings at
the rampART . Amoung the films being screened will be ARNA'S
CHILDREN - the story of a theatre group that was established by Arna Mer
Khamis. Arna comes from a Zionist family and in the 1950s married a
Palestinian Arab, Saliba Khamis. On the West Bank, she opened an
alternative education system for children whose regular life was disrupted
by the Israeli occupation. The theatre group that she started engaged
children from Jenin, helping them to express their everyday frustrations,
anger, bitterness and fear.
Arna's son Juliano, director of this film, was also one of the directors
of Jenin's theatre. With his camera, he filmed the children during
rehearsal periods from 1989 to 1996. Now, he goes back to see what
happened to them. Yussef committed a suicide attack in Hadera in 2001,
Ashraf was killed in the battle of Jenin, Alla leads a resistance group.
Juliano, who today is one of the leading actors in the region, looks back
in time in Jenin, trying to understand the choices made by the children he
loved and worked with. Eight years ago, the theatre was closed and life
became static and paralysed. Shifting back and forth in time, the film
reveals the tragedy and horror of lives trapped by the circumstances of
the Israeli occupation.
From 7pm at RampARTs:
RampART, 15 Rampart Street, off Commercial Road, London, E1 2LA.
An evening of films, information and updates on the progress of the
mobilisation against the G8 summit. See the latest footage from Germany,
discuss ways of showing our solidarity, especially legal assistance.
Throughout the period of the summit, volunteers will be downloading video
footage of the demonstrations and direct action in northern Germany and of
solidarity actions around the world. Come down to RampARTs (LOndon, E1) to
catch up with the latest developments on the ground.
There will also be discussions on how we can show solidarity with the
mobilisation, especially if the repression is severe (ie, mass preventative
arrests, closure of the camps or convergences centres, injuries or worse).
We should be prepared to 'move fast, strike harder'.
Presentation and discussion on energy.
"Less is a Four Letter Word" - starts 7.30pm
Energy security is THE hot topic at the G8 this year - and for good
reason. T here are more people using more energy than at any other time in
human history. The US, UK and most of Europe are now importing an
increasing quanity of fuel to meet the growing demands and at the same
time, China, India and Russia are also reaching out to secure their needs.
Where is this all leading? Do the policies of the worlds super powers make
any sense?
Paul Mobbs will be at the rampART as part of the " Wakey Wakey!" Spring
Tour 2007, addressing peak energy issues nationwide. Less is a Four Letter
Word is the title of his forthcoming book on energy, economic growth and
climate change. The book continues from where his previous book, Energy
Beyond Oil finishes: If we are truly to find the solution to energy
depletion and climate change then we must tackle the driving force behind
both – economic growth.
At the heart of our economic policy there is a serious inconsistency
between public policy and the Laws of Thermodynamics: Public policy, and
the position of all our mainstream political parties, suggests that
inexorable economic growth is not only attainable, but essential to our
well-being; this is in contrast to the Laws of Thermodynamics which state
that energy is constant, that our use of energy merely degrades its
quality, and hence that human society must, as some point in the future,
meet the absolute limits of the Earth's environment.
In this sense, Peak Energy, climate change, water shortages and
environmental pollution should be looked at as a problem that is inherent
within a system that strives for continual growth. In the past we have
used dense energy source, especially fossil fuels, to stave off the
problems of environmental limits (e.g., by pumping water further,
transporting natural resources further), but the advent of Peak Energy
precludes the option to solve environmental constraints in the future.
Consequently any solution that might bring our use of finite natural
