UK Newswire Archive
New HLS supplier caught out: Staples
06-02-2008 23:30

Zapatistas imprisoned after attack by paramilitaries and police
06-02-2008 23:01
Mexican Government forces continue their attacks against unarmed Zapatista support bases with the shooting, beating and imprisonment of a father and son near Palenque in the lowland region of Chiapas.Sussex Uni Students Challenge Uni and Home Office over Animal Experiments
06-02-2008 22:40

£1.7 Billion Taxpayer Bill To Pay Off Metronet Fat Cats
06-02-2008 22:32
Reported today, just about everywhere, Metronet lenders will be repaid £1.7 Billion from the taxpayer.Victory! MoD Goat Experiments Stopped
06-02-2008 22:27

Toddlers not Immune from Discrimination in Israel
06-02-2008 20:29
Lieberman would be forced to step down from the Government of any truly 'civilized' country.Tomorrow: Another Escalation of Gaza Collective Punishment
06-02-2008 20:27
If the Israeli policy makers think for a moment that this siege of Gaza will make Gazan Palestinians renounce Hamas in favor of the notoriously corrupt Fatah, they are making one huge mistake.Gazan Palestinians do not blame Hamas (which won the last election handily in what observers characterized as a free and fair election).
They blame Israel, period, end of discussion.
But the Israelis are very smart people, and already know that a change of heart, leading Gazan Palestinians to renounce Hamas and embrace Fatah probably won't happen.
Could it be that Israel craves more violence on the part (allegedly) of Hamas as their justification of bombing Gaza to the point where no Gazan Palestinian will be left standing?
The Strangulation of Gaza
06-02-2008 20:10
I always wondered how the world could sit idly by while Hitler enacted his plot against the Jews.I'm beginning to get it now ...
Towards Iran War: New False Flag Planned?
06-02-2008 20:07
Interesting how detailed the 'warnings', designed to scare the public, are, yet these same agencies already know they won't be able to stop this? Another attack will not only show Bush/PNAC to be complicit or incompetent, but will expose as pointless everything they've said and done these terrible seven years.Re Secretary of State for Health Alan Johnson's release on water fluoridation
06-02-2008 19:59
The DoH refuses to acknowledge extensive evidence that the side effects of fluoridation can be so severe that, were it to be classified as a medicinal product (as EC law demands) then it would instantly be withdrawn from the market. In attempting to remedy a small number of defects in a few children's teeth, this 'remedy' will actually cause damage to all of the teeth of half of the children drinking this quack medicne.Gladio – Death Plan For Democracy
06-02-2008 19:58
"The detention in Istanbul last week of alleged members of a shadowy Turkish ultranationalist group has revived charges that elements within the Turkish security apparatus have long tried to destabilize the country through a campaign of bombings and assassinations. These allegedly include false flag operations that have been attributed to Kurdish separatists and violent Islamists... The Turkish media have claimed that the latest arrests follow intelligence reports that the gang was planning to carry out a series of high level assassinations...what Turks call... deep state has its origins in what are commonly called Gladio operations " - Mass Arrests Expose Operations of Turkey's "Deep State" - By Gareth JenkinsThe use of proxy mercenary forces to terrorize nations into submitting to US political demands has been the cornerstone of American foreign policy since at least the era of the Berlin Wall, and it still is.
Another attempt to remove Christopher and Calvin
06-02-2008 19:24

Rally to stop eviciton of Dale Farm - Monday
06-02-2008 19:15
RALLY OUTSIDE HIGHCOURT CALLS FOR MORATORIUM ON CONSTANT EVICTIONSThe fate of Dale Farm, the largest Travellers' community in the UK, could be decided by judges at the High Court next week.
Charly: urgent help needed. Perparim shall stay!
06-02-2008 18:25
Charly from Leeds and her 4 month old baby to be deported to Cameroon tomorrow Thursday 7th February.
Peparim and family grated status.
no work no home
06-02-2008 15:47
In a speech to the Fabian Society, government minister Caroline Flint says no work, no home.Palestine Today 020608
06-02-2008 15:34

Squat meeting this weekend
06-02-2008 14:01
its getting close to the weekend, so this is a reminder that we are inviting people involved in all squatted autonomous spaces around the UK to meet and discuss the squatting situation and some preparation for the days of action in April. The idea for this meeting is inspired by the recent international meeting in Dijon.SAVE The Livesey Museum for Children from tory/libdem cuts -sign the petition
06-02-2008 13:12
A free and valuable resource for local and london community families is under threat of closure by southwark's tory/lib-dem councils in needless council-cuts.