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London Plane Stupid Activists 'close' more travel agents!

Alphonse | 06.11.2006 00:53 | Climate Chaos | London

Apparently the same thing as happened in Bristol has also taken place in London, with Plane Stupid activists postering and locking travel agents across London in a call to end short haul flights.

More of the same surprise closure shenanigans from Plane Stupiders have seen travel agents in Holborn, Angel and Kings Cross, as well as undisclosed locations in the west and the east ends, targeted with 'CLOSED, FOR A TOTAL RETHINK' posters and bike locks. Plane Stupid are trying to highlight the insanity of government and industry plans for unfettered growth of the aviation industry over the next 25 years - plans that will ensure we cannot meet even the already grossly inadequate targets for CO2 emissions reductions promised by the government when talking out of their other face. Nearly half of all flights in the EU are to destinations under 500km away - hence pointless and unnecessary. Aviation is the fastest growing source of CO2 emissions in the UK, and the warming effect of the non-CO2 emissions such as contrails deposited in the upper atmosphere by aeroplanes is now thought to be many times that of the CO2 itself. Even cheap flights are used mostly by the rich to fly to their second homes in Tuscany etc. The UK currently subsidises the aviation industry to the tune of £9 billions pounds a year.

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Pictures of the closed stores

06.11.2006 11:30

For a Total Rethink
For a Total Rethink

Hopefully the staff are having a chance to sit in a cafe and reflect on their contribution to the oncoming planetary catastrophe, and perhaps consider a change of career. There's no future in flying!

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