UK Newswire Archive
Take Your Message to the BBC, Wed, 26th
23-03-2003 22:01
Not happy with the BBC reporting of anit-war protests ? Take the message to their doorstep.Unlawfull assemblies against War- Fairford and London's Westend
23-03-2003 21:59
While one group of Rhythms of Resistance London, brought their percussive protest and samba spirit to the STWC’s march to Hyde Park, another band of RoRer’s tried to go to USAF Fairford. However events didn’t turn out as expected and people ended up reclaiming the streets of London’s Westend, if not the baseDemonstration against the use of Depleated Uranium
23-03-2003 21:48
Demonstration against the use of Depleated Uranium in Iraq and Galloway.Write on the money!
23-03-2003 20:38
Does Tony Blair care about the Iraqi people? Nope. Does Tony Blair care about democracy or popular opinion in the UK? Nope. So what DOES Tony Blair care about?Latest from Human Shields in Irak, Sunday 23
23-03-2003 20:02
Bombing of Baghdad! Calling All Comrades!
Human Shields Iraq
Friends and comrades!
We are Doing Our bit Here!
Please Do Your bit! and Stop this War before its too Bloody Late!
Howard, Bush and Blair are acting like dictators. They are not listening to the people, they are taking their marching orders from the big oil companies. The only thing that will stop this war will be civil disobedience!
GrandMother Waratah, Rosemarie Gillespie, (australian)
Rumsfeld's Outragous Comment
23-03-2003 19:50
Rumsfeld distorts history to try and score propaganda points on possible treatment of US POW's.Latest from Human Shields in Irak, Sunday 23
23-03-2003 19:49
Bombing of Baghdad! Calling All Comrades!Human Shields Iraq
Friends and comrades!
We are doing Our bit Here!
Please Do Your bit! and Stop this War! before its too Bloody Late!
Truth Justice Peace Human Shields
GrandMother Waratah, Rosemarie Gillespie ( Australian)
Howard, Bush and Blair are acting like dictators. They are not listening to the people, they are taking their marching orders from the big oil companies. The only thing that will stop this war will be civil disobedience.
News from Baghdad n. 19
23-03-2003 19:41
This is the translation of one of a series of reports by *Robdinz* on Italy IMC.*Robdinz* is not in Baghdad but is in contact by phone with several freelance journalists, 6 or 7 human shields and a few Iraqi citizens that work with them.
Report n. 19. Originally posted on Sunday March 23, 2003 at 02:16 PM.
Plea to Europe - Make the Next London Anti-war demo International
23-03-2003 19:34
Call for people to treat London demos like G8 or WTO conferences - there is no point protesting in countries that are already anti-war.A CRIMINAL MILITARY IN THE SPANISH TVE.
23-03-2003 19:15
The?Presidente of the Government? of Spain, Today day 20 of March of the 2003, to 12.11, hour takes part Five minutes in the TVE, to give to its first official notice or Part military.VIDEO & AUDIO DUBLIN Anti War Demo
23-03-2003 19:12

(article 1) hacked off!!
23-03-2003 18:56

Photo Blockade in Park Lane, London, M22
23-03-2003 18:45

Witness Appeal - London Anti -War Demo
23-03-2003 18:31
Witnesses to Thursday's police brutality in Londo needed to fight criminal charges.More photos from Menwith
23-03-2003 18:24

(article 1)
Videos of Recent Anti-War Protests in Manchester
23-03-2003 18:15
Manchester has witnessed many anti-war protests over the past few day--and police repression.The americans sloughtering iraqe civilians
23-03-2003 17:56
this is what the media dont shaw must see