UK Newswire Archive
Pascal Lamy report
10-03-2004 20:42
Pascal Lamy, the EU Trade Commissioner, today visited St Anthony's College in Oxford to give a talk on the economic power of the EU. A number of activists in Oxford decided to undertake various actions to make him feel welcome.Venezuela, March 2004: The logic of our times
10-03-2004 19:48
* A study of the current situation in Venezuela demystifying the image sold by the media and promoted by the current rulers or by those who aspire to take their place. Originally published in El Libertario # 36, the bimonthly newspaper of the Comision de Relaciones AnarquistasNo Arabic at McDonald's Israel
10-03-2004 19:10
Discrimination against Israel's Palestinian citizens has been expanding to include a total ban of the use of Arabic language by workers, reports Jonathan CookPost Office Closures
10-03-2004 19:06

to oppose the closure of local post offices. David Lammy, the local MP,
was there too and gave a short speech, and said he would stand up for
[Haringey] Council.
The World Still Says NO to War!
10-03-2004 18:44
Anti-war groups throughout the United States and around the globe willtake to the streets on Saturday March 20, the one-year anniversary of
the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, under the banner "The World Still Says No
to War."
UK ESF - concrete outcomes and suggestions...
10-03-2004 17:54
i have some ideas for some of the concrete changes the 'horizontals' need to fight for now, but as my other submission seemed massively long i decided to put them in this seperate one.The Mouse That Roared... (ESF European Assembly comments)
10-03-2004 17:45
This was posted to
What I feel to be the massive success of this weekend has given me some ideas...
ESF-UK efforts -- breakthrough!
10-03-2004 17:34
there was a very significant breakthough in the esf-uk organising process over the weekend at the european assembly. as part of the 'horizontals' i was part of this negotiation and it was fascinating. here i want to give my account of what went down, recognising that this is just my perspective, and to start the more detailed discussion about where we go from here.Info about 'Auto-organisation' conference in Berlin April 4th-11th
10-03-2004 17:16
'Auto-organisation' is a conferencnce and series of actions taking place in Berlin from April 4th-11th and is open to all individuals and groups involved or interested in sef-managed projects, iniviatives, groups and collectives.WILL THE CPT COME TO TURKEY IN ORDER TO REDEEM TORTURE?
10-03-2004 17:08
The CPT decided to visit Turkey in the following days, claiming that it will control the F-Type prisons.Therefore it has asked the Turkish Ministry of Justice for the necessary permissions.
In a statement published by the Anadolu Agency, the official press agency of the Turkish State, the CPT declared: "The committee is going to visit the physical and social facilities within the prisons. The physical and social facilities of the F-Type prisons in Turkey are in a very well condition. Some of the convicts participate in the production in the ateliers which were established in different areas and get paid their insurances." With such a statement they want to submit the torturous regime in Turkey 'We're going to examine your prisons. But don't worry, we're not against the torture you apply. We have to find a way to silence our own public, that's why we're going to visit them.'
Cinema Cafe Day at LARC: Sat 13th March.
10-03-2004 15:58
Collective Vision Cinema Cafe Day at London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate St. E1, from 12noon, Saturday 13th March, 12noon onwards. Films, food and social....local food initiatives
10-03-2004 15:55
Local food web provides a search engine service for buying and selling locally produced food products by area, throughout the untire UK. you simply log on and search for your location and it gives you a list of local producers and suppliers.Anticivilization gathering
10-03-2004 15:33
Last year we made a first gathering of people against civilization, in Can Masdeu, close to Barcelona, the result was satisfactory either in the number of people that came, the contains of the debates, as the connections that people could made.Help wanted for planned social centre
10-03-2004 15:27
Plan to establish chesterfields first occupied squat/social centre.Help needed!!!!
London Rising Tide pickets BP Tangguh gas greenwash meeting, London, 10.4.02
10-03-2004 14:12
A deep-frozen London Rising Tide were on hand to meet and greet those NGOs and 'socially responsible' imvestors attending a meeting organised by BP and the 'Tangguh Independent Advisory Panel' (TIAP). TIAP is made up of Senator George Mitchell, (Chairman of TIAP and now also of Disney!), Lord David Hannay, Reverend Herman Saud and Ambassador Sabam Siagian, all of whom are on the BP payroll.The Tide is Rising - benefit gig
10-03-2004 13:18
Rising Tide and Corporate Watch have organised a benefit gig on Tuesday 16th March at Northgate Hall, St Michaels Street, Oxford. There will be poets, singers, music and theatre. Doors open at 7:30 for an 8pm start, cost £5 waged, £3 unwaged.Undercover Lawyer Exposed At Animal Rights Meeting
10-03-2004 12:28
The following was cut and pasted from the archive section.It seems the original posting was misssed by the majority of readers.