UK Newswire Archive
Fresh US-led military offensives have completely destroyed a town in Afganistan
22-01-2011 20:27

Fresh US-led military offensives have completely destroyed a town in southern Afghanistan, as public discontent continues to grow over civilian casualties.
The US-led military alliance says the operation targeted Taliban militants in the violent Kandahar Province. Media reports, however, say most of the victims in Tarok Kolache town were Afghan civilians.
According to the Daily Mail report, the bombing completely erased the town and its surroundings from the map. -- Thousands of Afghan nationals residing in Iran have taken to the streets of a northwestern city to decry the “suspicious” anti-Tehran protests in Afghanistan as an “enemy plot.”

Book banning in Italy; backtracking on human rights
22-01-2011 19:25
Authorities in Italy have sent out a list of author's whose work they want removed from the shelves because of their support for a contraversial activist called Cesare Battisti. Based on a press release from an Italian group campaigning against what is happening, who have requested global publicity on the matter.Abuse of women by police must stop now!
22-01-2011 19:22
Womans blockade of Scotland Yard, Mon 24th Jan 8am
Women in the UK should not have to worry about being sexually abused by policemen. It is as simple as that.
In response, we call for women to come together for a blockade of Scotland Yard, in protest at political policing and in solidarity with all women who have been exploited by men they thought they could trust.
The shocking revelations about police infiltration of protest movements get more extreme day by day. Reading Laura's story in the Guardian today about a 4th undercover cop has made us angry, sad, and upset... bringing home the true gravity of what the state does to political women in the UK.
Women in the UK should not have to worry about being sexua...lly abused by policemen. It is as simple as that.
In response, we call for women to come together for a blockade of Scotland Yard, in protest at political policing and in solidarity with all women who have been exploited by men they thought they could trust.
Meet 8am outside Scotland Yard on Monday morning, January 24th
The blockade will be simple and dignified. Despite Scotland Yard’s best efforts we will not be broken.
This is a women led event but men are welcome to come in support.
We demand that the police make public the names and identities of all other undercover offices who have worked or are working to infiltrate movements for progressive social change, so women can know whether they have also been abused by the state, and can decide whether to join other women in considering legal action against the police.
It is likely that the police officers and their superiors have committed the criminal offence of misconduct in public office, which carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.
We demand a fully independent judge-led public inquiry into policy spying. We have no trust that the police can regulate or investigate themselves. Their actions show that they think that they are above the law. This is a dangerous situation that undermines democracy.
Please pass on to your friends, mums, colleagues and fellow activists...
Tweet it: #inquirynow
You can also follow:
Location: Outside Scotland Yard
8-10 Broadway, Westminster, SW1H 0BG
Nearest tube: St James' Park (or Victoria)
Buses 11, 24, 211, 148
Pacifist arms fair protester jailed for 30 days
22-01-2011 19:22
Please show your solidarity and help keep Chris's spirits up in prison by writing cards and letters of support to:
Chris Cole (A8147A2), HMP Wandsworth, Heathfield Road, London SW18 3HS
***STOP PRESS*** There is a planning meeting in central London this Sunday, called by Campaign Against Arms Trade, for various groups and individuals to discuss how to mount effective resistance in the lead up to the next DSEi arms fair, due to take place in London in September:
Message from Chris's wife:
"Chris was jailed today [19 Jan] for 30 days for non-payment of a fine relating to a protest at the DSEI arms fair in 2009."
You can read Chris's pre-prison reflections on his blog:
The above article includes a Facebook link where you can view CCTV footage of the original action.
Report of the original action:
Christian Peace Activist Arrested at War Planning Conference - September 7, 2009
Press Release 19 Jan 2011
Christian Peace Activist Imprisoned for Arms Protest
Christian peace activist Chris Cole, 47, from Oxford was today imprisoned for 30 days at Westminster Central Magistrates Court for non-payment of a fine following a protest at the opening event of the DSEI arms fair in September 2009. Cole had sprayed ‘Build Peace Not War Machines' and "Stop this Bloody Business" across the entrance to the QEII conference centre in central London .
According to a publicity brochure for the event, the UK Defence Conference would be attended by senior officials from the arms industry, the military and the UK government in order "to explore the business opportunities" to be found in responses "to global security threats such as climate change, major population movements, growing water scarcity, competition for energy sources and the continued rise of Islamism."
Defending himself in court Cole said "The arms industry is pushing military solutions to human security threats that in reality need political and humanitarian responses not more weaponry. If we want to be a nation that is committed to building peace and defending the poor, we need to address underlying causes of injustice and not promote the ideology of ‘might is right'.
At the original trial in October 2009 Cole was found guilty and ordered to pay £1,545.00 in compensation and £350 in court costs.
This is the fifth time that Cole has been sentenced to imprisonment for nonviolent civil disobedience.
The biennial DSEi (Defence and Security Equipment International) arms fair, organised by Baby Show, Spirit of Christmas Fair and International Horse Show organisers/promoters Clarion Events, in collaboration with the UK Government, is next due to take place at the ExCel Centre in London's Docklands from 13-16 September 2011.
This is how the official DSEi website describes the event:
"Defence & Security Equipment International (DSEi) is the world's largest fully integrated defence and security exhibition. DSEi provides a time-effective opportunity to meet the whole defence and security supply chain and showcase your company's full capabilities to key decision makers from the global defence and security community."
Translation into plain English: "This is a grand opportunity for unscrupulous arms dealers and murderous dictators to do business."
More details:
There is a planning meeting in central London this Sunday, called by Campaign Against Arms Trade, for various groups and individuals to discuss how to mount effective resistance in the lead up to DSEi 2011:
Abuse of women by undercover police must stop now! Women's blockade on Monday
22-01-2011 17:26
Women in the UK should not have to worry about being sexually abused by policemen. It is as simple as that.In response, we call for women to come together for a blockade of Scotland Yard, in protest at political policing and in solidarity with all women who have been exploited by men they thought they could trust.
Dissident Island - Jan. 21 show ready for download
22-01-2011 17:23
Episode 74 was a busy one for us, so put on your listening hat(s) as we begin by hearing a discussion about resistance to GM and the plans for January's Stop GM gathering. Live in the studio we had two of the occupiers of the new Bloomsbury Freeskool, telling us about where they're at and their plans for the building.
Next us we had one of the many anti cuts updates from groups such as the IWW, UK Uncut, UCL Occupation, Disabled People Against the Cuts, and Right to Work. These are dotted throughout the show so keep your pen at the ready for some good dates for your diary!
We then had words from pirate and free radio veterans is Amsterdam discussing their feelings about the medium and the messages. This was followed by an update on the Thessaloniki 4 trial by Simon Chapman as well as some messages of solidarity for him.
Last, but not least, we heard from the director and producer of Drowned City, an upcoming documentary film about the world of Pirate Radio in London - the life, the music, the people...
Sarah Bear were live in the studio for a sweet acoustic set featuring Sarah Bear on guitar & vocals, and Youseff on the cajon (it's a drum).
Dissident Island Radio 21 January - ready for download
22-01-2011 17:12

