UK Newswire Archive
Universities Get Ready For Protests
17-11-2010 18:10
The following text has been sent to all staff within a London University as general guidance in preparation for possible protests.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Street protests, cuts and How to Win
17-11-2010 17:42
Protest effects must be consolidated in order to achieve social and political change.1pm tomorro party for peace at royal visit to death park
17-11-2010 16:23

Royal Visit to Death Park!
War lords Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh will visit Rotherham's cutting edge DEATH PARK 'factory of the future' tomorrow!
Palestine Today 11 17 2010
17-11-2010 16:22

Mounting evidence of British war crimes in Iraq
17-11-2010 13:38
Further allegations of war crimes committed by British troops in Iraq emerged in the High Court in London last week.Launch meeting of Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance: 24th November
17-11-2010 13:33

Media Bury Documents Revealing Israel's Deliberate Policy of Near-Starvation for Gaza
17-11-2010 13:25
Israel has been forced to reveal what Palestinians and other observers on the ground have known for a long time: that the blockade of Gaza is state policy intended to inflict collective punishment, not to bolster Israeli “security”.Chris Cole - Speaks on Drones
17-11-2010 13:23
Chris Cole, who maintains the Drone Wars UK blog, is going to speak to Bristol Against The Arms Trade about the growing use of drones in conflict around the world.The meeting will be held as usual in the ‘smiling chair’ library on stokes croft (opposite the emporium and next to sprinters the printers. 6pm Thursday 24th November
FREE Filmmaking Workshop for 19-25 Year Olds
17-11-2010 12:25
Sunday 21st November, 2pm-5pmFilm Nation: Shorts is a competition that invites young people (aged 14-25) to make, and vote for, films celebrating the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Run in partnership with Panasonic, Film Nation: Shorts will introduce young people to film-making, support them in developing their talent, and give everyone who enters a chance to have their work screened around the UK. Winning films will be screened in front of the crowds in venues during the Olympic and Paralympic Games in London in 2012.
The competition is accompanied by a UK-wide programme of workshops to provide extra help to young people to begin making films, develop their skills and meet other people to share ideas and develop projects. One of these workshops will be taking place at the Encounters Film Festival:
FREE: AN INTRODUCTION TO DIRECTING Workshop for 19-25 year olds
Sunday 21st November, 2pm – 5pm
Watershed Delegate Lounge, Harbourside, 1 Canon's Road, Bristol BS1 5TX
Working with 104 Films and special guest director Conor McCormack, learn the necessary skills & techniques to successfully direct actors on screen, and to gain the confidence to make your own Olympic and Paralympic inspired film for the Film Nation: Shorts competition.
15 Spaces Available
Please call Box Office on (0117) 927 5100 to reserve your tickets which can be collected on the day. FFI and for group bookings please email
See for the latest entries to the competition and vote on your favourite or upload your own film.
Protest at Michael Gove’s (Education Secretary) Visit to Birmingham
17-11-2010 12:08
Fri 19 Nov 6pm Coppice School Trinity Road Sutton Coldfield B75 6TJProtest at Michael Gove’s (Education Secretary) Visit to Birmingham
'Wills', Kate and the Return of the Ghost Town
17-11-2010 11:34

"We're Back" - back online
17-11-2010 02:14
Thanks to the metropolitan police for giving us such huge publicity and making us even stronger. See you on the streets..
Resist Cardiac Arrest
17-11-2010 00:22
A Direct Current of Resistance to Electro-Coercion.Horrified by the global escalation in the use of such devices as cattle-prods and stun-guns a movement was formed in the far West of Britain and unleashed from the cliffs of Lands End on 6th February 2010...
Greetings to all Human Rights workers. The campaign RESIST CARDIAC ARREST' was created to oppose the proliferation of weapons of electro-coercion, torture and Death. We support the findings of the United Nations Committee Against Torture, which on 23rd November 2007 declared the taser x-26 to be an instrument of extreme pain, torture and Death. We believe it therefore follows that the use of this device is illegal in any nation that has signed the United Nations Convention Against Torture.
RESIST CARDIAC ARREST exists to educate the public and to attempt to influence politicians to ratify the UNCAT and ban all usage of stun-guns, cattle-prods and electric harpoons on Human Beings.
Due to the enormity of this task, we realize that it can only be achieved by international cooperation between various anti-taser groups and similar Human Rights organizations.
Evidence, writings and links to similar organizatioins can be found by simply searching the internet for: RESIST CARDIAC ARREST, or you can go directly to the website at: Public statements by RESIST CARDIAC ARREST are published in the free environmental newspaper 'The Limpet' available from and also syndicated via
RESIST CARDIAC ARREST is dedicated to the memory of all those killed by stun-guns. Please help publicize our work by circulating this message.
With respect and thanks,
Jeremy Schanche, RCA, Britain
Prosecute Tony Blair and John Howard over ‘proceeds of crime’
17-11-2010 00:00

