UK Newswire Archive
Why 'Victory to the Intifada' ?
28-02-2004 16:31
The Intifada is the daily struggle of Palestinian people to live. Solidarity is crucial.US vote-rigging: from democracy to dictatorship
28-02-2004 16:09

The Crats of Hebron
28-02-2004 15:41
And now this rising "third" population lives ferociously in Hebron, along with the Palestinians and the settlers and soldiers. They have come about as a direct result of the illegal occupation, but are in some ways symbolic of the different kind of existence that Old Hebron has become as it is called, Area H-2.Blair Troops Drown Iraqi Teen
28-02-2004 15:17
Blair troops in Iraq drown 16 year old teenFour left-wing* Israeli activists detained in Budrus
28-02-2004 14:56
(en) Israel-Palestine, Media, Four left-wing* activists detained in BudrusFrom Worker
Date Sat, 28 Feb 2004 11:31:13 +0100 (CET)
Government DU-Plicity
28-02-2004 14:46
The article examines the gross cover-up and double standards used by the British and US governments over the issue of Depleted Uranium, and how grass-roots initiatives are beginning to publicise the truth.World Bank Education Policy: Market Liberalism Meets Ideological Conservatism
28-02-2004 13:52
This article gives a good overview of neoliberal educational reforms in Argentina during the glory years of the mid-to-late 1990s, before the near-total collapse of the country's economy due to privatization, structural adjustment, dollarization and capital flight in 2001.BNP targets Howard's seat.
28-02-2004 13:48
Unsurprisingly the BNP is now targetting Michael Howard's constituancy.UN Security Council Refuse Carribean Call and Support US Backed Coup in Haiti
28-02-2004 13:40
UN security council support US backed attack on HaitiCreating a Genuine Policing System
28-02-2004 13:12
We know that the yobs are not genuine policemen. This is the time when we have the best cahnce of inventing and implememnting a genuine policing system, (one of whose functions will be to defend honest citizens from the paramilitaries) so here are some ideas which are being distributed to a number of concerned bodies and might be followed up over the next months and years.Police Harassment of DSEi meetings and future meetings
28-02-2004 12:12
Due to police harassment of DISARM DSEi meetings we are no longer advertising the London dates. However the meetings remain open and if people want to come along please email
Ritter Exposes Bush/PNAC regime LIES
28-02-2004 11:40
An amazing interview, not to metion compelling reasons for a criminal inquiry into the White House.Oppose Alistair Campbell at Royal Festival Hall, Monday evening...
28-02-2004 11:09
Alistair Campbell brings his one-man talk show to the Royal Festival Hall on Monday 1st March at 7.30 pm, to boast of how he led the illegal charge to War.We plan to oppose him and disrupt this obscene 'cashing in' by Blair's former 'manipulator in chief'.
Military attacks non-violent protest, kills, arrest protesters
28-02-2004 08:40
At my hearing in the Israeli court, Judge Amnon Cohen recommended my release if I would declare to the court that in the future I would respect closed military zone orders and leave such an area. I refused on the grounds that the Israeli military arbitrarily declares Palestinian areas, farmlands, dwellings and sometimes entire cities closed military zones. I do not respect the right of an occupation force to inflict such illegal measures on the Palestinian community.Ritter Exposes Bush/PNAC Regime LIES
28-02-2004 07:54
Quite an overwhelming interview, and also a convincing argument for a criminal investigation of the White House.Venezuela Offers Military Aid To Haiti Government Facing US Backed Coup
28-02-2004 01:48
Chavez may send troops as Bush refuses to stop the attack.Burlington's Oil Projects Vs. Indigenous Communities and Rainforest Protection
27-02-2004 22:30
Burlington Resources, a Houston-based oil company, has plans to explore for oil in three highly controversial oil concessions in remote Amazon regions of Ecuador. These concessions were carved out of the traditional territories of four indigenous nations--the Shuar, Achuar, Kichwa, and Zapara--without their consultation or consent.israeli wall
27-02-2004 22:21

27-02-2004 21:41
Visas will not be issued for Jews. Why doesn't Israel have a similar ban on Muslims? Where is the international condemnation of Saudi fascism?