UK Newswire Archive
Pictures of Post Strike in London.
19-07-2007 09:27

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Victoria Square Crown Post Office Birmingham Solidarity Banner Drop
19-07-2007 07:09

World Peace by 2015 - according to Harvey?
19-07-2007 04:37
Irishman Mr Frank Muldowney believes we will have world peace in 8 years, speaking on behalf for ‘Harvey’ the imaginary peace maker in a wheelchair. It sounds brainless but this is not quite the case.Posstscript: the insurrectional perspective
19-07-2007 01:23
More than a year has passed since we finished the second issue of our journal Dissident, which introduced insurrectional anarchism in Sweden. We chose to introduce the insurrectional perspective because we think it brings us valuable insights and experiences. These include the critique of organisational fetishism and activism, the shift of perspective from the mass to the active minority, and the importance of projectuality. Some critics, mostly syndicalists, unfortunately interpreted the insurrectional perspective in absolute terms. This text aims to answer those concerns and move the discussion forward.The Reputation of The Guardian, R. I. P.
18-07-2007 22:30
The Guardian and The Observer are in the middle of a remarkable series of articles about Iran and the chances of an American attack on Iran.This pattern of deception in The Guardian about Iran has become so obvious that it is creating a controversy of its own, with the paper receiving the worst insult in journalism, being compared to the New York Times.
The Devil's Genius
18-07-2007 22:21
Contrary to the devils’ predictions, invasion of sovereign Iraq met with resistance. Israel needs troops, American troops in the region to ensure the safe passage of water – and oil.sicko news from rampART social center
18-07-2007 21:22
The following news is taken from this weeks newsletter from the rampART social center in East London. [15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA (near Whitechapel, off Commercial Rd)]. To get regular news join the mailing list via
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Iranian refugees remember Babak Ahadi at Sheldon Court
18-07-2007 17:15

Afghan casualty rate equal to second world war
18-07-2007 17:13
In the most dangerous regions of the country, the casualty rate is approaching 10 per cent. Senior officers fear it will ultimately pass the 11 per cent.More than 11 million troops served in the British Commonwealth during the Second World War with 580,000 killed or missing and 475,000 wounded, giving a casualty rate of almost 11 per cent.
Haiti: Labor Press Release on State Privatization
18-07-2007 16:58

Presidential Candidate Wants to Change US Dollar
18-07-2007 16:15
Stewart A. Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, wants the face on six United States Federal Reserve Notes changed to represent the working class across America. Alexander’s proposal would affect the $1, $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes.Full article | 3 additions | 5 comments
Four men jailed for thought crime
18-07-2007 16:06
Four men have been jailed - three of them for six years and one for four years - for speaking their mind at a demonstration in LondonFull article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Strange Weather Getting More Strange
18-07-2007 15:39
We can all remember in past years hearing of a large blizzard or a large storm that produced several tornadoes, or an area stricken by drought. Every year there was always one or two or three of these major weather occurrences. We were shocked but not unduly alarmed at the news.Kronos Quartet: Alternative Radio: Another World is Possible
18-07-2007 15:30
with host David Barsamian28 July 2007 / 19:30
Barbican Theatre
Part of Great Performers 2007-2008
Part of New Crowned Hope - A Festival by Peter Sellars
Tickets: £7, 12, 16, 21, 26, 30
subject to availability
Kronos Quartet with host David Barsamian with special quest Tariq Ali and guest appearance by Wu Man.
Sadr comes to terms with Maliki
18-07-2007 15:18
Sadr apparently suspected that Maliki was behind the low-key military action by U.S. occupation troops against his militias, known as Mahdi Army.Kronos Quartet: Alternative Radio: Another World is Possible
18-07-2007 15:15
28 July 2007 / 19:30Barbican Theatre
Part of Great Performers 2007-2008
Part of New Crowned Hope - A Festival by Peter Sellars
Kronos Quartet with host David Barsamian with special quest Tariq Ali and guest appearance by Wu Man.
Iraqi children suffer psychological damage
18-07-2007 15:11
UNICEF is increasingly concerned that the number of vulnerable children in Iraq has outstripped the country’s capacity to care for them.Oaxaca meeting 23 July, Parliament
18-07-2007 13:50
Forwarding from the Global Women's Strike and Payday Men's Network.Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
Funke & Joseph belong to Glasgow - Urgent action needed
18-07-2007 12:44

Dawn Raid and Arrests in Glasgow
18-07-2007 12:37
This morning the Home Office attempted a dawn raid on a flat in the Sighthill district of Glasgow. Their target wasn't home but 4 people were detained.