UK Newswire Archive
Occupy Wall Street continues in New York, protesters arrested
23-09-2011 01:48
Since Saturday, activists in the United States have camped out on Wall Street to speak out against the richest 1% of the country looting from the poor. Sending a message to those who profit from insatiable corporate greed, people are maintaining a presence on Wall Street sending a loud message.Global Campaign Resumes Against LAN After Talks Break Down
23-09-2011 01:33
On Monday, NAVA launched into a campaign against passenger airline LAN due to their involvement in shipping primates for vivisection.Electricians/Sparks Protest in Newcastle.
23-09-2011 00:31

Report from Wrexham Peace Day, 21 September
22-09-2011 22:54
Several hundred people took part in this year's Peace Day in Wrexham on 21 September, a day-long event running from 11am to 6pm on Llwyn Isaf, the library field in the middle of town.More photos to follow.
Riseup Rebel Radio 1
22-09-2011 20:55
This is the first broadcast; second broadcast is soon
Download !
Autumn Action Day.
22-09-2011 20:55
A day wonderful workshops,excellent events, and live music.
So bring your instruments and friends along dinner and a cuppa tea (this is an alcohol free event)
Workshops to take part include tree climbing,Palestine, outdoor living direct action, and plenty more.
plenty of sleeping camping spaces available.
Palestine Today 09 22 2011
22-09-2011 16:43

Mainstream media hand over unbroadcast riot footage to cops
22-09-2011 16:02

N.E.T climbers in Constant & Co uniforms at Dale Farm
22-09-2011 14:09

Peace Day Actions Against Drones (Wales)
22-09-2011 13:46

Undercover Cop film about Mark Stone - first showing
22-09-2011 09:51
A contact of mine managed to attend a private showing of a rough cut of the film about undercover cop Mark Stone. Planned for broadcast by Channel 4 next month, the film maker Brian Hill showed his rough cut at a filmmakers event last week.Ill treatment on the CSC at Woodhill Prison
22-09-2011 09:31
Where is the rule that allows officers under investigation for assault to come into contact with their victims?Solidarity Protest for banner drop activist remanded in custody
22-09-2011 09:08

Anarchism, Autonomy, violence and the state
22-09-2011 08:29

Severe repression as migrants riot on Lampedusa
22-09-2011 01:37
Migrants fight back on LampedusaFracking Demo: Frack Off Cuadrilla
21-09-2011 22:55
Anti-fracking protesters congregate outside the press conference in Blackpool held by Cuadrilla Resources as they announce the results of their drilling for shale gas tests in Lancashire, holding a massive Frack Off banner and chanting abuse at the company through a megaphone...
Today Cuadrilla announced that they've found 200 trillion cubic feet of gas held in rocks under the ground, which is 10 times more than UK reserves in the North Sea. Not all of this can be 'fracked' out - a process which involves pumping millions of gallons of water, sand and chemicals in order to crack rock 9,000ft underground (for more info see - but Mark Miller (toxic water spiller) CEO of Cuadrilla says "We're equivalent to - or exceeding - the gas per square mile that you'd find in the really successful plays in the US."
Fracking has been a major disaster in the US with the industry booming massively over the last several years without intervention, leading to a series of catastrophes relating to water contamination, toxic spills, blow outs, water you can set on fire, and more pollution into the biosphere, mainly methane.
Cuadrilla already has plans for 400 gas wells, across 40 sites, with its current exploration license granted by the government, which covers the Bowland shale between Blackpool and Preston. If all goes well for the company, we could be looking at tens of thousands of gas rigs in Lancashire alone, that's 20-30 per square mile.
Fracking is the thin end of the wedge in the drive to suck the last and most difficult to reach drops of fuel from the planet. The scramble for unconventional sources of gas is the beginning of the end of our finite resources (along with: tar sands, mountain top removal, deep water drilling, coal bed methane etc etc).
Fracking must be stopped.
Nothing will happen without pressure. Get informed, get organised and take action.
Kukutza eviction in Errekalde, Basque Country.
21-09-2011 22:47

Lampedusa deportation centre burns
21-09-2011 22:43
Violent clashes involving Tunisian migrants, riot police and local peoplePhoto Report from Wrexham Peace Day
21-09-2011 22:30