Nation-wide Direct Action Campaign Needs Your Help
Frackoff! | 21.08.2011 14:07
Looking for a DA campaign to really get your bolt-croppers into?
Look no further... Fracking is going down in the UK.
But it needs action NOW. This campaign needs experienced saboteurs and newbs all the same. Get talking about fracking in your next local meeting and get organised. Contact Make use of the attached info PDF and flyer.
Look no further... Fracking is going down in the UK.
But it needs action NOW. This campaign needs experienced saboteurs and newbs all the same. Get talking about fracking in your next local meeting and get organised. Contact

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We can kill Fracking.
This is an industry in it’s infancy in the UK. The companies involved are typically start-ups that are presently just burning investment cash and are very vulnerable to loss of confidence by investors.
If enough pressure can be applied at these early stages we can easily create an environment in which the continuation of these projects is no longer viable. We need to identify our nearest proposed franking sites and get organised. Local opposition is swelling in the Lancashire area, but people need to be alerted to the vast number of sites which the industry has in it’s sights nation-wide.
Crucially, we are looking at an opportunity to crush the attempt at piloting this practise. A national campaign of direct action needs to be firmly focused on the Lancashire area. This is a real chance to kill-off a serious environmental threat. It’s a battle with a very visible front-line. And a battle which must be won.
Are you keen? Have got time, energy and ideas? Get in contact with us!
Are you wrapped up in a hundred and one other campaigns and thinking the world is surely doomed because we can't clone ourselves and take over the norms? Don't worry! We all feel like that now and then. But please! Print the attached flyer and stick some in your local social centre or take them to a DIY show.
We can kill Fracking.
This is an industry in it’s infancy in the UK. The companies involved are typically start-ups that are presently just burning investment cash and are very vulnerable to loss of confidence by investors.
If enough pressure can be applied at these early stages we can easily create an environment in which the continuation of these projects is no longer viable. We need to identify our nearest proposed franking sites and get organised. Local opposition is swelling in the Lancashire area, but people need to be alerted to the vast number of sites which the industry has in it’s sights nation-wide.
Crucially, we are looking at an opportunity to crush the attempt at piloting this practise. A national campaign of direct action needs to be firmly focused on the Lancashire area. This is a real chance to kill-off a serious environmental threat. It’s a battle with a very visible front-line. And a battle which must be won.
Are you keen? Have got time, energy and ideas? Get in contact with us!
Are you wrapped up in a hundred and one other campaigns and thinking the world is surely doomed because we can't clone ourselves and take over the norms? Don't worry! We all feel like that now and then. But please! Print the attached flyer and stick some in your local social centre or take them to a DIY show.
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