UK Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 07 29 2010
29-07-2010 15:58

Monty Pythons show solidarity with Sahara refugees
29-07-2010 15:53

We need a new anti-racist movement
29-07-2010 15:37
Racism in the UK has moved on from simple prejudice about skin colour to a system rooted in ideas about Britishness. Today's racists, even those of the extreme right, rarely speak openly about 'race'. Instead they demand that people take on 'British' values and culture or they be punished. These demands are usually focussed on the same targets of the older racism - recent immigrants and those whose way of life is different to what is deemed to be traditional.The Burial of the C.P.G.B. A question of tradition
29-07-2010 15:36
- COMMUNIST LEFT - International Communist Party£7m Big Mac 'was from surveilance'
29-07-2010 14:04
The Daily Mail has apologised to Tamil Hunger Striker for false accusations.Does such an apology have any meaning given the damage done to top kill the Tamil protests.
Bristol Airport update and call to object to hotel application
29-07-2010 13:22
SBAE (Stop Bristol Airport Expansion) are still awaiting a decision by the Secretary of State on the airport application for a doubling in terminal size and an increase in car parking in the green belt. This would lead to a 60% increase in flights and growth to 10 million passengers per year. We are hopeful that a public inquiry will be granted, if not we are looking towards a judicial review. We will keep you informed of developments. See details of how you can help us at the end of this message.Meanwhile an application for a hotel at the airport has been submitted to North Somerset Council. SBAE are objecting to this application on the following grounds:
* the application is premature due to no decision having been made on the airport application 09/P/1020/OT2 to take passenger numbers to 10 million passengers per annum, or on allowing development in the greenbelt
* the hotel space should be used to provide an additional multi storey car park in order to save greenbelt land on the South side from being used as a car park. This would also help protect wildlife especially the lesser horseshoe bat which feeds close by.
* the hotel is twice the capacity of that stated in the master plan and main planning application so its impacts were not accounted for when the previous decision was made
* with 250 bedrooms, the new hotel would take away custom from other local businesses, so the net benefits are lower and they help to strengthen Bristol Airport's monopoly on services
* the hotel could be used to encourage unsustainable business models eg fly in, have a meeting at the hotel, fly out - rather than use video conferencing etc
The Executive members of North Somerset Council (in a meeting held 20 July 2010) confirmed that the Core Strategy (which will become policy in 2012 replacing the Local Plan) will protect the green belt in future developments. This emerging policy shows that allowing a hotel that displaces more cars into the greenbelt, and even attracts more customers by car, should be rejected.
Please object to this application by email to quoting reference 10/P/1240/F. Please email as soon as possible.
Legal Challenge Fund:
If you want to contribute to our fund to fight the main expansion application at judicial review or public inquiry, you can use PayPal at or by sending a cheque made payable to "SBAE" to:
Stop Bristol Airport Expansion,
The Hub Bristol,
3rd Floor,
Bush House,
72 Prince Street,
Bristol BS1 4QD
SBAE wish you happy holidays.
'Bring back slavery' Tory is back
29-07-2010 12:24
According to the Post, Craig Cox, the former Nottingham Uni exec member who famously held up a placard saying 'Bring Back Slavery' whilst representing the uni, was recently employed by incoming Broxtowe MP, Anna Soubry. It seems that the Tories still don't take racism seriously.
There was outrage about Cox's offensive joke at the time leading to a vote of confidence in him.
One comenter joked that "I would say this young man is destined for higher things, probably in the House of Commons or one of our esteemed merchant banking houses." It seems that Craig is still working on it.
Twenty-Four Hours To Go-Ian Tomlinson Solidarity Demos Spreading Across Country.
29-07-2010 11:46
Not one near you? ORGANISE ONE AT NEAREST COP SHOP!In solidarity with the Tomlinson family and the main national pickets outside the DPP's office in London.
Picket Against Police Violence-NEWCASTLE
29-07-2010 11:40

He was walking home from work and had nothing to do with the demonstrations.
A few short moments later he collapsed and died of his injuries.
