UK Newswire Archive
Local Transport Plans : You Can Change Them
08-06-2005 11:55
County Councils and Unitary Authorities are publishing the first drafts of their Local Transport Plans covering the period 2006-2011. Now is the time to object to developments that could damage the environment.GET ON BOARD THE SOUTH EAST ASSEMBLY TRAIN! Tickets still available
08-06-2005 11:48
GET ON BOARD THE SOUTH EAST ASSEMBLY TRAIN!The South East Assembly has chartered two trains to take people up to the protests against the G8 summit in Scotland.
Corporate Watch guide to the G8 in Scotland - map available NOW!
08-06-2005 10:51
This is a colourful, informative, double-sided map exposing corporate agendas at the G8 summit and Scotland Plc.Local Transport Plans : You Can Change Them!
08-06-2005 10:27
The 2006-2011 Local Transport Plans are being published by all English Councils. They have to contain all potential road developments taking place in the area the plans cover. You can make sure they don't happen.JACKSON TRIAL Or Inquisition
08-06-2005 10:00

a few thoughts on detention politics
08-06-2005 08:36
a few simple reasonings abouts the wrongs in a greedy , uncreative detention politics.PHONEY HAS RECIEVED IRON CROSS IN SECRET
08-06-2005 07:52

Protest Outside the US Embassy Monday 13th June: BUSH - GIVE UP THE TERRORISTS!
08-06-2005 03:03
"America has a message for the nations of the world: If you harbor terrorists, you are terrorists. If you train or arm a terrorist, you are a terrorist. If you feed a terrorist or fund a terrorist, you're a terrorist, and you will be held accountable." George W. Bush, 21st November 2001Sheffield G8 in Yorkshire Post
08-06-2005 01:29
An article from yesterday's Yorkshire Post on the protest bans in Sheffield.Sheffield G8 Policing plans
07-06-2005 22:41
The details of the repression planned for Sheffield have been released...Exclusive premiere STILL WE RIDE - London thursday 16th
07-06-2005 22:31
the rampART is proud to present...A SPECIAL FREE PRE G8 BIKE RIDE PREMIERE
Regional Stop-The-War News : THE G8 SPECIAL : June 2005 : (VIRTUAL Version)
07-06-2005 21:52
BRISTOL & REGIONAL ST0P-THE-WAR NEWS : June 2005[West Midlands, Wales & South West] Please send us your events.

Meet @ Berkeley Square (Top of Park St.) @ 1:30pm (See Section 2)

For events and news publicised between newsletters, please
keep an eye on our message board, and other links provided.

DOWNLOAD: A printer friendly version of this newsletter is available.
Please print copies & give / sell them to people who don't have email.

Regional Stop-The-War News : THE G8 SPECIAL : June 2005 : (PRINTER Version)
07-06-2005 21:48

Racist assults on Indya Hemp
07-06-2005 20:31
Guardian reports racist attack taking place in KingstandingDeceived Central-Eastern Europe
07-06-2005 19:53
The peoples of Central and Eeastern Europe have not received either what they expected from the system change or what they were promised. These dissapointments and the specificities of the region stimulated the initiators of the CEESF to organize a regional social forum. This article is about the brief history, the main goals and the programme of the Preparatory Assembly of the CEESF to be held in Budapest between 14 and 16 October 2005.Deceived Central-Eastern Europe
07-06-2005 19:49
The peoples of Central and Eeastern Europe have not received either what they expected from the system change or what they were promised. These dissapointments and the specificities of the region stimulated the initiators of the CEESF to organize a regional social forum. This article is about the brief history, the main goals and the programme of the Preparatory Assembly of the CEESF to be held in Budapest between 14 and 16 October 2005.REFUGEES - THEY'RE WELCOME HERE! Brighton event, 23rd June
07-06-2005 17:53
Public event for refugee week at Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton which is at First! Summer Gathering 2005
07-06-2005 17:47

Dewch ynghyd i rannu a chasglu syniadau fel y gallwyn amddiffyn ein daear rhag dinistr
Wednesday 17th - Sunday 21st August
Peak District
Phone: 0845 355 0111

Earth First! is not a cohesive group or campaign, but a convenient banner to work under for people who share similar ideas. The general principles behind the name are non-hierarchical organisation and the use of direct action to stop, and eventually reverse, the forces that are responsible for the destruction of the earth and its inhabitants.
Since 1992 many of the people under this banner have come together at gatherings to meet, socialise, discuss and organise direct action. This year's gathering will take place in the Peak District. Here, in our first national park, is some of Britain's most spectacular landscape.
Is the Zapatista fella coming to Oxford
07-06-2005 17:37
John Ross, a journalist and adopted Zapatista appears to be doing a speaking tour of the UK.BLACK SUN OVER GENOA
07-06-2005 17:26
Theatre Workshops latest production Black Sun over Genoa tells the human story behind the anti-G8 demonstrations Genoa 2001. Based on documentary accounts, the play portrays the hope, the passion, the dedication of the protestors in the face of overwhelming opposition, and the tragedy of a young man, Carlo, who made the ultimate sacrifice for his belief in a better world.