resources must first resolve the conflict between Earth systems science
and economics – the human species must learn to live within the Earth's
natural limits, and ultimately this means that we will have to abandon the
concept of continual growth.
http://www.fraw.org.uk/tour/index.shtml#programme for full details or
contact Paul Mobbs
After discussion we'll screen further material from the mobilisations
around the G8.
>> FRIDAY 8TH JUNE - No Borders G8 Night
films, footage & feedback from the G8 in Germany
People from No Borders London are taking part in protets against the G8
Summit in Rostock, Germany in the first week in June 2007. Demonstrations
and meetings around migration and racism will be a major strand of the
week's events.
On Friday 8th June, there will be a benefit night in London featuring report
backs from the G8 followed by a benefit party for the Gatwick No Border
Camp (19-24 September 07) featuring HEADJAM (dub/ska/punk) + DJ & MC set
by DubNeg.
donation at door.
http://www.noborders.org uk
Queers Against G8, fundraiser for the Queer Dome.
More info next week.
Some of you might remember the Info Usurpa, a weekly flysheet of events
lists from social centers in London. Sadly the project folded a couple of
years ago but now there are some people trying to kick it back into life.
The first meeting for preparation for relaunch is Thursday 07
June at the Camberwell Squat. If anyone's is interested, just turn up.
We don't usually inflict adverts on you but thought it would be a good
idea to let you know about the book produced by the Trapese collective
called 'DO IT YOURSELF - A Handbook for Changing Our World'. Climate
change, resource wars, privatisation, the growing gap between rich and
poor, politicians that don't listen. Massive issues, but how can we make
any difference? Described as 'a radical guide to ethical and sustainable
living', this book is not a book about what's wrong with the world, but a
collection of dynamic ideas which explore how we can build radical and
meaningful social change, ourselves, here and now. Covering nine themes,
the book weaves together analysis, stories and experiences. It combines
in-depth analytical chapters followed by easy to follow "How to Guides"
with practical ideas for organising collectively for change.
Do It Yourself is part of a growing response from the global social
justice movement. Written and edited by activists and grassroots
campaigners from across the world, the book reflects on their experiments
in taking back control of their lives from governments and corporations.
You can buy copies of the book from 56a Infoshop, LARC and rampART. We're
asking 6 pounds to cover costs plus donations. If you want a copy email us
or come to one of the thursday cinema nights.
This weeks cinema presents SOPHIE SCHOLL - THE FINAL DAYS
While protesters gather in Germany to protest against the policies and
existence of the G8, and while civil liberties in this country are being
erased bit by bit and permission must be sought to exercise 'free' speech,
this film seemed somehow rather apt. It's about members of the White Rose,
a group of mostly students produced and distributed anti-war leaflets in
nazi Germany during the second world war and paid a heavy price.
"In 1943, as Hitler continues to wage war across Europe, a group of
college students mount an underground resistance movement in Munich.
Dedicated expressly to the downfall of the monolithic Third Reich war
machine, they call themselves the White Rose. One of its few female
members, Sophie Scholl is captured during a dangerous mission to
distribute pamphlets on campus with her brother Hans. Unwavering in her
convictions and loyalty to the White Rose, her cross-examination by the
Gestapo quickly escalates into a searing test of wills as Scholl delivers
a passionate call to freedom and personal responsibility that is both
haunting and timeless."
"SOPHIE SCHOLL stars Julia Jentsch in a luminous performance as the young
coed-turned-fearless activist. Armed with long-buried historical records
of her incarceration, director Marc Rothemund expertly re-creates the last
six days of Sophie Scholl's life: a heart-stopping journey from arrest to
interrogation, trial and sentence."

