UK Newswire Archive
Benjamin Netanyahu is an Existential Threat to Too Much of the World: And now he
15-02-2015 21:58
We Americans (conditioned in the Hebrew tradition) have learned to see enemies in Biblical terms as one-sidedly evil as Satan. It takes a mass media of some very sophisticated accomplishment to continually portray people like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Muammar Gaddafi, several Middle Eastern leaders as Satan. One needs to be somewhat steeped in the Biblical Literature to create such black and white conclusions. This is one legacy the Bible has bequeathed to modern politics—the absolutism of naming enemy in terms of good versus absolute evil. Israel plays a master game of such portrayal of their supposed enemies. The current leader of Syria, Bashar al-Assad is the new version of Zionist Satan, but even this casting of totally evil Muslim figure is not good enough—we have a new entity that does the most obviously sensational sins—behead journalists and engage in egregious forms of violation—the ISIS/ ISIL phenomenon that America magically armed and some claim even trained (see in alternative media) and magically uses to create even more authoritarian war powers to an already criminal torture state that Barack Obama has no power to quell.Exclusive:- Pegida UK riddled with anti-semitism and far-right links
15-02-2015 09:56

Philippines: The fate of peace in Mindanao hangs in the balance
14-02-2015 00:22

Defending green spaces: short film of a land occupation in Bristol
13-02-2015 14:54
A piece of land on the outskirts of Bristol is under threat by a new road-building scheme. The plan, which goes by the rather prententious name 'Metrobus', is a bloated top-down development being spun as a green initiative.Protesters have occupied part of the threatened land to prevent it being destroyed.
Flight SK 1755: who needs false sensation?
13-02-2015 10:07

New anti-fascist mobilisation animation video about Pedgia coming to Newcastle
12-02-2015 07:30

Borough of Hatred, Tower Hatred as the news headlines say
11-02-2015 17:10
The claim that the Metropolitan Police are too close to Lutfur Rahman is revealing
When will the ITUC investigate one of its "own"?
10-02-2015 12:17
ITUC’s Sharan Burrow criticises FIFA.Close Supervision Centres - A Modern Form Of Torture
10-02-2015 00:13
There has for some time been serious concerns about the treatment of prisoners held in the so called 'Close Supervision Centre' (CSC) at Woodhill prison in Milton Keynes, and once again the segregation and isolation of what the prison system labels as “difficult” prisoners in a control unit environment has lead to serious abuses of human rights and unlawful behaviour on the part of those “supervising” the CSC. That unlawful behaviour now threatens the physical safety and even lives of prisoners held in the CSC. An incident recently engineered by staff operating the Woodhill prison CSC where a mentally ill prisoner was encouraged to attack another prisoner in what is a supposedly “closely supervised” environment indicates that a “divide and rule” strategy is now being officially applied in the CSC that threatens the lives of these prisoners considered especially “difficult” and “challenging” by the CSC staff.n SYRIZA and its victory in the recent general elections in Greece
09-02-2015 14:36

Melanie Shaw - Shocking story of child abuse whistleblower being victimised
08-02-2015 13:51

INDONESIA - Death By Firing Squad
08-02-2015 08:43

Open Letter to Dave Cameron about Tower Hamlets cc the Police, et al
07-02-2015 16:08
Dear Dave CameronPEGIDA UK INVITE WHITE SUPREMACISTS TO NEWCASTLE @edlnews @slatfascists @slatedl
07-02-2015 14:01

Job Centre Protest in Cambridge Disrupted by Job Centre Security.
06-02-2015 23:17

We are a Mass Movement! Class Struggle is not Dead
06-02-2015 00:28
Re-post from:
IMF Plan Offers $170 Million in Debt Relief for Ebola-Impacted West Africa
05-02-2015 19:02
IMF Debt Facility Can Aid World's Poorest CountriesCuro Group Mulberrry Park - contamination fears grow
05-02-2015 18:21
Corrine Eatwell, Scientific Officer - Contaminated Land Environmental ServicesBath & North East Somerset Council states an investigation and risk assessment into elevated levels of benzo(a)pyrene and arsenic must be completed and further investigations into potential asbestos and radiological contaminants carried out before any building work can commence.
Yarosh is coaching crusaders for Europe
05-02-2015 15:19

Germany and the Prison Industrial Complex
04-02-2015 17:12
The growth of what some have described as the “prison industrial complex” and the unleashing of economic free market forces upon the prison system by a government ideologically-driven to sell off or “out source” virtually every state function has created the spectre of a prison population utilised as essentially a source of cheap, forced labour for an increasingly avaricious neo-liberal capitalism. There is no starker example of organised modern slavery.