UK Newswire Archive
Nottingham EcoWorks- Straw Bale work on eco-building in St.Anns -- Part 5
18-09-2005 22:44

Strike me dead what a blinder.
18-09-2005 22:08
Some time ago, an Australian reader in comments said "sometimes I print out the best articles from Indy and leave them on my seat when I step off the tram on my way into the city".
No arms dealers in our peace messenger City - Hove Town Hall Demo this Wednesday
18-09-2005 20:06
Demo at Hove Town Hall against Brighton Arms Dealers 4-6pm this Wednesdaymore arrests at parliament square under soca law today
18-09-2005 18:29
five people were arrested late this afternoon for defying the ban on 'unauthorised protest' in parliament square under the new serious organised crime act legislation which became effective at the start of august this yearAnarchists ‘passed off’ Advertiser, claims editor
18-09-2005 18:27
10,000 copies of an 8 page spoof of a local paper, 'East London Adversaries', covering the DSEi protests were delivered to about 90% of the Canning Town area.A downloadable pdf of the newspaper is available here:

The East London Advertiser has responded to the paper claiming it's own design has been hijacked by anarchists and it's journalistic intergrity has been compromised.
Supermarket Sweep
18-09-2005 18:02
What's the difference between supermarkets and Premiership football clubs? Not a lot.This article was recently printed in a Slough Town Football Club programme.
The Corporate Academy and the George Fox 6
18-09-2005 16:36
On Monday 26th September, the trial of the George Fox 6 commences at Lancaster Magistrates Court. Six student activists face charges in a three day arising out of an action that took place at Lancaster University in September 2004 where protestors had gone into the George Fox building at the university to hand out leaflets and talk to people at the "Corporate Venturing" Conference - a networking meeting for multinational corporations. Speakers at the conference were drawn from controversial arms manufacturer BAE Systems, Shell and other companies the six say have 'long histories of human rights abuses and environmental destruction'. Police attended and told the protestors they were doing nothing wrong, but some months later they received summonses through the post. The defendants are seeking support at the trial.
Full List of DSEi protest Arrests
18-09-2005 14:10
The full list of arrests over the DSEi demonstrations.URL to Cuban UN speech
18-09-2005 12:35
There are some more URLs like this now on Indycymru.The UK has a definition of the word "terrorism ". Why, then, was it not adopted
18-09-2005 12:16

The thing speaks for itself.
In Memory of Manuel Bravo born 1970 - Died September 15th 2005
18-09-2005 12:01

Manuel Bravo, a national of Angola living in Leeds was 'snatched' by immigration officials with his son Antonio on the morning of Wednesday 14th September. In the early hours of Thursday the 15th September Manuel was found hanging in a stairwell at Yarl's Wood Removal Centre. Manuel and Antonio had been living in Armley, Leeds for the last three years after leaving war-torn Angola.
Send email to US senators:maintain right to aobrtion!
18-09-2005 12:00

please do this! it doesnt take much time
Hot Chocolate Revolution Threaten Corporate Power
18-09-2005 10:24
The hot chocolate drink hasn't changed much over the last fifty years. However, vegans have uncovered a post-moderist way to make this comforting bed-time drink, which could modestly threaten the corporate power of Neslte and Cadbury Swepes.Critical Mass In Southampton
18-09-2005 10:16
In order to mark Car free Day, activists in Southampton are planning a Critical Mass.
Rupert Murdog Blair 'attacked BBC over Katrina'
18-09-2005 09:20
Media mafia boss Rupert Murdog claimed, in a speech made in New York,that the BBC's coverage of Hurricane Katrina was full of hate for America.
Evidently Americans consider his SKY NEWS channel, sister of FOX News to be a far more serious prosepct. It seems that the broad sheet daliy's style of reporting doesn't go down well with the Tabloid Tossers.
Reflections on the London terroristic attacks and their aftermath
18-09-2005 07:17
I'll show in my article, that in contrary to the declarations of the British prime-minister Blair and other Westerm politicians, there are evident causes for the London terrorist attacks dd 7-7. Further I also reflect on the aftermath of the attacks, especially regarding the newly proposed British terrorist-laws and the killing of the Brasilian de Menezes by the British policy.I'll end with a remembreance poem of Eddie Woods concerning Jean de Menezes.
Exploitation of Internatinal Law
18-09-2005 01:52
The world of diplomacy is complicated and complex enough as it is. We now face the possibility that wealthy people willing to pay large sums of money can buy diplomatic status from a well respected commonwealth member country.Video of Parklife DfT action
18-09-2005 00:23

6.6mb mpeg4