UK Newswire Archive
Palestine Today
22-05-2006 17:51

Nine year old child injured by army fire in Tubas, Army invades Batah village and arrests one resident, Israeli forces open fire on young Palestinians near University, shoot 16 year old in neck, one resident arrested from Biet Amreen village near Nablus
Can I buy my son a gas mask?
22-05-2006 17:22
US troops have no protection from America’s poisonous uranium weapons in Iraqby Bob Nichols
Project Censored Award Winner
Meeting: Colombia: Social Movements resist repression, corporate take-over
22-05-2006 17:16

Public Meeting: 7.30pm Thursday 8 June
Function Room, Spital Hill Plaza, 68 Spital Hill, S3
(near Burngreave Green)
with Jorge Aramburo, Arcenides Candelo & Maria Valencia from Proceso de Comunidades Negras (Black Communities Process)
First Aid for Activists - weekend traininfg
22-05-2006 15:01
If anyone is interested in doing a "first aid for activists" training please book a place on the course by replying to this email or emailing
Hands Across the Hill :: Sharphill Woods, Nottingham. Piccys
22-05-2006 14:18

Local people call for protest against the proposed Sharphill housing development in West Bridgford.
On Sunday (21st May) at 11am folks met up at Sharphill Woods and joined hands for the 'Hands across the Hill' protest.
LONDON (24th): Radical Academics in Neoliberal University Inc
22-05-2006 13:06
Radical Academics in Neoliberal University Inc: Experiences and HorizonsROUGHIN' IT UP ON THE STREETS OF BRIGHTON
22-05-2006 13:03
ROUGH MUSIC 10 is out and about on the streets of Brighton and Hove, actually.Check it out at
East End Advertiser lies about Brick Lane ad Crossrail exposed
22-05-2006 12:23
The lies told by the East End Advertiser and other corporate media in relation to the Crossrail plans prior to the local elections on behalf of Labour have now been exposed. The Brick Lane area is and remains under threat from the Crossrail plans as it is the only area to continue being a target for tunnel alignments and a harmful ventilation and intervention shaft. On Tuesday May 23, a Crossrail committee of MPs will come to Brick Lane to see the site after 12pm.Norwich Airport Shop targeted in DRAMATIC PROTEST
22-05-2006 11:19

The Petrodollar: America’s Achilles Heel
22-05-2006 11:10
Virtual Chicano is webmaster and political commentator for Chicano ForumsSheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign Emergency Vigil
22-05-2006 10:42
Sheffield Palestine Solidarity Campaign are calling an emergency protest: -Thursday 25th May; 4.30 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Venue: Sheffield Town Hall steps
Wall Street moves to European Headquarters
22-05-2006 10:37
The Great Money Game: Castling is a special move in the chess game, consisting of moving the king two squares towards a rook, then moving the rook onto the square over which the king crossed. The King in this case being Wall Street, doing the Euro-next rocade.4000 Peasants say no to Monterrico Metals in Ayabaca, Peru
22-05-2006 10:31
On the 11th May, in the beautiful city of Ayabaca, Northern Peru, between 3000 and 4000 people marched the streets protesting against the activities of the British mining company Monterrico Metals (owner of Mineria Majaz) in their province.COLOMBIA: Rural protest brutally attacked by government forces in SW Colombia
22-05-2006 09:56
Demonstations in East End on day Crossrail hole MPs due to visit
22-05-2006 08:27
The UK House of Commons select committee on the hybrid Crossrail Bill - dubbed by the East End campaigners as the CrossRail hole Bill - are due to visit the area on Tuesday 23 May 2006. Demonstrators are preparing to draw attention to the unnecessary devastation Crossrail hole Bill will cause to the area unless the Bill is scrapped in its present formFULLY Investigate the 7/7 Bombings!
21-05-2006 22:33
...from STRATFOR Strategic Forecasting:'If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his kid in the head': G.I.
21-05-2006 21:46
Former Army Ranger and Iraq War Veteran Tells All'If he didn't answer the way we liked, we would shoot his youngest kid in the head': Ex-U.S. Soldier
Climate Camp London Info Night at the Square
21-05-2006 21:03
*From the London area and thinking of going to the Climate Camp this summer?* London Rising Tide is hosting an open meeting for people who want to find out more about the camp, and discuss the idea of a London neighbourhood.National Anti-Incinerator Meeting 27 May at Birkbeck College, London
21-05-2006 20:48
Dear Friends,The Defra public consultation period is now over and the Government's new waste strategy is going to be formulated. There is still plenty of opportunity to influence the final outcome by showing how strongly we feel against incineration, how harmful it is and how it affects global warming, a major point on the Government's agenda at present. However, we are not going to be able to influence the Strategy on our own, no matter how strong any one local group shouts.
The Death and Crucifixion of Jesus in the Quran
21-05-2006 18:37
A new book is written to show that the language of the Quran is in fact Aramaic, not Arabic. Aramaic renders interpretations that are totally different from those rendered by Muslim commentatiors in the last fourteen centuries.