Demonstations in East End on day Crossrail hole MPs due to visit
No to Crossrail hole station at Whitechapel | 22.05.2006 08:27 | Analysis | Indymedia | London | World
The UK House of Commons select committee on the hybrid Crossrail Bill - dubbed by the East End campaigners as the CrossRail hole Bill - are due to visit the area on Tuesday 23 May 2006. Demonstrators are preparing to draw attention to the unnecessary devastation Crossrail hole Bill will cause to the area unless the Bill is scrapped in its present form
Detailed timetables and locations of the planned demonstrations against Crossrail hole Bill in the East End of London on Tuesday 23 May 2006 will be posted during Monday 22 May 2006 and early Tuesday 23 May 2006 on a number of Khoodeelaar No to Crossrail hole attacks web sites including these

No to Crossrail hole station at Whitechapel
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