UK Newswire Archive
Refugees freed at Woomera, Aust!!!!!!
29-03-2002 09:13
refugees freed form detetnion camp by protestors at Woomera in Australia!!!Corporation of London concerned about M1
28-03-2002 23:25
This is what the Corporation of London Security Newsletter sent out today:can the revolution B peaceful ?
28-03-2002 17:28

to hang onto their priviledges....
thanx to crass
Whatever happened to the Revolutionary Communist Party?
28-03-2002 17:00
Does anyone know what happened to the membership of the RCP?International Call to Action
28-03-2002 14:52
Protest against the never-ending war! Bush visits Paris in May. Call for international activism, Seattle style.Neo -Capitalism devouring all in its path
28-03-2002 12:30
The financial collapse of ITV Digital has far-reaching implications.PDF anarchist anti war pamphlet
28-03-2002 12:02
Download, print out and distribute this 20 page pamphlet about the war against terrorNaomi klein on Argentina and I.M.F.
28-03-2002 11:36
cool article on argentian,ewhich shows Naomi is really one of us...footbal hooliganism and workers blockades in china
28-03-2002 11:26
the strains are showing in neo-capitalist chinaSunderland: medical secretaries demo report
28-03-2002 10:51
Medical secretaries in Sunderland, on strike for fair pay, demonstrated in the city. Link to report on UNISON website:London: justice for Zahid Mubarek
28-03-2002 10:43
Forwarded from National Civil Rights Movement (NCRM):Neo Imperialism, Trendier than ever
28-03-2002 10:41
Reported in todays Independent, top Blair adviser calls for "Reordering the World"Salford: urgent action to prevent deportation
28-03-2002 10:07
Forwarded from National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns (NCADC):Arrest Mugabe for Torture - Peter Tatchell
28-03-2002 09:30
The suspension of Zimbabwe from the Commonwealth is purely symbolic. It does nothing to weaken President Mugabe's grip on power or to curtail his murderous tyranny. The most effective sanction would be to issue warrants for the arrest of President Mugabe on charges of torture under the UN Convention against Torture 1984.UK police for torture and earth rape
28-03-2002 09:14