UK Newswire Archive
Occupied Afghanistan: The attack on the British Council in Kabul
21-08-2011 15:09

The attack on the British Council in Kabul on 19th August, resulting in twelve deaths and many injuries, further underlined how unwelcome the occupiers are, in a country in which they should never have been in the first place. Further tragedies, heaped on tragedies, also illustrated how out of touch those both on the ground in country - and those in high places abroad are. The day of the attack was both the Sabbath (Friday) and national holiday marking the 92nd anniversary of Afghanistan's independence from Britain in 1919 and of course, the 19th: 19 -1919.
Nation-wide Direct Action Campaign Needs Your Help
21-08-2011 14:07

Look no further... Fracking is going down in the UK.
But it needs action NOW. This campaign needs experienced saboteurs and newbs all the same. Get talking about fracking in your next local meeting and get organised. Contact

A New Levellers Standard Yet To Be Advanced...
21-08-2011 10:53

Detest and Survive: self-deregulation and asset reallocation in England, August
21-08-2011 07:54
on the riotsUnlimited Liability or Nothing to Lose? By Clinical Wasteman
21-08-2011 07:29
The first of two articles by Clinical Wastemen surveying the landscape of social struggles in austerity UK 2011. The second article, on the UK riots, appears here:
Dignified and Undignified Rage:Brief Notes on a Pending Invitation, the UK riots
21-08-2011 06:12
here are some thoughts i wrote about the london riots and wider world dynamics.kolya
UG#564 - Choosing A Life of Action (Deschooling Society 4)
21-08-2011 05:51

The Insurrection of the English Underclass
20-08-2011 20:16
In this article, Takis sees the tremendous explosion of anger by the British underclass as part of similar recent explosions in France and Greece of the main victims of neoliberal globalisation and particularly those who have not yet been integrated into it.Sainsburys picketed in solidarity with Gaza
20-08-2011 17:21
a picket was held in Brighton outside Kemptown Sainsburys calling for a boycott of Israeli goodsPunks and "Rioting scumbags"
20-08-2011 14:10
Riot analysis c/o North London punks.Coda to an open letter
20-08-2011 13:26
Three follow-up comments on the London riots, drawn in part from astute comments from friends and strangers.Anarchist/Antifascist Prisoner Thomas Blak Writes From Wormwood Scrubs
20-08-2011 10:47
The following communiqué is not the opinion of any group or organisation, but that of the signed person only.Anti Hunt/Badger Cull March at the Tory Conference
20-08-2011 10:34

US navy seals destroyed to cover up Washington’s Bin Laden execution hoax?
20-08-2011 08:47

Government considers curfew powers following riots
20-08-2011 06:41
In the aftermath of the riots that swept London and other cities in England last week, the Conservative/Liberal government is actively planning the imposition of curfew powers covering wide geographical areas.Rant: Cameron's Wars - Coming Home Soon To British Streets?
20-08-2011 00:35

After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
Major Gains for cleaners at HeronTower IWW Dispute
19-08-2011 21:55
Following negotiations with the cleaning contractor LCC, who covers contracts at the prestigious Heron Tower near Liverpool Street - the IWW Cleaners and Allied Grades Branch has secured significant gains to the benefit of our low-paid. The IWW had launched a campaign to secure full payment of the living wage £8.30 per-hour for, a resolution of staff shortages, issues of unfair dismissal and anti-union conduct by management.
The IWW has reached an agreement which has secured full-payment of the London Living Wage with back pay until May 2011, the staff shortage to be filled and confirmation of the trade union rights of workers. Further discussions are underway on a recognition agreement with the IWW.
As result the IWW Cleaners Branch and London Delegates Committee has cancelled the demonstration called for tonight at the Heron Tower. We thank all trade unionists and fellow workers for their solidarity and support.
Once again the independent workers union the IWW has shown that direct action and solidarity of all union members in support of each other achieves results in the interests of our members.
The message to cleaners across London is clear – don’t live in fear – get organised!
For more background info: see IWW feature "IWW Cleaners Score Victory in Guildhall Dispute"
Emergency solidarity march and noise demo
19-08-2011 21:16

Polish nuclear program and the protests against it
19-08-2011 21:02
Shortly after the end of 1990 moratorium the Polish pro – nuclear lobby, based around National Atomic Energy Agency (state institution of nuclear safety) and academic institutions involved in development of nuclear technologies, supported by international nuclear lobby has started to work on the new plans of building the nuclear power plants in Poland.