UK Newswire Archive
Leeds street medic training, 28th-30th March
06-03-2008 13:28
The UK Action Medics are running a 2 1/2 day street medic training in Leeds at the end of this month. This is a 20 hour course that will teach you the basics of general First Aid, as well as skills to deal with medical situations specific to direct action, such as dealing with chemical weapons and the police. The course will involve scenarios and hands-on practice and, although we cannot offer you any official accreditation, the 2 1/2 day training is the minimum standard for membership of the Action Medics, and will equip you for a wide range of situations, from hypothermia to baton wounds.Iranian teenager faces death penalty after losing his asylum claim
06-03-2008 12:15
A gay teenager who sought sanctuary in Britain when his boyfriend was executed by the Iranian authorities now faces the same fate after losing his legal battle for asylum.The bravery of U.S. Marines in Iraq (by Latuff)
06-03-2008 12:08

Covent Garden residents and businesses try to shut down homeless hostel
06-03-2008 12:03
Local residents and businesses in Covent Garden are wageing a war against a local homeless hostel on Endell Street run by homeless charity St Mungos. They are demanding it be shut down stating its presence is responsible for drug related crime in the area. St Mungos staff have agreed to meet local residents to allay fears but their offer has been snubbed by residents who are determind to force its closure no matter what.Govt U Turn on Compulsory ID Cards
06-03-2008 11:34
As the government withdraws from its plan to impose compulsory ID Cards on UK subjects (apart from foreigners who still have to carry one) its worth noting that those already with biometric passports also have a way to ensure they are only transmitting information that is on the page of the documents.Transition City Leeds ++ One Day Workshop Sat 19th April. Centenary House
06-03-2008 10:30

+++++ TRANSITION CITY LEEDS - Free One Day Workshop +++++
Centenary House
North Street, Leeds. LS2 8AY
Saturday 19th April
10am until 5pm
A free one day workshop exploring:
++ How will Leeds be affected by climate change and the end of cheap oil?
++ How can we build a positive, low carbon future for Leeds?
++ We can all help to build a better future – come and find out how you can get involved!
Oil is running out and Climate Change is affecting our local environment. With the increase of flooding in West Yorkshire and disrupted growing seasons, the evidence of Global Warming is becoming more visible. The Transition Town network is a grassroots action model for making the change to a low carbon future. Transition City Leeds aims to strengthen communities so they can reduce their carbon emissions and fossil fuel dependency.
What the day will involve
++ An introduction to the transition town idea
++ Open space workshops on climate change and peak oil, and how Leeds can make this transition
++ Documentaries on the topic
++ Networking opportunities.
Lunch and refreshments provided.
Child friendly event, but no crèche facilities
No need to book, come for all or part of the day


26/01/2008: Beyond Slavery Conference - Time To Move On?
06-03-2008 10:25

Car free towns.
06-03-2008 09:29
For the past couple of years Carfree UK has been struggling to get the concept of carfree development taken seriously in the UK. In a few days time, the breakthrough we have been working towards is about to begin.Camden Town - Stop The Death Lab!! C.A.L.M.
06-03-2008 04:57
The MRC / Wellcome Trust intend to build a high security risk virus containment facility and animal testing lab on a London council house estate in a deprived area that needs homes and community facilities. Ths area will be turned into a max security terror threat zone.Tibetan Freedom March marks 1959 Uprising
06-03-2008 02:37
A march and rally in central London on Saturday March 8th will commemorate the Tibetan National Uprising of 1959, when the occupying Chinese forces brutally suppressed an uprising of resistance by Tibetans to the occupation. In the year of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the call for a free Tibet is growing ever louder.Wominspace now open!
06-03-2008 01:26
Womin only space is now open in North East London. The space is open for all womin to use. We will be holding lots of different workshops and having cafe and bar. Come and visit us and get involved. All references to womin are trans friendly.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Israeli Ambassador Cancels Visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in Face of Protests
05-03-2008 23:43
Israeli Ambassador cancels visit to Edinburgh, Scotland, in face of planned protests.Chiapas Solidarity Event in Liverpool
05-03-2008 22:15

Sunday, March 16, 2008
2:00pm - 8:00pm
next to nowhere
96a bold street
Liverpool, United Kingdom
International Zeitgeist Day, March 15th, find your local showing!
05-03-2008 21:59

Zeitgeist is a free to view, non-profit documentary. More details below
video link:

find your local showing here:

it's official: cops are wankers!
05-03-2008 21:34
The court case against a No Borders activist arrested for saying 'wankers' was laughed out of court this week.Full article | 1 addition | 6 comments
Brixton Reclaim Your Food Collective, 2 Arrests.
05-03-2008 18:55

9/11: The Unraveling of the Official Story Continues
05-03-2008 18:45
The official story about 9/11 is disintegrating. The trend shows no sign of abating and in recent weeks it even appears to have accelerated. At the present rate, soon there will be nothing left of the official version of events but a discordant echo and a series of extremely rude after shocks.Dilawar was detained by U.S. troops...... Five days later, he was dead.
05-03-2008 18:40
Taxi to the Dark Side, tells the story of Dilawar, an Afghan taxi driver from a small farming village. In 2002, Dilawar was detained by U.S. troops and taken to the U.S. Military's Bagram Airbase. Five days later, he was dead.Interview with FARC Commander Raul Reyes
05-03-2008 17:59
Following the March 1st attack by a Colombian military operation that resulted in the death of 20 FARC forces including rebel leader Raul Reyes. Interview with slain FARC leader from July 2007.