UK Newswire Archive
I watched a soldier shoot at children
02-07-2002 18:45
Perhaps I have lived a charmed life but I know I have been very lucky to have rarely felt myself to be in real physical danger in my 34 years. I can probably remember all of the times I have. In early February I added to their number as I was standing in a crowd at Qalandia checkpoint between Jerusalem and Ramallah in the West Bank.Civil Society demands full participation in World Summit on the Info Society
02-07-2002 17:30
The WSIS Preparatory conference opened yesterday in Geneva. Its first task is to define the rules and procedures for the entire WSIS process. After a briefing session by the conference organizers, members of civil society are concerned that the current process will close the door on true and transparent participation in the Summit.Bush and Sharon (cartoon by Latuff)
02-07-2002 16:59

13 women flogged in Qom - Iran
02-07-2002 16:58
EU discusses with Iran about having closer relations. Now, it is supposed to be a safe country and refugees should be repatriated there. Meanwhile...Worldwide boycott of E$$o
02-07-2002 15:21
E$$o are trying to shut down Greenpeace in France, they do not like the piss being taken out of their logo.Class must now be replaced by new modes of analysis.
02-07-2002 14:54
Undergraduate essay: critique of Marxist approaches to class.Bosnia, EU and Guantanamo
02-07-2002 12:06
Today in Global Observer
Gore Vidal speaks out about Sep. 11th
02-07-2002 10:52
I don't think it's Osama, I think he's part of it in some way, but...Starving Swaziland faces US sanctions
02-07-2002 09:06
The latest edition of Simunye Update calls on the US to consider targetted sanctions against the Mswati regime as the ambassador to Swaziland floats the idea of breaking off the country's trading privileges under AGOABlair orders MEPs to block strict labelling of GM foods
02-07-2002 06:46
Blair orders MEPs to block strict labelling of GM foods,stuffing the people, obeying his corporate masters - again!
Anti-Semitic terrorists arrested!
02-07-2002 01:12

Stop police repression in Argentina!
02-07-2002 00:52
Stop police repression in Argentina! Please, send your messages of solidarity.Two Piqueteros shot dead by the police in Argentina
Solidarity with the piquetero movement!
Stop police repression!
Strikers as Terrorists?
01-07-2002 23:06
June 27, 2002A CounterPunch Exclusive
Strikers as Terrorists?
Ridge Calls Longshoremen's Chief
by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
Advertise indymedia on fivers
01-07-2002 23:02
Just a reminder hoping everyone is still writing the ukindymedia web adress on their fivers.London No Borders Nite, Radical Dairy, Fri 5 July
01-07-2002 21:37
Come to the Radical Dairy this Fri for a No Borders caff, plus videos and info on the Strasbourg No Borders CampMark Steel on asylum seekers
01-07-2002 20:54
Very funny, very political. Refugees welcome here. (Apologies if this has appeared on here somewhere before, but it's worth seeing again even if it has.)Why the US Navy is REALLY shelling Cape Wrath
01-07-2002 19:26
We have noticed that recently there have been several theories as to why the US Navy are to begin shelling Cape Wrath in Scotland. Let us tell you the real reason.17 November: The Greek Revolutionary Organisation
01-07-2002 19:23

Palestinian update, 7/01/02 uninvited Military guests become neighbors
01-07-2002 16:47
Today is July 1st. We enter our eighth day under Israeli military curfew (house arrest). We were rudely awaken at 7:20am by someone pressing and the holding the doorbell of our home.