UK Newswire Archive
"POTS AND PANS NO!SE DEMO!" 15.3.05 52 Chiswell st - Ec1 12noon
10-03-2005 11:14
G8 Climate Counter Summit – Moving Beyond the GreenwashMonday 14th March, London
March 15th 2005
The Brewery, 52 Chiswell Street, London EC1, (Moorgate tube), 12 noon
Corporate Watch latest news update
10-03-2005 11:12
Corporate Watch is an independent research co-op keeping an eye on what the fat cats and eco-criminals are up to. We send out news updates every two weeks. If you want to subscribe send an email titled 'subscribe' to
Sun Scum declare war on travellers
10-03-2005 10:54
The Sun newspaper's new campaign, "Stamp on the Camps", is taking even their puerile brand of sensationalist right-wing propaganda to new heights of racism and vicious xenophobia. We should declare war on The Sun.Below is the latest headline-shrieking from the nation's No.1 gutter press tabloid, 2 days after John Prescott announced that councils have to find 300 sites for travellers, they put their own twisted analysis on the genuine concerns of Middle-England.
Theatre of War's Wacky Submarine locked on again
10-03-2005 10:38
Scottish Parliament ProtestFraud
10-03-2005 10:12
The real fraud situation in the UK. It is a very depressing and saddening picture.Stitches in Time
10-03-2005 09:21

ACTION THURSDAY: Government launches New Deal for the Dead!!!
10-03-2005 03:39
A press release obtained by our overcover team of rapporteurs learns of the Government's next shocking move to tackle any remaining unproductive sectors of society... Meet: 12.00 @ Department of Trade & Industry, Victoria Street, London SW1 O St James Park, Thursday 10 March 2005Noble Cause Torture?
10-03-2005 02:31

Then what is the appropriate forum?
G8 Summit 2005 - Mobilisations Links and Resources
09-03-2005 22:52
This page is a collection of links and resources for the protests around this summer's G8 Summit in Gleneagles (Scotland) that take place from the 2nd to 8th of July 2005 [Timeline of planned events]. This is a resource that will be kept updated as new information comes in.Summat for the Summit, 10th March
09-03-2005 21:16
WHO DO THE G8 THINK THEY ARE?Event to raise awareness about the G8, and options for opposing it.
Hunger strike and information weekend on behalf of Iñigo Makazaga and other Basq
09-03-2005 20:34

From Friday 18th to Sunday 20th March, Basques living in the UK have planned a protest to highlight the lack of justice for prisoners and for their country,
Statewatch Report on G8 and EU Counter Terrorism Plans
09-03-2005 20:01
Special Statewatch 12,000 worrd report on G8 and EU counter-terrorism plans, pulished today, 8th March 2005.Also check the excellant Statewatch website for the latest news and analysis on the current UK Prevention of Terrorism Bill -

ploughshares trial update - day 3
09-03-2005 19:46
The case for the prosecution entered its second day at Dublin's Four Courts for the trial of five defendants accused of criminal damage for what they called "an act of disarmament" to a US Navy warplane at Ireland's Shannon airport on Feb 3 2003...Lobby The Welsh Labour Party in Swansea!
09-03-2005 19:17
Lobby the Welsh Labour Party in Swansea on friday the 18th March at midday.There is money for the war in Iraq but nothing for pensions!
resistance anarchist bulletin issue 71
09-03-2005 19:04

Callout for G8 action training!
09-03-2005 18:05
Brush up your skills for action - for the G8 and beyond!VENEZUELA; IT COUPAND REVOLUTION FILM SCREENING AND DISCUSSION
09-03-2005 16:52
In 2002 Venezuela's President was deposed by a military coup backed by the Business sector and supported by the USA. Two days later he returned t power as thousands of venezelans marched on the Palace. This will be shown vividly by the amazing film The Revolution Will Not Be Televised.Fun Protest, Upper Clapton, Springfield One O'clock Club Site
09-03-2005 16:32
Protest agaianst building on Metropolitan Open land in Upper Clapton