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G8 2009 - Videos

08-07-2009 11:25

Updated video coming from the G8 in Italy.

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UpRise: Rise Festival Picnic in the Park

08-07-2009 11:13

Sunday, July 12th marks one year on since Europe's largest anti-racism event, Rise Festival, last took place.

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Colnbrook IRC: Fariat Mohammadi has sewed up his mouth and eyes and is on hunger

08-07-2009 10:46

Fariat Mohammadi
"Why are they imprisoning me here for so long? I am a victim of the Islamic Republic of Iran. I fought against their injustices for the rights of people in Iran and had to leave because they tried to arrest me. I came to the UK and they have locked me up without rights. It is inhumane. I have been forced to take this drastic action. I haven't been outside or seen any part of Britain since the day I arrived. They have put me in the detention centre like a criminal." Fariat Mohammadi

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Greece: Anarchists march in solidarity with immigrants

08-07-2009 01:56

the head of the march, with multilingual banners
Anarchists from Greece marched in solidarity with repressed immigrants and clashed with cops and fascists while setting streets and ATMs on fire.

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G8 Rome Mourning Blockades - photos

07-07-2009 23:01

protesters leave the squatted University
At around 12 noon today Tuesday 7th July over 200 people exited the Romatre squatted university, Rome, to blockade roads in the surrounding area.

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The Counter-Revolution Will Not be Tweeted or Did Obama Know?

07-07-2009 18:19

"But speaking of premeditation, we come to arguably the most important similarity, one which has been controversial in recent days, as liberal/leftist supporters of Obama bend over backwards to reinforce their waning "hope" in the final days of the post-electoral honeymoon: the covert U.S. role in the coup."

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Sheffield City Council reject the application from Tesco for Comonside:

07-07-2009 17:49

Another one bites the dust planning application no 09/00745/FUL was regceted at The West and North planning meeting, which was hold on the 7th July a room full of local people herd Sheffield City Council reject the application from Tesco.

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Revolutionary Cynicism

07-07-2009 17:10

In order for a truly autonomous movement to be realised, the rebellion must trascend consciousness, theory and action, with a true hatred for all civilized convention as a fundamental starting point. Enough about the December uprising, maybe some due time should be paid to their forefathers!

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Sean Kirtley granted appeal

07-07-2009 16:55

Sentenced to 4 years and six months for running a lawful campaign against Sequani labs

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Expenses MPs home squatted, need support!

07-07-2009 15:33

corrupt, pro-war, pro-third runway, pro-BigBrother state MPs empty home squatted, come down to Brentford..

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Palestine Today 070709

07-07-2009 15:09


Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for Tuesday July 7th 2009.

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Meet the author - Prof David Kinley on Human Rights and the Global Economy

07-07-2009 14:39

We welcome members to the launch of Civilising Globalisation: Human Rights and the Global Economy. WEDNESDAY 8th JULY 2009, CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOKSHOP,TRINITY ST, CAMBRIDGE 6.00PM. The author David Kinley provides compelling arguments for why the wealth created by economic globalisation must serve the broad goals of social welfare and human rights.

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N0-G8 Rome July 7 2009 news roundup.

07-07-2009 13:37

Arrests in Torino - May 2009
“Seven winds in the lower calendars and geographies: first wind, a worthy and angry youth”.

Subcomandante Marcos, Ezln, Chiapas, Mexico.

L'Aquila is translated into 'Eagle' town.

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This morning's mobilisations against G8: a report

07-07-2009 12:40

This morning's mobilisations against G8: a report

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Birmingham Central Mosque discusses 7/7 London Bombings & BBC2 Conspiracy Files

07-07-2009 11:56

Birmingham Central Mosque meeting
Three part discussion after the screening of the film Ludicrous Diversion in the Birmingham Central Mosque on Sunday 5th July 2009. A talk and discussion, led by Martin Summers and Dr Mohammed Naseem, exploring the long history of False Flag Terrorism as well as the links between Intelligence servioces and international drug trafficing.

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Youth left center attacked by fascists in Salonica before antifascist week acros

07-07-2009 11:33

Sling, a youth center of the left in Salonica fell victim to a parastate-fascist attack in the run-up to a week of antifascist protest marches across Greece

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Pilger on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the Media, Obama’s Wars and Resisting the Empire

07-07-2009 11:16

Award-winning investigative journalist and documentary filmmaker, John Pilger, Democracy Now for a wide-ranging conversation on on Honduras, Iran, Gaza, the media, health care, and Obama’s wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan.


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G8 legal infopoint in Rome

07-07-2009 10:25

details of legal point of contact for anyone in Rome for the G8

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Prague: No to demolition of Milada

07-07-2009 10:11

A temporary occupation of the Milada squat, 2 people arrested

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Hired Hands: Iran, Obama, Gaza, And MPs' Expenses

07-07-2009 09:54

In a recent alert, Media Lens described how the modern corporation is an inherently predatory, even psychopathic, entity. We noted that business managers are legally obliged to subordinate human and environmental welfare to profit.