UK Newswire Archive
United Morons - Swedish Minister of Trade Leif Pagrotsky pied!
03-04-2001 18:03

Trading with pies?
This folly obviously don`t know where his mouth is.
Mayday Media - FT mixes anarchists / terrorists / dates
03-04-2001 17:18
More media confusion and misrepresentation:Tell George Bush he's got it wrong
03-04-2001 16:58
Stop President Bush from betraying the UN climate change treaty!
NIMBY news
03-04-2001 15:08
Information for people in rural areas. Give to farmers, residents, and if you have a few to waste, some to MAFF and the armyour world is not for sale
03-04-2001 13:27
summary of speeches made during a recent globalise resistance rally in london, featuring author George Monbiot. anti-Capitalism, foot and mouth, GATS, Drop the DebtWhite House Rhetoric and Actions Signal Dangerous Chill in U.S.-Russian Relation
03-04-2001 01:39
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Stephen Cohen, professor of Russian Studies at New York University, who assesses the Bush administration's early confrontations with Russia and the dangers inherent in igniting a new Cold War. Listen to the RealAudio version of this segment on the Between The Lines website www.btlonline.orgMarc Rich-Swindling The Pope's Soybean Company
02-04-2001 18:32
The Pope and his advisors had good reason to believe Chicago was the placeto conduct business. The Windy City has the largest number of Catholic
Church parishes of anywhere in America. Under Church provisions and
Illinois law, the Catholic Archbishop of Chicago is a Corporation Sole.
A little-known one-man corporation is not the usual image, however, of big
business. And the Archbishop of Chicago has much more power than just
any Archbishop.
Support Mayday Monopoly ! Support Farmers Resistance !
02-04-2001 15:12
Condemn raids on Anarchist Hq !Condemn Blair's travesty of Democracy !
GAP (greed and profits)
02-04-2001 11:50
the GAP store in Nottingham was targetted by protestors on Friday 30th March for their use of sweatshopsWhat YOU can do to make the world happy and more beautiful. 6 easy and enjoyful
02-04-2001 11:34
What YOU can do to make the world happyand more beautiful. 6 easy and enjoyful ways.
(If you turn number 6 upside down you will have
9 ways.)
Commons debate: Mayday, MI5, subversion, and the internet
02-04-2001 10:44
Check this out...Hackney's Atherden Community Centre Faces Eviction
02-04-2001 00:55
A council closed nursery - re-opened as a community centre with a thriving community focus - is now under threat of evictionFoot and mouth (comment and pics) (1)
01-04-2001 19:04

Political parties support eviction of political centre Vrankrijk (Amsterdam)
01-04-2001 12:29
On 27th of march, the mayor of Amsterdam got the political backing to raid Political-cultural Centre Vrankrijk in an attempt to close it down. Vrankrijk is an independent and autonomous squat bar that has existed for 18 years.Two International Days of Action ……Free Satpal Ram
01-04-2001 12:22
To date, fifteen months after the Parole Review began, Satpal has not received a decision. He has been put back into a Category B prison.Police raid 'anarchist' base in London
01-04-2001 11:31
Shit I thought this was an April fool when I read it on Indymedia International but it's in all the corporate press!Anarchist base destroyed in dawn raid
01-04-2001 05:12
The Telegraph is reporting the police shutdown of a May Day "training base" with a sensational and inaccurate article.Cause and Effect
31-03-2001 21:28
Whoever controls electromagnetic mind-altering technology, can control the minds of all men... and women, by using subliminal vocal commands, or inducing irrational emotions and unnatural reactions.EZLN back to the south-est mountains
31-03-2001 20:35

esther speech at the congress
31-03-2001 20:25