White Rose and their bravery.)
While the G8 summit takes place in Germany, the rampART will be hosting a
series of G8 Info Nights with films, presentations and discussions along
with the latest news of what's going on at the protests. Each night we'll
screen the latest footage and reports and there will be the opportunity
for people to plan solidarity actions etc.
You could also check out the podcasts from the FLASH RADIO team who will
be reporting from the G8 everyday. Tune in from the 2nd to the 10th of
June from 10pm to stream or download a daily half hour programme and get
news and audible documents of groups and individuals who have come to
campaign and work for change.
Their second podcast is on-line now and covers the upcoming events and
background information on the G8, the opposition to it and the alternative
summit. The Flash Radio repression forecast informs on the current
political climate.

'40 years enough' films and discussion
In Israel preparations are a foot for next months celebrations of 'the
reunification of Jerusalem', the 40th anniversary of the end of the 1967
Six Day War. The date marks the beginning of the Israeli military
occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The anniversary will
also be accompanied by an international day of action on 9th June in
protest against Israel's ongoing violent and illegal occupation.
In London, there will be a massive march meet at 1.30pm on Saturday 9
June, at Lincoln's Inn Fields for the march to Trafalgar Square. (see

To get you in the mood there will be a discussion and film screenings at
the rampART . Amoung the films being screened will be ARNA'S
CHILDREN - the story of a theatre group that was established by Arna Mer
Khamis. Arna comes from a Zionist family and in the 1950s married a
Palestinian Arab, Saliba Khamis. On the West Bank, she opened an
alternative education system for children whose regular life was disrupted
by the Israeli occupation. The theatre group that she started engaged
children from Jenin, helping them to express their everyday frustrations,
anger, bitterness and fear.
Arna's son Juliano, director of this film, was also one of the directors
of Jenin's theatre. With his camera, he filmed the children during
rehearsal periods from 1989 to 1996. Now, he goes back to see what
happened to them. Yussef committed a suicide attack in Hadera in 2001,
Ashraf was killed in the battle of Jenin, Alla leads a resistance group.
Juliano, who today is one of the leading actors in the region, looks back
in time in Jenin, trying to understand the choices made by the children he
loved and worked with. Eight years ago, the theatre was closed and life
became static and paralysed. Shifting back and forth in time, the film
reveals the tragedy and horror of lives trapped by the circumstances of
the Israeli occupation.
From 7pm at RampARTs:
RampART, 15 Rampart Street, off Commercial Road, London, E1 2LA.
An evening of films, information and updates on the progress of the
mobilisation against the G8 summit. See the latest footage from Germany,
discuss ways of showing our solidarity, especially legal assistance.
Throughout the period of the summit, volunteers will be downloading video
footage of the demonstrations and direct action in northern Germany and of
solidarity actions around the world. Come down to RampARTs (LOndon, E1) to
catch up with the latest developments on the ground.
There will also be discussions on how we can show solidarity with the
mobilisation, especially if the repression is severe (ie, mass preventative
arrests, closure of the camps or convergences centres, injuries or worse).
We should be prepared to 'move fast, strike harder'.
Presentation and discussion on energy.
"Less is a Four Letter Word" - starts 7.30pm
Energy security is THE hot topic at the G8 this year - and for good
reason. T here are more people using more energy than at any other time in
human history. The US, UK and most of Europe are now importing an
increasing quanity of fuel to meet the growing demands and at the same
time, China, India and Russia are also reaching out to secure their needs.
Where is this all leading? Do the policies of the worlds super powers make
any sense?
Paul Mobbs will be at the rampART as part of the " Wakey Wakey!" Spring
Tour 2007, addressing peak energy issues nationwide. Less is a Four Letter
Word is the title of his forthcoming book on energy, economic growth and
climate change. The book continues from where his previous book, Energy
Beyond Oil finishes: If we are truly to find the solution to energy
depletion and climate change then we must tackle the driving force behind
both – economic growth.
At the heart of our economic policy there is a serious inconsistency
between public policy and the Laws of Thermodynamics: Public policy, and
the position of all our mainstream political parties, suggests that
inexorable economic growth is not only attainable, but essential to our
well-being; this is in contrast to the Laws of Thermodynamics which state
that energy is constant, that our use of energy merely degrades its
quality, and hence that human society must, as some point in the future,
meet the absolute limits of the Earth's environment.
In this sense, Peak Energy, climate change, water shortages and
environmental pollution should be looked at as a problem that is inherent
within a system that strives for continual growth. In the past we have
used dense energy source, especially fossil fuels, to stave off the
problems of environmental limits (e.g., by pumping water further,
transporting natural resources further), but the advent of Peak Energy
precludes the option to solve environmental constraints in the future.
Consequently any solution that might bring our use of finite natural
resources must first resolve the conflict between Earth systems science
and economics – the human species must learn to live within the Earth's
natural limits, and ultimately this means that we will have to abandon the
concept of continual growth.

contact Paul Mobbs

After discussion we'll screen further material from the mobilisations
around the G8.
>> FRIDAY 8TH JUNE - No Borders G8 Night
films, footage & feedback from the G8 in Germany
People from No Borders London are taking part in protets against the G8
Summit in Rostock, Germany in the first week in June 2007. Demonstrations
and meetings around migration and racism will be a major strand of the
week's events.
On Friday 8th June, there will be a benefit night in London featuring report
backs from the G8 followed by a benefit party for the Gatwick No Border
Camp (19-24 September 07) featuring HEADJAM (dub/ska/punk) + DJ & MC set
by DubNeg.
donation at door.


Queers Against G8, fundraiser for the Queer Dome.
More info next week.
Some of you might remember the Info Usurpa, a weekly flysheet of events
lists from social centers in London. Sadly the project folded a couple of
years ago but now there are some people trying to kick it back into life.
The first meeting for preparation for relaunch is Thursday 07
June at the Camberwell Squat. If anyone's is interested, just turn up.
We don't usually inflict adverts on you but thought it would be a good
idea to let you know about the book produced by the Trapese collective
called 'DO IT YOURSELF - A Handbook for Changing Our World'. Climate
change, resource wars, privatisation, the growing gap between rich and
poor, politicians that don't listen. Massive issues, but how can we make
any difference? Described as 'a radical guide to ethical and sustainable
living', this book is not a book about what's wrong with the world, but a
collection of dynamic ideas which explore how we can build radical and
meaningful social change, ourselves, here and now. Covering nine themes,
the book weaves together analysis, stories and experiences. It combines
in-depth analytical chapters followed by easy to follow "How to Guides"
with practical ideas for organising collectively for change.
Do It Yourself is part of a growing response from the global social
justice movement. Written and edited by activists and grassroots
campaigners from across the world, the book reflects on their experiments
in taking back control of their lives from governments and corporations.
You can buy copies of the book from 56a Infoshop, LARC and rampART. We're
asking 6 pounds to cover costs plus donations. If you want a copy email us
or come to one of the thursday cinema nights.