Former-Vestas Workers Build New Wind Turbine Factory
29-07-2010 11:22
I don't know if you remember the green and red action of unions and environmentalists - including ones here in dear o'l Bristle working together to save a plant making wind power parts. The struggle failed and the plant was closed. ( But out of the ashes comes some good news: a new, unionised factory rises from the ashes!Here is what the RMT are saying:
One year after the Vestas wind turbines occupation a new, unionised factory rises from the ashes
ONE YEAR after workers occupied the Vestas wind turbines factory on the Isle of Wight in protest at the company’s decision to cease production a new organisation, Sureblades, set up by former Vestas employees, has risen from the ashes and is due to begin production of blades within two months just yards from the closed factory.
Sureblades has been driven by Sean McDonagh, an RMT member and one of the sacked Vestas workers involved in the occupation where he ran operations from outside the gates. With the assistance of RMT officials, Sean and his colleagues set up meetings with Government officials and development agencies to put together the Sureblades business plan in tandem with Keith Hounsell who already installs turbines across the south.
Sureblades aims to begin the manufacture of micro-turbine blades in Newport on the Isle of Wight by late September and the company expects to have capacity to mould blades up to 12m long. They will be using cutting edge technology which will mean that the blades are 100% recyclable unlike conventional blades which have to be burnt or dumped in landfill.
RMT General Secretary Bob Crow said:
"The former Vestas workers behind this imaginative new project have completely destroyed the argument put forward by the company at the time of closure that there was no market for UK manufactured turbine blades. Through their efforts to create jobs they have blown apart the bogus grounds put forward at the time for closure and redundancy of the workforce.
"RMT is very proud of what our former Vestas members have achieved so far and we are right behind them. They have also shown that it is far too easy for companies in the UK to soak up Government grants and then just cut and run when it suits them without any meaningful consultation, never mind a ballot of the workforce.
"We are also very pleased that the planned new operation will be RMT organised and that officials of this trade union have helped open the doors and make the contacts which have turned this project into a reality. But the real credit lies with the determination and solidarity of the workers who refused to accept that they were beaten. They are an inspiration."
On The 1st April 2009 Ian Tomlison was murdered
29-07-2010 10:49
This is an acount from Peter Apps
29-07-2010 10:42
The Wikileaks documents published this week proved US helicopters, drones and warplanes had been shot down by surface-to-air heat-seeking missiles and not, as military spokesmen kept claiming, by artillery and ground fire.Obviously no one in the Pentagon was eager to recall the Cold War against the Soviets when the Americans shipped hundreds of the shoulder-held Stingers to the Afghan
Abolish Control Orders
29-07-2010 09:53

Nuclear Convoy Video
29-07-2010 09:23
Video footage of a nuclear missle convoy which travelled through Scotland earlier this week.
Bristol Gig to Help US Anti-Racist Campaigner Shot by Neo Nazis
29-07-2010 09:22
Benefit Gig For Shot Anti-Fascist: Bristol Anti-Fascists Demonstrate Practical SolidarityThursday 5th August at The Plough, Easton, from 8pm-late. £4 on the door.
On Saturday March 27th in Portland, Oregon, Luke Querner, a long-time anti-fascist activist and skinhead, was shot by neo-nazis. Fortunately Luke survived, but he has been left with a mountain of medical bills. Comrades in Bristol have organised a benefit gig to raise funds to help Luke out. The line-up features two bands from Brazil, who are visiting the UK to take part in an anti-racist football tournament, with support from local acts, and all bands are playing for free.
| Full Story | Luke Querner, S.H.A.R.P. shot by boneheads needs your help ( | Donation Page (via PayPal) |
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12noon Friday / Everyone To The Streets!
29-07-2010 08:22
12noon Friday 30th July // Everyone to the Streets // Against Police Violence // Solidarity for Ian Tomlinson's Family
The decision of the Director of Public Prosecution, Keir Starmer QC, brought an end the process of the charade of civic and legal rights of defence when the police act violently. Violence is often seen as an exception, but how can this pretence be maintained when the violence served up by an institution which monopolises and legalises violence is seen by millions on their TV screens.