Walk out on Wednesday 26th!
22-01-2011 16:06

questions for MP Greg Hands
22-01-2011 15:41
2010 genaral election boundary change;newly formed constituance of chelsea / fulham.
making you GREG; MP of CHELSEA FULHAM.
Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Demonstration outside Chilcot Enquiry
22-01-2011 14:40

Nottingham Probation Services Attacked
22-01-2011 14:24
In the earlier hours of wednesday morning the Nottingham Probation Services Office on Derby Road was attacked. Four of it's vehicles had their paint stripped, tiers slashed and locks glued shut. All the doors to the building were also glued.
This was just a gesture, a middle finger flicked up at the prison system. To that system we say Fuck your attempts to control our lives, fuck you for imprisoning our comrades, and fuck your surviellence because we will not be stopped from having these moments. These moments where the industrial prison complex, the culture of domination and capitalism can not stop us from responding with anger and disgust at the world that has been created.
This action is done in solidarity with all prisoners. We do not differentiate between those who have been imprisoned for their political beliefs and those who are imprisoned because they were not born into a postion of wealth and power. This action was for those who have spent their lives having their actions criminalized by the elite, and it is for those anarchist prisoners around the world who aim to destroy the elite.
National Day of Protest Against Benefit Cuts - 24/01 - latest news
22-01-2011 13:00

