UK Newswire Archive
Ecuadorian Mission occupied in Geneva, Switzerdland
11-02-2001 19:25
Friday at 17H, 50 persons assembled in front of the WTO in Geneva withbanners saying:
"...Prague, Davos, ECUADOR ...
We occupied the Ecuadorean Mission to the WTO, which is exactly across the
street from WTO.
Naples, 15-17 March 2001- Take to the Streets against the OECD
11-02-2001 14:46
Resist the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD)Naples, 15-17 March 2001
Take to the Streets Against the Global Forum on Electronic Government
The tyrants of the world gather in March 2001 to Naples. In those days, from the 15 to 17 March, we will be in the roads of Naples in order to disturb and boycott their criminal designs.
Peace Activists to Stand Trial for Cutting Project ELF Poles (english)
11-02-2001 08:08
Bonnie Urfer and Michael Sprong go to trial in US District Court on February 20 in Madison, WI. On June 24, 2000, they cut down two antenna poles at the Project ELF site near Clam Lake, WI, causing the transmitter to go off-line for 24 hours. They were apprehended and subsequently charged with destruction of US Navy property. It is a trial of international significance, involving arguments concerning humanitarian laws of war and property destruction. An important ruling about whether the court will supress crucial defense testimony concerning international law and nuclear weapons is expected this Wednesday, February 14.Pictures of mobilitation against World economic forum - Davos - Switzerland
11-02-2001 02:58
Pictures of mobilitation against World economic forum - Davos - SwitzerlandU.S. Urged To Probe Human Rights Abuses in Elgin, Ill.
11-02-2001 00:06
Racial Profiling, Bill of Attainder Alleged: City of Elgin Said To Be on A Tyrannical PathWhy is England so unradical ?
10-02-2001 14:56
For anyone who has ever puzzled why England has shown an ingrained aversion to left, socialist, or indeed any radical ideas, an important theoretical breakthrough by PERRY ANDERSONEuropol persecutes anarchists and radicals
09-02-2001 22:54
The Spanish government is trying to extend its repressive campaign of criminalisation of all social movements to the rest of Europe, beware!! DissenTerrorism is the new category where you may find yourself.London School Boycotts Nestle
09-02-2001 17:06
London School Boycotts all Nestle ProductsVictory for the Mink in the U$A
08-02-2001 23:10

Press Release from the Collective for Activist Defense in Utah. (Yeah, I know this has nothing whatsoever to do with the UK, this is just to inform other animal lib folk about this tiny success.)
Mexico Readies for Zapatour: 24 EZLN Reps Headed to Mexico City
08-02-2001 22:28
Zapatista leadership headed to Mexico City. Supporters urge civil society to mobilize both inside and outside of Mexico.Victory for Ecuadorian Peoples Uprising: Government Concedes (Spanish)
08-02-2001 20:54
The Ecuadorian government has acceded to many of the very concrete demands of the indigenous peoples and peasants which have been fighting in the streets for the past week against IMF inspired policies. English translation will follow soon.How should the strike proceed ?
08-02-2001 15:56
The tube strike has been an initial success, certainly. But the danger is that the unions will merely become Livingstone's foot-soldiers. The best guarantee is for as many of the true radical anti-Livingstonians (inc IMC readers &c) to support the strikers.Gutting The First Amendment:Anti-Rave Laws, AmeriKan Style
08-02-2001 09:45
To: To all city halls, legislators, aldermans, etc., concerning this issueThis is a petition on behalf of all promoters, DJ's, and party goers. This petition is to
help stop the "Anti-Rave" law that was passed in Chicago and other major cities.
In simple terms, the law states that there can be no party that holds 100 or more
people at it with a DJ. If you are caught, you as a DJ, property owner, or promoter
can be fined up to $10,000 and/or possible jail time.
Globalise Resistance London Photo - Final Session
08-02-2001 01:04

Globalise Resistance London Photo - Kevin Danaher
08-02-2001 00:58

08-02-2001 00:00
07-02-2001 16:30
News website Common Dreams, which shares a similar objective to IMC, reports that Xavier Solana will be in Belgrade tomorrow.Ramin Khaleghi's Murderers Meet Soon
07-02-2001 15:24
On February 3, over 350 people gathered in Leicester to protest the death of Ramin Khaleghi, a 27-year-old Iranian asylum seeker, who committed suicide after receiving a refusal notice from the UK Home Office.Dogmeat Diners Want St Bernards As Delicacy
07-02-2001 06:50
A leading breeder of St Bernards was offered £1,000 perpuppy by three Vietnamese men at Cruft's who wanted
them on the menu at their gourmet restaurant.

AMERGEN: The British are COMING AGAIN! Sale of American Nukes Spells Disaster
07-02-2001 05:39
The following information is becoming out of date as people in the Northeast US are fighting the multinational takeover of our nuclear reactors. AmerGen has been stopped in New York and Vermont. However, other global power corporations are moving in to take AmerGen’s place, and they have same plans. For more info, see the website