UK Newswire Archive
London Rising Tide Invade CAA
06-11-2006 15:14
ACTIVISTS INVADE CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY OFFICES IN SHORT-HAUL FLIGHTS PROTESTThis morning a group of London Rising Tide activists, in the guise of bean
counting civil servants, gathered at inside the offices of the Civil
Aviation Authority, brandishing a massive cheque for £9.2bn made out to
the airline industry from the government regulator.
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Stop Moping - Towards Strategic Insurrection
06-11-2006 13:13
Big mobilisation haven't turned out very successful recently. The 22nd October Collective gives us an idea why. Some more thoughts on strategies and what makes them work.Smash EDO smashing update
06-11-2006 13:02
Smashing Dates for your Diaryto find out why we want to SMASH EDO see
Leeds Bradford Airport Protest, part of Plane Stupid Day
06-11-2006 12:43

BtB press release: Stop nuclear weapons - stop climate change
06-11-2006 12:42

Faslane365 double-decker bus going to Faslane to say NO to Trident Replacement!
06-11-2006 11:58

Rioting by India police hopefuls - repost
06-11-2006 11:50
Reposted from the BBC - I know its not really in line with IMC guidelines, but this is too funny to ignore:>> Hundreds of people applying to join the police have gone on the rampage in the northern Indian city of Ghaziabad. Riots began because many felt a written test was too difficult, officials say. The mob of would-be officers rampaged along a stretch of the main road to Delhi, attacking people and property. Almost 30 people were arrested. Passengers were forced from their vehicles and reports say several women were molested. It took police an hour to bring the riots under control.
Weekly Vigil to Save the Jarawa - Reminder
06-11-2006 10:27

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Plane Stupid Shut Down Easyjet HQ
06-11-2006 07:46
Environmental activists opposed to the climate wrecking effects of short haul flights have this morning shut down the HQ of Easyjet in London.London Plane Stupid strikes again
06-11-2006 03:35
Flightcentres in the city and west end have been closed as part of the day of action against short haul flights. ctivists superglued the locks, and hung 'CLOSED FOR A TOTAL RETHINK' posters.'Neo-Con' Fascists Abandon, Scapegoat Bush Republicans
06-11-2006 02:19
A very Orwellian scam is about to be perpetrated against the American people, and the people of the world.The Extremists behind Bush's policies and wars are abandoning the Bush Repugnicans, in the hopes that their agenda against the Arab World can simply be transfered to the other half of the RepugniCrat Party after the election.
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Manchester Plane Stupiders Close more Travel Agents!
06-11-2006 01:20
Yep, Plane Stupid have struck again, this time at climate change profiteers in the city of Manchester. Travel agents promoting short haul flights have been postered and d-locked in what is proving to be a pattern of direct actions marking the beginning of the national day of action against short haul flights.Full article | 2 additions | 2 comments
Bristol Plane Stupid activists 'close' travel agents
06-11-2006 01:03
Climate change activists have kicked off monday's day of action against short haul flights by 'closing' travel agents in central Bristol.London Plane Stupid Activists 'close' more travel agents!
06-11-2006 00:53
Apparently the same thing as happened in Bristol has also taken place in London, with Plane Stupid activists postering and locking travel agents across London in a call to end short haul flights.Beit Hanoun "IDF Shoots Anything That Moves" - More Air Strikes on Gaza
06-11-2006 00:07
As predicted, Israel has launched its plan to re-occupy the Gaza Strip.Benn Speaks in His Favorite City
05-11-2006 23:07
Merseyside STWC welcomed Palestinian delegation and Tony Benn to LiverpoolHelp to imprisoned antifascists from Russia!!!
05-11-2006 22:13
Several anti-fascist were arrested after attack of the nazi march in the midle of september, 2 of them still in prison, yesterday a lot of anti-fascists were arrested in St. Petersburg and some other russian cities after counter-actions against nazi-marches. Some of them were injured during the arrests. Will let you know more later!Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
SOCPA - citizens support group patrol the zone
05-11-2006 19:34

Photos: Climate Change Protest (04.11.06)
05-11-2006 18:49