UK Newswire Archive
EDF Energy seeks high court injunction against protestors
20-02-2012 00:34

For immediate release Feb 18th
Nuclear energy company EDF today served papers on activists occupying a farm on the proposed site for nuclear new build at Hinkley Point in Somerset. The papers, served by Squire Sanders of London, are applying for possession of the premises and, in an unprecedented move, an injunction against all future protests at this site: this includes any protests by other local residents, such as campaign group Stop Hinkley.
Down Your Limbs from Indymedia Athens!
20-02-2012 00:32
Since the generalized attack on an entire society in terms of labour, social and political rights has been answered massively last Sunday, 12/2, with the concentration of hundreds of thousands of protesters across Greece, the Power plays its last card, that of intensification of repression, to recoup the social rage.Special Sitting in Ireland for Rossport Campaigners
20-02-2012 00:11

Fracking Survey Plane in the skies over the North Coast
19-02-2012 23:54
The prospect of fracking in the North Coast comes one step closer. Join the No To Fracking campaign!New Social Centre in Sheffield: The Black Rose Centre
19-02-2012 23:10

Please help us to get live hare coursing banned in Ireland
19-02-2012 22:51

Burlsem trotters have nothing better to do
19-02-2012 22:47
I write on behalf of myself and all others in this country and around the world who suffer harrasment for their political beliefs.Human Rights Films Festival - Oxford Brookes
19-02-2012 21:44

This year is our 10th anniversary and to celebrate we are showing 10 films over 5 days. Each focusing on a different region: Africa, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.
Earth First! Winter Moot to come to Scotland
19-02-2012 20:55
Earth First!, the loose network of people opposed to environmental destruction, is holding its yearly winter gathering in Glespin, South Lanarkshire, next weekend (24th - 26th February). Environmentalists from across Britain and beyond will meet for a weekend of debate and discussion on the important issues in the movement.
[ Website | Directions | Timetable ]
'reclaim love' 2012 - pics and report
19-02-2012 20:55
despite the pouring rain, hundreds attended the annual 'reclaim love' event at piccadilly circus yesterday, and in an antidote to valentine consumerism, they partied, hugged, laughed and played. in sync with other events around the globe, they also held hands in a huge circle round eros, and central london resonated to the chant 'may all the beings in all the worlds be happy and at peace'. this is the ninth such event in london.
click on image for larger version. 'some rights reserved' - free for credited non-commercial use, otherwise contact author for permission
the afternoon kicked off with a samba band (made up of rhythms of resistance, sambatage, and barking bateria). as a crowd formed to listen to the music, the 'reclaim love' t-shirts were handed out, and the hare krishna food trolley dished out lovely dall and rice to anyone who wanted some.
meanwhile, more sambaistas were leading the no border march from st paul's, and accompanied by several vanloads of riot police they arrived at eros too. with all the love around, most of the police beat a hasty retreat, leaving a few officers and a couple of FIT looking on.
some of the 'no borders' crew left for a solidarity noise demo at wandsworth prison, but others remained and took part in the circle at 3.30. this is the bit where 'venus' persuades londoners, tourists, workers, and passers-by, to join hands in a large circle all around the eros fountain, and then start chanting in unison 'may all the beings in all the worlds be happy and at peace'. this continues for a few minutes, and the central pavement becomes eerily empty (excepting the occasional bemused tourist walking through).
it takes a lot of skill, determination and love to make this happen each year, and 'venus' has now managed it for the ninth time, with a growing number of similar events joining in around the world each year.
after the circle, it was party time, and the sound system took over while people laughed, played, hugged, and danced. in previous years, there has been a swathe of live musicians and artists playing on into the evening, but with the damp conditions this year's event was curtailed a little, although the skies did clear and the sun came out for a while after the first circle.
as the pink evening light began to die, venus encouraged another smaller circle and more chanting before packing up, clearing the area of litter, and handing out some more parting gifts.
bizarrely, some people like having a go at the event, calling it a hippie fest and such-like. all i know is that it's infectious, and that people who wouldn't otherwise speak to eachother share a moment in central london that is different, happy, loving and uplifting, and that can't exactly be a bad thing.
venus' website is, and the event normally takes place on the saturday near valentine's day each year. if you missed it and you like the sound of it, come next year.
European Liberals – 2 Shameful Videos, Just to Remember
19-02-2012 19:58
Omar Ibrahim Anti-Cuts Prisoner Moved to Peterborough Prison
19-02-2012 19:40
Omar was moved on 12 hours notice from Wandsworth to Peterborough Prison, apparently without explanation at some point between 2nd January and 9th February 2012. It is a prison privately run by Sodexo, where the male section of the prison is normally only for male prisoners from the Cambridgeshire area.Wrongheaded UN vote on Syria: US-NATO "arm twisting" at the UN General Assembly
19-02-2012 19:37

Under international law, no nation or combination thereof, may interfere in the internal affairs of others, except in self-defense if attacked.
Western pressure often gets nations to violate international law and their own non-intervention pledges. When they don't, Washington, rogue NATO partners, and complicit allies wage aggressive war on their own.
In 1999, without Security Council authorization, nonbelligerent Yugoslavia was lawlessly attacked and ravaged. Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya followed. Perhaps Syria's next, then Iran, no matter the threat to humanity.
Audio: Sparks block Park Lane outside ECA ball
19-02-2012 19:31
The latest act of defiance in a six month campaign by the sparks saw them block London's busy Park Lane Rd for over an hour. Inside the Grosvenor Hotel the electrical contractors were having their annual ball.Omar Ibrahim Glasgow Anti-Cuts Prisoner Moved to Peterborough Prison
19-02-2012 18:55
p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }a:link Omar was moved on 12 hours notice from Wandsworth to Peterborough Prison, apparently without explanation at some point between 2nd January and 9th February 2012.
Italy, Occupy Pisa: Via La Pergola evicted, the occupations continue!
19-02-2012 18:49
For background info and context on the Occupy Pisa past successes read this old article on
Program released for Earth First! Winter Moot!
19-02-2012 17:22
This years Earth First! gathering, taking place in Glespin, Scotland, will see environmentalists from across the UK and beyond come together to discuss and debate the important issues in the movement today.Brought to Justice? Rendition, torture, indefinite detention and death by drones
19-02-2012 15:49

Audio excerpted from a 2.5 hour Free Speech Radio fundraising special on KFPA. If you can spare a dime to help keep this invaluable resource going, please visit their site for details of how to donate.
Contributors included Andy Worthington who spoke about how courts in DC have watered down the Habeus Corpus rights which the Supreme Court said detainees were entitled to. As a result the only detainees to leave Gitmo in the last 13 months have been in coffins, despite the fact that over half the detained have been cleared for release. Special mention of Shaker Amer, the last British resident still being helf.
Ongoing solidarity with the NO TAV arrestees (Italy)
19-02-2012 15:47
Update on NO TAV arrestees, solidarity initiatives and ways to support them - includes updated address list of people still in prisonOrganized Non-violent Civil Disobedience vs. Occupy Wall St.
19-02-2012 15:12
I'm all for organized non-violent civil disobedience but that is not what Occupy Wall St. has been doing.