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Hot Chocolate Revolution Threaten Corporate Power

Clandestino | 18.09.2005 10:24 | Sheffield

The hot chocolate drink hasn't changed much over the last fifty years. However, vegans have uncovered a post-moderist way to make this comforting bed-time drink, which could modestly threaten the corporate power of Neslte and Cadbury Swepes.

The method is simple.

Add 4 squares of dark chocolate to a pan containing 4 tablespoons of water (to serve 1 person).

Stir continuously while heating the pan; the chocolate should melt into a smooth paste.

Next, very slowly, add a cup of milk - still heating and stiring.

Remove from the heat as liquid approaches boiling.

Now, fetch some of your favourite biscuits from the tin!

Vegans can use soya milk and Greens Organic Dark Chocolate.



Display the following 8 comments

  1. What? — Berty Bee
  2. Erm — sold for a bag of gold
  3. I agree Berty Bee — Khawaga
  4. err.. — X
  5. Oh no - we're in deep shit now!! — MD of Neslte & President of Cadbury Swepes.
  6. Hot Chocolate Revolution thingy — Fat Chocaholic
  7. "Green Washing Products" — P
  8. Chocolate for the revolution!!! — Chocco