UK Newswire Archive
Gay Rights leader murdered and mutilated in Kingston
10-06-2004 20:38
Jamaican Gay Leader Murdered. Jamaican PM urged: combat homophobic violence. OutRage! condemns the murder of Brian Williamson, a leading human rights campaigner in Jamaica and a founder of J-FLAG.Anti-FTAA initiative in Paraguay
10-06-2004 19:31

They state that the FTAA is supposed to be a stage of negotiation with low operative costs for corporations, but at the same time it impose concepts and laws that won’t allow the governments to make public policies encouraging the strength of the little and middle companies and national industries.
Euroelection subvertise in Poland
10-06-2004 18:03

I'll Piss On His Grave
10-06-2004 17:39
With the death of Ronald Reagan the world will now face a weeklong orgy of grandiloquent of US military power and American Imperialism. Reagan was a cold-blooded murderer, a union busting parasite, con artist, and a good liar. Reagan was evil personified, he can rot in hell.Activist Shot by Israeli Army Fasts Against Irish Apartheid Wall Company
10-06-2004 17:34
Caoimhe Butterly, a dedicated peace activist who became an integral almost heroic figure and sister and daughter to many in Jenin camp was shot and nearly killed by Israeli soldiers during an incursion into Jenin camp in November 2002. Now active in Ireland against the companies aiding and abetting crimes against humanity in Palestine, she begins a two week fast against Irish company Cement Roadstone which is supplying Israel with cement to build the illegal apartheid wall.Breaking news - Gleneagles Hotel to host next G8 Summit in 2005
10-06-2004 17:12
Grampian TV Confirms Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire will host next year's G8 summit.America's Self-Accusation
10-06-2004 16:43
"Bush's division of the world in `good' and `evil' nations, terrorists and alliance partners, ultimately reflected an instinct-politician who didn't wrestle with the complexities of international law beyond his own claim to power.. Unlike God's advice in the White House, the transformation of simple soldiers into criminals is not a mysterious process. Psychic insensitivity is an individual survival mechanism of all soldiers.."Abu Ghraib: The Charade
10-06-2004 16:11
In this article, Palestinian activist Amer Jubran examines the factors behind the decision of the U.S. Government and the corporate media to admit that Americans have been torturing Iraqis. Responses to Mr. Jubran can also be sent to
support gay rights around the world
10-06-2004 15:20
Gay Parade in Poland repressed. Please help by sending e-mail protest.Solidarity for Jeff "Free" Luers in Edinburgh, June 15th
10-06-2004 13:59
As part of the June 12th international solidarity day for political prisoner Jeff "Free" Luers, we in the Bilston Glen Collective are organizing a solidarity action outside of the US Consulate in Edinburgh, 3 Regent Terrace, June 15th, 4pm. Bring a drum and a mask... Afterwards we're showing a film about Jeff called "Green with a vengeance", 8pm (same day) at the Forest Cafe, 3 Bristo Place.G8 Street Theater in Cambridge
10-06-2004 13:33

Poland Expels Muslim Academic for being 'Threat to National Security'
10-06-2004 13:31
The Polish government has accused Ahmed Amar, a Yemeni Imam and Doctor of Law at Poznan University of having terrorist links for criticising the role of Poland in waging war on and occupying Iraq. His further stay in the country, where he has lived and worked on and off for 13 years, was labelled 'a Threat to national security and public order'Hungerstrike against deportations in Germany
10-06-2004 13:19
44 people from Togo and Cameroun were deported from Amsterdam under participation of Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France and the UK. Here's an update about solidarity actions.The cost of an EU superstate
10-06-2004 13:06
Across Europe we are seeing a rise in eurosceptism.Barcelona Sans Papiers call for Night of Reflection
10-06-2004 12:28
After having been evicted from Barcelona Cathedral on Sunday morning 6 june, the Sin Papeles held a demonstration yesterday and are now calling for a night of reflections tomorrow, friday 11. june. More info on