Judicial exposure of US Alliance war crimes can be achieved if Australian PM John Howard, who committed Australia to the illegal invasion of Iraq, is prosecuted for “proceeds of crime” over his recently published memoirs.
16-11-2010 22:20
The conservative media mogul Rupert Murdoch is trying to take over British media with his bid for full ownership of BSkyB. We only have 3 days to tell the regulator why this deal is bad news!See AVAAZ.ORG
Important analysis
16-11-2010 21:22
Listen to this
What is going on economically? Really. Do you know? Are we in a recession, or just coming out of one? What’s all this ‘double-dip’ business? Why are the government making whopping cuts across society and telling us we can do it ourselves , while phone companies don’t have to pay £6BN in tax? Was the ‘bonfire of the quangos‘ a necessary cost-saving measure or something else? Are banks a ‘good‘ thing or responsible for the financial crisis? Is Ireland really at the point of economic meltdown? Where did all the money go? What is going to happen? How does Peak Oil fit into this? How will communities respond? How will we as individuals cope with all the change?
Will someone please help make some sense of this please? We’re baffled, and expect others are too.
We are delighted to say that Nicole Foss (senior editor, aka ‘Stoneleigh’ of the Automatic Earth blog) will be talking in Bristol on Friday 26th November. All are welcome to join us.
Nicole’s talk points out the significant problems in the financial system, its relation to Peak Oil, how close we are to a mega-crash, and how important community groups will be to weather the incoming storm.
She spoke at this year’s Transition Network conference. It had an enormous effect on everyone there (Rob Hopkins is still shaking) and the ripples are being felt wider and wider across Transition. The talk was so popular that she offered to come and visit groups when she was next back in the UK, and here she is. It’s an epic talk and we really couldn’t recommend it more. It’s also quite a tough talk, so we’re going to have some discussions afterwards, and a chance for groups to say what they are up to.
Event details
Date: Friday 26th November
Time: 18:30 talk starts. Followed by discussions and local group networking and meet ups.
Venue: 5th Floor Hamilton House
Booking: Recommended: use the form below (or go to the booking page)
Cost: free. Donations cordially accepted; all on the night will go to Nicole and Hamilton House
Register here
BBC: Open-cast coalmine development refused
16-11-2010 19:24
The public enquiry into a proposed open-cast coal mine near Fairburn Ings nature reserve in Yorkshire has concluded with the secretary of state issuing a decision today that the mine will not be permitted to go ahead.
Leeds city council planning department had already said 'no' to the proposed development, which would have seen irreversable damage to a nature reserve in order to keep nearby power stations running for about one day.
Previous coverage:
Support the Thessaloniki 4: How to help
16-11-2010 18:22
Beaten Up, Fitted Up, Don't Let Them Get Banged Up: Over a hundred people were arrested after a demonstration confronting the European Union summit, held in Thessaloniki in Greece back in 2003. Seven people were imprisoned and held on remand, including UK protester Simon Chapman. The prisoners began a hunger strike that lasted more than 50 days.
A massive worldwide solidarity campaign followed including demonstrations, direct action and occupations leading to all seven being released on bail. They will now face the Appeal Court in January 2011, when they have the opportunity to appeal against their convictions. This means we have less than two months to build a campaign, raise vital funds and show true global solidarity to the defendants.
Beaten Up, Fitted Up, Don't Let Them Get Banged Up
Over a hundred people were arrested after a demonstration confronting the European Union summit, held in Thessaloniki in Greece back in 2003. Seven people were imprisoned and held on remand, including UK protester Simon Chapman. The prisoners began a hunger strike that lasted more than 50 days.
A massive worldwide solidarity campaign followed including demonstrations, direct action and occupations leading to all seven being released on bail. All the charges were eventually dropped.
Years later after appeals from the Prosecutor the charges were reinstated. The first case finally came before the Courts in January 2008 where Simon Chapman and three of the other defendants - Suleiman "Kastro" Dakdouk (Syrian origin), Fernando Perez Gorraiz (Spain) and Michaelis Triakapis (Greece) - were found guilty.
All of those accused maintain their innocence and video and photographic evidence clearly shows police planting a rucksack filled with petrol bombs next to Simon. This didn't stop him receiving a prison sentences of more than eight years, with the other defendants all receiving over five years.
They will now face the Appeal Court again in January 2011, when they have the opportunity to appeal against their convictions. This means we have less than two months to build a campaign, raise vital funds and show true global solidarity to the defendants.
++ How You Can Help
Money is needed urgently to pay legal fees and other costs associated with the trial.
Further information and options to make a donation to the expenses fund can be found on the website at:
++ Saturday 27 November 2010, a benefit in an autonomous occupied London venue
"My Big Fat Greek Wedding", 8pm till 4am
Call the infoline on the night after 7pm, 07572 626 859
Dub, bass, reggae, hip hop, techno, noise, electronica, bar and projections, for full line up visit:
£5 suggested donation.
All funds raised go towards supporting the Thessaloniki 4 legal cases.
Please contact the solidarity group if you are able to arrange a benefit in your home town.
++ Bilingual Greek/English speakers who can help with translations are needed urgently.
Please contact:
++ Greek Embassy
Write/contact the Greek Embassy and demand this case be dropped. If you are in the UK the address is:
Greek Embassy, London
1A Holland Park,
London W11 3TP
Telephone: 020 7313 5609
You can also contact them via their website at:
A demonstration is planned at the Greek Embassy in London on the first day of the trial at 2pm, Friday 14th January 2010. Check the website or facebook pages for full details nearer the time as well as regular updates on the campaign.
++ Spread the word
Please link to the Campaign's website on your web sites, forums, blogs, facebook profiles etc, tell friends and family and help to spread the word. Join and share the facebook page at:
or join and share the facebook group:
Solidarity for the Thessaloniki 4!
thanks and love in advance....
Are the United States and NATO losing the War in Afghanistan?>
16-11-2010 17:57
In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.Protest against the UKBA Clearance of 600 Refugee Families
16-11-2010 17:10