UK Newswire Archive
Afghanistan under occupation: An assessment-Part three
17-02-2007 04:04

Ulster on the Euphrates: The Anglo-American Dirty War in Iraq
16-02-2007 23:53

You can fool some of the people some of the time
16-02-2007 23:38
The dam of lies is finally breaking...Shell to Sea Solidarity Action in Scotland
16-02-2007 22:41

[Brazil] Prestes Maia: largest urban area squat in South America faces imminent
16-02-2007 22:22
Prestes Maia is the name gave to the building squatted by 486 families in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil. For three years the families have been fighting against the eviction but since the beginning of the month a judge set up the deadline for the eviction for March 4th. Since them many social movements and groups have been supporting the Prestes Maia's families organizing solidarity actions in Sao Paulo and all around the globe. The last updated arrived from the families is that the military police will execute the eviction on February 25th, last Sunday of Brazil's carnival holidays.ASI: Urgent support needed for freedom struggle in Guinea-Conakry!
16-02-2007 22:09

Obama Embraces Israel “Security” Mythology
16-02-2007 22:02

Full article | 2 additions | 7 comments
SOCPA - new admissions and old dirty tactics in court
16-02-2007 21:00

An activist from Oaxaca speaks in London, 17 February, 2pm!
16-02-2007 20:16
An activist from the celebrated Oaxaca struggle is speaking in London on Saturday 17 February.How to Identify Censorship in Creative Commons Media
16-02-2007 19:56

*For the record- I have never experienced censorship policy on the UK
Kollectives Openwire*.
There is a policy of censorship on the Irish Indymedia openwire which
is based in fear of female voice {it took five years to get women moderators
with basic privlege} . it took five years to get a gender and sexuality section.
Chavez calls on the working class to put itself at the forefront of the revoluti
16-02-2007 19:56
In a meeting on Wednesday, February 14 with the retired workers of the IVSS (Instituto Venezolano de los Seguros Sociales - Venezuelan Institute of Social Security), in the Venezuela room of the Circulo Militar, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez declared (quoting Marx) that "the workers cannot be turned into the slaves of work, into the slaves of capital. Capital must be subordinated to the workers." Reflecting upon this Chavez ordered a review of the 8-hour day, as well as saying that the working day should be reduced to allow the workers time for education. "I ask for the full support of the working class and of the genuinely revolutionary trade unions... I call upon the working class to once and for all play its rightful role in this revolution."Greenpeace Wins UK Nuclear Victory
16-02-2007 19:43
A top British judge struck a blow at Prime Minister Tony Blair's plans for a new generation of nuclear power stations on Thursday, calling the government's consultation on nuclear power "inadequate" and "wrong."Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Video rush: Shell to Sea protest closes Corrib Gas Terminal
16-02-2007 19:02

npower's statement on protest removed
16-02-2007 18:28
A statement by npower on the Oxford Mail website earlier today was removed without explanation. Here it is.Radley Lakes: The March 17 February
16-02-2007 18:22
A peaceful march to protest at the destruction of Thrupp Lake.Radley Lakes Injunctions
16-02-2007 17:26
RWE NPower have gone to great expense to try and gag the local press, TV andeven Radio, to prevent the news getting out there that they are trashing
Thrupp Lake and cutting down hundreds of trees, causing distress to the
nesting birds and causing pain to the local residents who have made an
application to have the place classed as a Town Green.
Remembering Slavery
16-02-2007 17:24
Two hundred years ago the Abolition of the Slave Trade Act was passed by British parliament. There has been much debate in the media about how to commemorate this event. I want to recommend several books that bring to light some of the horrors of that awful trade, the legacy of which still stains the society in which we live today...LIES GOT US INTO IRAQ : Pentagon report shows SMOKING GUN, +infowar smokescreen
16-02-2007 16:59
follow this set of keywords,Congress, 2007, pentagon, inspector,
then add the "extra" info that a certain amount of the "intel" that was "re-checked" by the ADDITION of info from industry lobby groups that picked (+ paid for) certain "iraqi exiles" that came up with "niger uranium", czech meetings, hidden WMD
Brian Haw awards on spewtube
16-02-2007 16:55
At last someone has put Brian collecting his award up on youtubeMcKiegate - judicial coverup in Scotland
16-02-2007 16:13
Back in 1997, Shirlie McKie, a Scottish cop, was stitched up by fingerprint experts at the Scottish Criminal Records Office. They mistakenly identified her print at a murder scene she hadn't visited. Then they criminally tried to cover up their errors. Eventually unanimous evidence from 171 foreign fingerprint experts cleared her, but many were initially warned off the case by the FBI who feared it would damage their Lockerbie show trial of Libyan agents. Scottish ministers - who have known the facts for 6 years - refused to have a public enquiry. Noone has been charged with the initial murder and none of the fingerprint experts face disciplinary charges let alone criminal charges for their criminal coverup.Shirlie McKie was able to clear her name partly because she was a cop with an unblemished record, the daughter of a cop with an unblemished record. However, when the SCRO are caught faking evidence and covering it up in one case, it is fair to assume this isn't an isolated case.
The reason for the McKie coverup is stop the Scottish judicial system being discredited - to help keep covering up the Lockerbie bombing.