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Sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse

Brent Herbert | 05.03.2003 00:09

Why is it the case that when you look back over history you find that time and time again the Right becomes more and more powerful, and the left become the sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse?

History has repeated itself constantly over the course of the twentieth century and this being the case we can look back over the previous century and make note of the pattern that emerges. What we find is that the Extreme Right rises to power again and again, in different nations at various times, and then the 'left', the 'progressives', the 'liberals' get sent to the slaughterhouse.

You can consider the example of Argentina where, after being tortured for weeks, you know, to find who their friends were, the 'left' then 'disappeared'. They disappeared in Indonesia as well (somewhere between half a million and a million were slaughtered during the 'year of living dangerously' at the hands of the Kap Gestapu). Of course they disappeared or went into hiding in Nazi Germany, after being stripped of their rights, one after another, as once again the Extreme Right Wing rose to power, destroying such things as 'Constitutions' or 'Bill of Rights' and other such worthless nonsense. In Chile, after some suicide bomber crashed a plane into the Chilean capitol, the Extreme Right rose to power, and once again the 'left' did the 'disappearing thing', after, of course, screaming bloody murder for a few days or weeks in the dungeons. They have been slaughtered in El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti, just name a few more of the countless countries in which the left was once again assigned the role of the sheep to be slaughtered, and today they are just being slaughtered in Columbia, currently the worst place in the world to be a 'human rights worker' or a 'union organizer' or even a campaigner for such things as 'women's rights'.

A person could go on and on like this, and there have been many things written which purport to analyze the 'failure of the left' over the last century, attempts to analyze these failures by the left as well as gloating pieces written by the always triumphant right.

Therefore, I find the current time to be of particular interest, since it is like a living laboratory, in which, in real time, one can study this phenomena of the rise of the Right, the destruction of freedoms and rights, the waging of aggressive warfare, and so on, as well as study what happens to the left in such times, and thus analyze thoroughly the failures of the left in real time.

Now my analysis is preliminary, but from what I have seen so far, the power of the right is the power of oppression and fear, in particular the fear of death, a power the left does not possess. It is also the power of violence, for example, sending the Waffen SS out to beat the hell of people, and so on. This factor cannot be ignored.

However, given this, there is still further analysis to be made, and I would suggest that you should always kill a dragon when its small, because the bigger it gets the harder it is to destroy. You should get that dragon before that dragon gets you. Its one of those deals where its either going to be the dragon that gets got or its going to be you, one of those 'us or them' type deals.

A survey of human experience indicates that mistakes can result in the most ruthless results, and if one stumbles, well one can very easily stumble right into the abyss. There is very little room for error and there is no mercy for missing lost opportunities. So then on the 'left' one must be both as innocent as a lamb, while at the same time being as cunning as a serpent.

The campaign to impeach George W. Bush

Brent Herbert


Display the following 4 comments

  1. Unfair — Paul Edwards
  2. left or right called left? — ....
  3. never again — kurious oranj
  4. doh! — kurious oranj