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Base 202, Torturing Kids to "Protect" Settlers - Imposing the Logic of Apartheid

27-03-2004 16:13

ISM Report from Nablus

Base 202, Torturing Kids to "Protect" Settlers -
Imposing the Logic of Apartheid in the Nablus Governorate
By: ISM Nablus
March 26, 2004

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4ww screening in Edinburgh

27-03-2004 15:49

Video fourth world war

A war without a battlefield.
A war without an enemy.
A war that is everywhere.
A thousand civil wars.
A war without end.

11th of April, 7.30 pm at the Forest, 3 Bristo Square, Edinburgh.
Presented by the local "Dissent with the G8"- network group Reshape.

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News From Nowhere 30th Birthday

27-03-2004 14:54

News From Nowhere Radical Bookshop in Bold St, Liverpool, will be celebrating its 30th Birthday in style with an unusual programme of events. The women’s collective which runs the shop as a workers’ co-operative is proud of their success in surviving everything from fascist attacks to the rise of internet bookselling.

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An Anarchist FAQ updated (to version 10.0)

27-03-2004 14:21

An Anarchist FAQ has been updated (version 10.0)

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Sherwood camp: victory possible

27-03-2004 12:25

A network of nets and walkways from the ancient beech tree

In the battle to save Sherwood Forest's finest living beech tree recent developments mean a successful outcome is now more possible than ever.

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Sheffield Social Forum Launch

27-03-2004 11:40

Some snaps from the start of the Sheffield Social Forum, 27 March 2004.

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Kintyre may be nuclear submarine dump

27-03-2004 11:33

A former RAF base on the Mull of Kintyre has been earmarked as a potential storage site for Britain's mounting stockpile of redundant nuclear submarines.

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The path to friendship goes via the oil and gas fields

27-03-2004 09:44

Colonel Gadafy is just the latest beneficiary of a cynical strategy

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Food Security for All - CAMSPAG meeting 7 April

27-03-2004 08:21

The next Meeting of the Cambridge Simultaneous Policy Adopters Group will take place at 7.30 pm on 7th April at Emmanuel Church, Trumpington Street, Cambridge (map and poster for the event available at

Food Security for All

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27-03-2004 05:47


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"Essay on Lucidity" - blank votes to show their disappointment

27-03-2004 05:24

Portuguese Nobel laureate Jose Saramago's latest novel, a fable about a right-wing government's violent reaction to an election in which 83 percent of the votes cast are blank, went on sale with the author predicting the book would spark huge controversy.

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That's Regime Change - the first so far

27-03-2004 02:15

A poem recited on the first anniversary of the American-British invasion of Iraq outside the Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, Canada

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Against Deportations - Solidarity for Roma

26-03-2004 23:06

no nation no border - fight the racist order
"No Roma should be deported to a country where police brutality towards Roma is reality. Every human being has the right to flee from poverty, discrimination and institutional violence." Noborder demonstration in Helsinki 25 March 2004.

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Croaker Cola

26-03-2004 20:34

Here's an interesting article on Coca Cola business taken from the always excellent weekly Schnews issue 447.

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Proof that Blunkett is bonkers

26-03-2004 19:46

If you ever wondered about the sanity of Sheffield MP David Blunkett this article should clarify things. Blunkett is blind but his lack of sight is not the problem. It's the empty space behind his eyes where his brain should reside that is causing the man the most difficulties.

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Events at the Occupied Social Centre

26-03-2004 18:31

Next weeks events at the Occupied Social Centre

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Chomsky blogs

26-03-2004 17:18

new Chomsky blog, 'Turning the Tide', just started at ZNet:

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Oxford Women’s Festival - Greenham film screening

26-03-2004 17:03

Thalia Campbell the co-ordinater of the sculpture project
The was a screening of the undercurrents film "Greenham the making of a monument" as part of the women’s festival, bring many of the original Greenem women together to remember this powerfull direct action movement from the 1980's. If there are a women’s group who would like to organise another oxford screening the is a copy of the film available for use.

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Womble On Dudes!

26-03-2004 16:52

The occupied Grand Banks is an example in self-determination, sufficiency and community spirit and how to defy and take back power from the government, who only ever abuses it.

Government is the problem, it can never be part of the solution.

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Oxford Book Launch - High Tide: News from a Warming World

26-03-2004 16:29

Mark at the Oxford launch
Mark has been a local sweetie and a well none “climate criminal" amongst the East Oxford activist seen... now his book is out do we all stop taking the mickey out of his globe trotting research? (:

Some one should write a book review for Indymedia