UK Newswire Archive
'The Sun Page 3'- encouraging sexism and discrimination.
16-02-2009 18:48
Every day 'The Sun' sells an average o 3,121, 000 copies a day. 18.4% of these are 15-24 years of age and they are being exposed to what can only be called brain washing pornography every day.TUESDAY LUNCHTIME: demo outside US Embassy: Bring Binyam Back
16-02-2009 18:42
A British doctor, part of a government team who recently visited Binyam Mohamed in Guantánamo Bay, has declared that he is fit to travel home. It's now up to the American government to order his release. Please join the London Guantánamo Campaign and Brighton Against Guantánamo as we call on President Obama to make that sooner rather than later...South Wales Anarchists call for abolition of police!
16-02-2009 18:15
South Wales police are demanding even more money from council taxpayers, threatening to cut policing services if they don't get what they want. Little do the rozzers realise that most people would probably welcome less bobbies driving around our streets like loonies, shooting pensioners with tasers, harrassing people, systematically abusing their excessive power. Let's get rid of them!DEMONSTRATE AGAINST DEATHS IN PRISON CUSTODY - Thursday 19th February 1pm – 2pm
16-02-2009 17:30
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
London SW1P 4DF
latest from A&S, SE LDN STNT ANRCHSTS in full effect
16-02-2009 17:21

*except the anarcho capitalist. Mate really you are our limit. Congrats, you've found it.
North Wales cops taser 89 year-old man 'to protect him'.
16-02-2009 16:57
Trigger-happy north Wales police fired 50,000 volts in to an 89 year-old man after he'd absconded from a care home in a confused and vulnerable state. A police spokesperson said: "the specially trained officers made the judgement, in order to protect the life of the man, that the use of Taser was the safest and most appropriate option."Video of demo at New Scotland Yard.
16-02-2009 16:34
More than 300 photographers were outside New Scotland Yard police HQ in London, England today, exercising their right to take a photograph in a public place.Video:

Cox 18 social centre in Milan has been TAKEN BACK!!!
16-02-2009 16:24
After eviction and several demonstrations Cox winsPhotographers turn out in solidarity against new "terror law".
16-02-2009 15:46

Palestine Today 021609
16-02-2009 15:39

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, February 16th, 2009.
Bath Bomb #19 Out Now
16-02-2009 14:52
Bath's monthly radical newsheet makes it through another cold, hard month...Copyright, New Zealand, and the Pirate's Bay
16-02-2009 12:28
As is so frequent on the web, the whole internet is a-buzz with copyright stories. The two which seem to be creating the most buzz at the moment are the story that New Zealand has buckled to pressure from American copyright holders to implement a law which punishes people for being ACUSED of copyright infringement - without the need to prove the claims, and the story that the people behind the Pirate's Bay website are in court to defend themselves for claims of copyright infringement.So, how did we get here? And why does it matter?
Useful photos for terrorists from New Scotland Yard
16-02-2009 12:14

Save the old Sheffield Old Town Hall:
16-02-2009 11:56

William Morris
Modern Movement
16-02-2009 11:44
Anybody know who this bunch are or are funded by?Shock verdict!! Welsh cop found guilty!
16-02-2009 10:14
Pc Craig Bannister crashed his car on the M4 while driving at 122mph in appalling weather conditions. Last week he was found guilty of dangerous driving in Cardiff crown court.Fitwatch presents...the POLICEWATCH Competition
16-02-2009 09:26

Roll up, Roll up!
Defend civil liberties and have a laugh at the same time, with
Filming them Filming us Filming them etc
Around the Campaigns Monday 16th February 2009
16-02-2009 09:05
Yahya al Faifi Must Stay in the UKLobby of the Home Secretary
Thursday 19th February 2:00pm
Home Office
2 Marsham Street
(Tubes: St James Park, Millbank and Westminster)
Yahya al Faifi, a very brave and self-sacrificing trade unionist - and a deeply committed socialist - is facing deportation back to a tyranny in Saudi Arabia that regularly tortures and "disappears" dissidents. On 12 February, he received a rejection letter for his appeal against the refusal of his asylum claim appeal. Now, he and his family are in imminent danger of deportation from Britain.
This will be a labour and trade union movement event with banners, large numbers and as wide representation as possible.
Inquiries/further information:
Mariam Kamish

Aberdeen Students Call for Israeli Boycott
16-02-2009 08:57