UK Newswire Archive
05-03-2003 12:19
On Saturday, the 22nd of February, at 2:00 p.m., MARTHA CECILIA GOMEZ REYES, EMCALI EICE worker, in the telephone section of Versailles, SINTRAEMCALI delegate and wife of the union vice-president LUIS IMBACHI, received a call on her cell phone, which ended with the caller saying: "You are going to die".STOP THE WARMONGERS - DISRUPT THEIR CONFERENCE
05-03-2003 12:04
Despite 2 million marching against the war, the warmongers continue to plan in private. On Monday 10 - Tuesday 11 March they will attend a conference Transforming Defence in the 21st Century.Arrest Goebbles Murdoch.
05-03-2003 11:33
When Phoney Blair has been dragged before the International Criminal Court moves should be made against Goebbles.Cybercampaign to save public services in Cali, Colombia
05-03-2003 11:22
Stop the privatisation of EMCALI, Colombia. Keep water, electricity and telecomms public.A united movement between the trade union SINTRAEMCALI and community organisations in the city of Cali, Colombia has fought for several years to prevent the privatisation of water, electricity and telecommunications services provided by EMCALI municipal corporation, but now the government has moved to liquidate EMCALI.
manure iraq war protest
05-03-2003 10:15
Manure protest9am, This morning Undercurrents recorded Mark Thomas dumping a truckload of
manure at labour party offices in London in protest at the UK/US resolution 2
about the Iraq War.
Broadcast video images are available from Underurrents on 07973 298359
Manure protest
9am, This morning Undercurrents recorded Mark Thomas dumping a truckload of
manure at labour party offices in London in protest at the UK/US resolution 2
about the Iraq War.
Broadcast video images are available from Underurrents on 07973 298359
manure protest
Ref USA deportation of Abel castello-Diaz,
05-03-2003 10:03
Ref USA deportation of Abel castello-Diaz,
I would be extreemly appreciative if you give support to the case of Abel castello-Diaz:He is a39 year old Critical Care RN who was trained in the USA country during his 26years living there is been deported at the end of a 15 year effort to become a citizen,because of a clerical error.He presently working at Abington Memorial Hospital(AMH), Abington. PA.

23 soldiers killed as suspected rebels down helicopter
05-03-2003 10:01
The Colombian Army looses yet another US donated Black Hawk helicopter during clashes with guerrillas. Several serious reverses for the government forces in the last few weeks.The State Of The Left In Britain
05-03-2003 09:19
If the Truth hurts..Prepare for Pain!(75 year Old)Shepherd shot by Israeli army
05-03-2003 09:00
Courageous ZIONAZI terrorists gunned down a 75 year old donkey riding shepherd, tending his flock near an Illegal Israeli settlement, which just happens to be a no go areafor Palestinians, in their own fucking country .
This weeks murders include a pregnant woman buried under the rubble of her own home.
Obstruct & Resist - Week of Action Against the War 17th - 23rd March
05-03-2003 07:36
Obstruct & Resist - Push for PeaceWeek Of Action againt the War designated for 17th - 23rd
of March. Statement from Pledge of Resistance gathering in London (1st March)calling for an increase in activity against any attack on Iraq.
Man arrested for wearing Peace T-shirt in American Mall
05-03-2003 06:35
In the privatised suburban town centres of America, this is perfectly legal.AUDIO: Tariq Ali: Imperialism: Then and Now
05-03-2003 06:27
Tariq Ali spoke with Alternative Radio's David Barsamian on Jan 26, 2003 in Porto Alegre, Brazil; mp3 broadband or dial-up, streaming or downloadLive Nude Terror!
05-03-2003 03:26

QuickTime, (4:53), 22.9 MB
Koteka Prisoner Support..please make a call, we know it makes a difference
05-03-2003 02:47
text filePapanastasiou: When capitalist's get erections, countries go to war.
05-03-2003 01:54
Over 2000 years ago, Plato directly described the reasons for war in 'The Republic', a study of collective metaphysics.Sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse
05-03-2003 00:09
Why is it the case that when you look back over history you find that time and time again the Right becomes more and more powerful, and the left become the sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse?Saddam announces plans to invade Turkey
04-03-2003 23:50
This is an exclusive report from Baghdad Network News(BNN)