UK Newswire Archive
Woomera hunger strikers at the Strand, full article
09-07-2002 17:13
Since yesterday four hunger strikers have positioned themselves in front of Australia House at the Strand (London). They are staging a protest in support of the refugees locked up in the notorious Australian Woomera Detention Centre, who have been on hunger strike themselves for the past sixteen days.REGISTER NOW! WRI Triennial Conference, Dublin, 3-9 August 2002
09-07-2002 16:45

Communique (1st & last) from AAK: An Open Letter...
09-07-2002 15:26
An open letter to “activists” and particularly “anarchists”:From the Anti-Authoritarian Koalition (AAK).
(Waging war to liberate ourselves. Dismantling the Dead Zones of Consumerism)
Colombia: urgent action requests
09-07-2002 12:51
forwarded from Colombia Solidarity Campaign:Anarchist Travelling Circus
09-07-2002 12:07
An idea for a UK-wide series of actions, projects andevents, and a mobilisation against the latest knees up
of the powermongers of world misery - the G8 Summit
taking place in Paris, June 6th 2003.
Death penalty, Afghanistan and Arafat
09-07-2002 12:01
Today in Global Observer
09-07-2002 11:54
Sharon has been operating on the assumption that President Bush can be manipulated into supporting Israeli war provocations because Bush et al. seek to justify a serious defense buildup, which would require a perceived war danger, to win Congressional support.Iran reform movement anniversary
09-07-2002 11:28
Third anniversary of student dormitory attack to pass quietly this year.British Anarchism email list
09-07-2002 10:38
New list for anarchists in Britain, email
Call for the Strasbourg anti- SIS international camp, 19-28 July 2002
09-07-2002 10:35
Call for the Strasbourg anti- SIS international camp, 19-28 July 2002OECD / Siena 10 /12 July
09-07-2002 10:34
Tomorrow in siena the OECD meeting kicks of under the title"Siena a model for rural developement" no kidding
the mafia ridden province of siena is being touted as the role model for rural dev' in the OECD the event is sponsored by the oldest bank in the world MPS..
Welcome Ian Duncan Smith - with a spliff
09-07-2002 10:14
Torie leader IDS says of the cannabis experiment in Brixton: "Ultimately, this issue is about whether the forces of law and order control an area or whether it is controlled by other forces." Proposal: The "other forces" give him a nice reception when he comes round.BRISTOLIAN NEWSPAPER SET FOR 20,000 A WEEK!
09-07-2002 10:06
Radical publishing success story as community paper takes on local media monopoly and circulation is about to go up to 20,000 a week distributed FREE!Hunger Strikers take over the Strand
09-07-2002 10:02
At 11:30 today the hunger strikers who have positioned themselves at the Strand (London) in support of the asylum seekers locked up in the notorious Australian Woomera Detention Centre, will move to the Australian High Commission. They need your support!They are brain washing us in our communities!
09-07-2002 09:12
Not content with brainwashing our children, especially at primary school level, they are now brainwashing our community activists and leaders. These middle class regeneration administrators and their outreach workers will go to any lengths to help the oligarchy and the rich property developers to get their hands on our regeneration funding.