UK Newswire Archive
Solidarity Needed! 26 Homosexuals under arrest in UAE
01-12-2005 10:41
26 Homosexuals arrested on the 22nd of November in United Arab Emirates, a strong USA ally, are still under police detention. Let them hear your anger, demand that all arrested be free without charges and all persecutions be put to an end IMMEDIATELY! (details at the bottom of article)Howard Dean Shills For AIPAC
01-12-2005 06:44
Recent indictments prove that AIPAC is a front group for Israeli intelligence, and yet, US politicians continue to suck up to its members. Once again, we see that there is only one Party ruling the UNited States, the "protect the status quo" RepugniCrats.US Jews Could Pay High Price for Iraq War
01-12-2005 06:43
So, if you are reading this, and you are Jewish, please take to heart this warning. Israel, in using you to hide their crimes behind, has made a target of you in the inevitable backlash. Israel does not care if you get harmed or killed, indeed they will welcome it and gleefully wave your bloodied body around to serve their political interests.Pentagon, intel pros tell Bush war cannot be won
01-12-2005 06:39
This war will not end until those who created it out of thin air are brought to justice. What people have to start comprehending is that for the whack-jobs in charge, it doesn't matter whether the war is won or lost. They've achieved victory. They got to prsecute their war, plunder billions from Iraq, expand their powers, enrich themselves and their friends, and remove an enemy of Israel.World AIDS Day 'Orphans'?
01-12-2005 02:40
A reminder of the thousands of children involved in AIDS drug experimentation who are still being treated like lab rats.Plane Stupid photos
01-12-2005 01:11

911/7-7 meeting - advance notice
01-12-2005 00:46
In the heartlands of the so-called bombersBUSH WORLD - TOO MANY STATES
30-11-2005 20:18
A scathing indictment of Bush-Cheney policy with a special focus on Iraq war and with a little historical context.Full video of St Agnes eviction raid
30-11-2005 19:57

Pentagon Black Ops: Abducting Peacemakers in Iraq
30-11-2005 19:43
The question to keep in mind here is "Qui Bono?".Who benefits?
How our governments use terrorism to control us
30-11-2005 19:42
"The people hold their leaders' hands more tightly in the dark" - an American President said this, Truman I think, but can't remember for certain.Clemency Call for "Tookie" Williams:
Please Take a Moment to Help!
30-11-2005 18:39
Note: The below article is available with integrated web links via the blog at the following URL:
Please consider joining's call to ask Gov. Schwarzenegger to grant clemency for Stanley "Tookie" Williams, who is scheduled to die on December 13th by way of lethal injection at California's San Quentin prison.
David Rovics & Robb Johnson play LARC
30-11-2005 18:02
Acoustic Emergency presents...A double headliner of political song: * David Rovics * & * Robb Johnson *. Benefit for LARC and London Rising Tide.Statement from the Occupiers of Hackney cafe
30-11-2005 15:23
Pedestrian ran over by high speed police car in Camden
30-11-2005 15:06
Just after midday a high speed police car ran over a pedestrian in Camden High Street.It is uncertain whether the pedestrian is dead but an eye witness said it is doubtful the victim survived.
Outrage! and the Iran Hangings: Chronicle of a Manipulation
30-11-2005 14:50
Outrage!'s valuable and necessary work highlighting and challenging homophobia is increasingly compromised by their virulent Islamophobia, their resort to lies and distortion and the curious adoption of the Washington neocons foreign policy agenda.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Report of protest at arms traders’ recruiting jamboree in St Leonards on Sea
30-11-2005 14:47

Short video of St Agnes eviction
30-11-2005 13:56

Stop Blair from abolishing London communities - Defend local autonomy
30-11-2005 13:53
How could the ‘opposition’ Tories be praising the ‘record’ of Ken Livingstone?