“The cost of disability benefits is simply UNSUSTAINABLE” – Maria Miller, Minister for Disabled People in an interview with the tabloid press in November 2010.
British police infiltration in Copenhagen
22-01-2011 12:54
British undercover police worked in the Youth house in Copenhagen in the winter of 2006 and 2007.At least one British undercover police officer infiltrated, under the cover as an environmentalist activist, the political groups connected to the Youth house in the years 2006 and 2007.
Airplane forced to return to Paris to stop deportation!
22-01-2011 12:30
After spontaneous protests on board against an ongoing deportation,yesterday's Air France flight from Paris with destination Bamako in Mali
was ordered to return by the airline. Eight activists of the "caravan
for freedom of movement and fair development" as well as other
passengers that had participated in the protest were arrested, and are
now awaiting the next flight.
Derby Animal Rights enters 2011 strongly
22-01-2011 12:27
Anyone wishing to make a stand against animal cruelty is very welcome to join us.
The following actions will be taking place in the next fortnight:
Monday 24th - Paul Smith fur demo in Nottingham. Meeting at main Paul Smith outlet at 12noon. People will be going from Derby city centre, or make your own way there. The Paul Smith shop is just outside the caves entrance to the Broadmarsh shopping centre.
Friday 28th - BUAV / animal testing stall in St Peters St, Derby - to support the EU ban on cosmetic testing. Starting 12:00. Just turn up to lend a hand!
Read more here:
And here:
And even here:
2nd of February - Next planning meeting. This is an easy way to say hello and get involved in the chilled out environment of the Flower Pot Pub in Derby city centre. Starting at 20:00.
4th February - Foston Mega Pig Factory planning decision has moved from the Regional council (Swadlincote) to the County Council (Matlock). Derby Animal Rights will be participating in a media friendly action to raise public awareness of the proposed huge fatory farm on our doorstep.
Surrounded by barbed wire fences, the massive complex would imprison sows that would never go outside. An uncomfortable comparison with the neighbouring women's prison only a stone's throw away.
Foston pig farm is due to be situated right next to the historic village of the same name (on a beautiful Greenfield site) and will produce a thousand pigs a week, which will be transported off-site to slaughter. That's 48,000 pigs a year. At any one time the farm will house around 26,000 animals trapped on a slow conveyor belt towards the abattoir. As far as we know, these plans are for the biggest factory farm of pigs so far in Britain. Unbelievably, there will be a picnic site overlooking it.
The company behind this venture (Midland Pig Producers) has gone so far as to say that the countryside will be stripped of its animals within a decade - with MPP seemingly at the forefront of this move.
It is impossible to provide high welfare on a farm this size. Pigs are rooting animals that can roam miles in the wild and enjoy total freedom in their interaction with their young. Today's factory farms deny almost all that is natural to these sensitive and intelligent animals.
Then there's the impact on humans. Have we learnt nothing from swine flu, bird flu, SARS etc in the way we treat animals? Situating a massive intensive farm this close to people (the nearest house is just 20 metres away from the perimeter fence) is asking for trouble. Not least the use of a huge anaerobic digester to process around 15 million litres of slurry a year. These digesters are designed to produce energy and reduce smell, but can actually be a source of smell, noise and - in the worst case scenario - toxic gases and even fire and explosions.
If Foston Pig Prison goes ahead this - like the proposed move to zero-grazing dairy cows in Lincolnshire - could be the thin end of the wedge. If the company gets its way, there will be no more animals left in the British countryside. We must stop this.
German consumers scared, farmers battered by dioxin in animal feed
22-01-2011 11:03
Germans across the country are feeling threatened by their food supply after the second strongest poison after nuclear waste, dioxin, was found in eggs and meats.It’s still unclear just how much contaminated food has been eaten. But sales of eggs and pork have plunged since the scandal broke at New Year. First estimates have eggs down 20%, pork and poultry 10% each. The kilo price of pork crashed.
Organic products are booming, clean eggs getting scarce. The organic trade organisation reports egg sales up by almost half, poultry sales by 30%.
Middle East Peace Envoy Calls For More War
22-01-2011 09:41
Middle East peace envoy Tony Blair uses his appearance before the Chilcot Inquiry to call for another and suggests war in the Middle East.Nazi “Butcher of Lyons” was a German intelligence agent
22-01-2011 09:12
Klaus Barbie, the Nazi war criminal infamously known as the “Butcher of Lyons”, was an agent of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND) in the 1960s. This was revealed recently by the news magazine Der Spiegel.