When the death of Ian Tomlinson was announced, the major news agencies responded the way they know how, and repeated - mistakenly - that the death was due to actions of the people that were part of the G20 protests. As the legitimacy of the reporting continued to be undermined, as people bypassed the "official" sources of information, and as testimonies were posted on Indymedia the news reacted to correct its "mistake". But there was no mistake. The media acted and acts in the only way it was set-up to act - as a transmission belt of "authoritative", normalising and ultimately self-serving abstract ideas, each self-perpetuating and reproducing passivity and the complete obedience to the official line.
From the aftermath of the G20 tragedy in London on April 1st, 2009 - the return to normality, the easing and softening of the hard language and rhetoric of the politicians and media commentators - the return to trusting that the "liberal" authorities of the state will clean up the mess and root out the "bad apples". As often happens, the crowd is duped, as we all want to believe that the bully we are afraid to fight will be told off by the teacher in the class. But when the teacher and the bully are the same thing, as was illustrated with the actions of the DPP/CPS and Met Police, who do we run to?
The resultant death of Ian Tomlinson, the dozens of violent assaults and injuries, was always a possible outcome of a hysterical press and 24/7 media too eager to create narratives and plots when they failed in reality to find them - too eager to regurgitate the systemic values that present themselves as socially neutral whilst denouncing those that dare act against those supposed generalised values. But nothing is socially neutral. We exist in a loaded context, where acts and effects do not come into being from no where but are part of a process which themselves derive from other processes. Our ability to develop counter strategies is dependent on the extent in which we recognise and acknowledge these processes.
We are left now, many more of us than before the DPP's statement, with a feeling that we have been failed. For us yes, for the gangsters in power it's business as usual. When its one of their own, they band together, they act in solidarity, each element standing firm to the point where their power is maintained and they continue - until the next "mistake". Our problem is that we do not match our enemies with the same element of solidarity towards each other.
On Friday 30th July, we hope to gather many hundreds of people outside the offices of the DPP. We are sick and tired of passively consuming the news, being infuriated by the lack of response. We have decided to be the response, to be the ones that will inspire many more that won't be there with us on that day.
Protests have been called for London, Bristol, Edinburgh and San Francisco, with a demonstration in Norwich already taken place.
Mass up at 12noon Friday 30th July, Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge Road, SE1 9HS
Facebook Event Page:!/event.php?eid=139946402701890&index=1
The Afghanistan documents and the struggle against war
29-07-2010 08:05
The public release of the 92,000 secret documents on the Afghanistan war by WikiLeaks, together with the reaction of the media and the official establishment, has immense political implications for the antiwar struggle in the US and internationally.Venezuela: We cannot sail towards socialism on the capitalist Ship of State
29-07-2010 01:22
From my African elders I have learned that you cannot poison the black mamba snake with its own mortal venom.Dialect - Recycled glass being dumped into landfill? Council 'waste management'
29-07-2010 00:22
plus Texas singer Guthrie Kennard and Jack The Ripper's masonic symbolismDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
01:00 - Singer songwriter Guthrie Kennard
13:30 - Julian Parry - Glass recycled into landfill? Council waste management contracts
22:00 - Luka talks to Anthea Page about life in the Communist era in Sofia, Bulgaria
30:00 - Former freemason Bill (William) Schnoebelen explains masonic symbolism of the Jack The Ripper murders in the 1880s
36:30 - World Cup retrospective with Charles Thompson giving some of his ideas to revive British football
42:30 - Secrets & Lies by David Southwell - Secret Societies and the Moonies - read by Malcolm Grieves
52:00 - Poet Tim Burroughs reads 'Golden Bough'
55:00 - Jeff Sparkes What's On guide
58:30 - Credits
Presenters: Michaela Dennis & John Peters-Coleman
Reporters: Anthea Page & Tony Gosling
Studio Production: Lee Duffield
Producer: Tony Gosling