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GAP (greed and profits)

karl | 02.04.2001 11:50

the GAP store in Nottingham was targetted by protestors on Friday 30th March for their use of sweatshops

GAP recorded profits of $1.1 billion last year and paid its chief executive $172.8 million. Yet its workers in russia recieve just 11 cents an hour and are forced to work in slave conditions. Also a panorama program last year found children as young as 12 being forced to work 16hours a day, 7 days a week, and being paid just £8 a week.

Hi About 10 people gathered at the GAP store in Nottingham to protest at gaps use of child labour and sweat shops. Both entry points were blocked and several people went around inside the store handing out leaflets to customers. As the store is in a shopping center the security from the centre evicted all the activists out on to the main street, where luckily one of the stores entry points was. We stayed their for a couple of hours, with a brief visit from pc plod who asked us not to put our placards against the store window, and then left. The store actualy locked the entry point we were stood at, so they helped do our job for us. Public response was very good and a great day was had by all.
