UK Newswire Archive
Houston TX protest of Ahimsa seizures @ Swiss consulate
14-10-2004 20:44

U.S. Greens list the top 12 issues censored from the Bush-Kerry Debates
14-10-2004 20:23
Green Party leaders and candidates charged that the presidential debates,limited to the candidates George W. Bush and John Kerry, have effectively censored numerous issues important to Americans.
No Borders at London Waterloo
14-10-2004 19:36
Between 200 and 300 people broke through passport control at Waterloo International train station in london earlier this evening in a no borders action.Breaking: Bin Laden is in China - Transalation from spanish " El Mundo" article
14-10-2004 19:23
This confirms Gordon Thomas, a journalist with contacts in the most important intelligence services. The terrorist had reached an agreement with China, which now negotiates its surrender with Bush. It is his greatest electoral trick.
Bin Laden is in China
No Borders Activists Get Past Passport Control!
14-10-2004 18:28
Between 200 and 300 No Borders activists have breached passport control at Waterloo International train station.New Campaign For A Protective Ring Around The Amazon
14-10-2004 17:57

Live: KORU, T23 & The Psychedelic Circus, Clown Warfare
DJs: Pentatonik, Offshore, Mikee, DJ Jens, OW, Spinsta and G*
Saturday 23rd October (8pm-4am)
Bar Loca, 261 Brixton Road, Brixton, London SW9
Tubes: Brixton, Oval; Buses: 3, 59, 159, 133, 333, N3, N159, N333 Entry: £5 (£3 Concessions)

Israel withdraws charge that driver loaded rocket into UN ambulance
14-10-2004 16:30
Israeli PR in Action:After releasing FALSE CHARGES to news medias, Israel withdraws FALSE CHARGES
The Spanish Government honors the Nazis
14-10-2004 16:27

Nuclear waste trucking 650 km across Germany approved
14-10-2004 16:12

CANARY WHARF DEMO in Evening Standard (lies, lies and more lies).
14-10-2004 15:00
I was very annoyed to read an article in the evening standard / this is london about the Canary Wharf Demonstrations, an article which was absolutely full of poo.Why not send a letter to the editor telling them they're an idiot.
click on

Here's the one I sent, followed by the original article.
NB the protest is TOMORROW! (Friday), not today. And has apparently officially moved to a legally sanctioned location close to Canary Wharf, unlike what was stated in the papers.
Banned Canary Wharf Demo is ON!!!
14-10-2004 14:02
An injunction has been served to ban Walk on the Wharf protest . . .DEFEND FREEDOM OF SPEECH AND THE RiGHT TO MARCH
SAIN achieve short term victory at Council meeting.
14-10-2004 13:56
At a Council meeting this week SAIN (Slough Anti-Incinerator Network) held an energetic demonstration (despite the rain!) leafleting councillors on their way to the meeting. Later SAIN were successful in securing more time to make sure the Council and legal assistance consider the case of the Colnbrook Incinerators fully.[seizure-news] confirmed the Bologna's ties and FBI excess
14-10-2004 13:27
news from italians judges about the seizure of Indymedia's hard disk: confirmed Bologna's ties and FBI excessSAVE HASSAN
14-10-2004 13:04
My name is Hassan Wadi and I came from Iraq. I suffered during the old regime and the society, so I ran away to save my life, and to save my wife and my two children. I have been refused asylum,It is clear that the disasters in Iraq are getting worse than ever before. I now face the risk of deportation. Iraq is too dangerous for me to return.ESF registration in chaos
14-10-2004 11:55
At around 12:40 there are unconfirmed reports of one arrest outside Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, where today's official ESF registration is taking place.NUS protests against religious right at ESF
14-10-2004 11:31
The National Union of Students has voted to protest against the invitation of Islamist academic Tariq Ramadan to speak as a "voice from the global south" at the upcoming European Social Forum.lutte anti terroriste
14-10-2004 10:56
Des experts spécialisés à ALGER.
La capitale algérienne devient cette fin de semaine
la Mecque pour des plus grands experts de la lutte
anti- terroriste à l’occasion de l’inauguration du
centre africain d’études et de recherches sur le
terrorisme dont le siège se trouve à Alger.
Pendant qu’une conférence intergouvernementale
regroupant des représentants de l’union européenne, de
l’OTAN, d’Interpol et des Etats-Unis, s’y tient
mercredi et jeudi,les activité terroristes semblent
connaître un remarquable ralentissement à la lumière
d’une formidable organisation , vigilance et
mobilisation de tous les acteurs chargés de la lutte
contre ce fléau du siècle
The truth about "thetruthaboutiraq"
14-10-2004 10:52
Bremer consultant opens fake organisation to "inform" about Iraq