UK Newswire Archive
1st Newspaper Endorsement for 500m Buffer Zone
02-07-2010 13:24
The Leicester Mercury has become the 1st Newspaper to endorse the need for a 500 meter Buffer Zone around Opencast Mines in England
Edo Trial Update... Verdict is 'Not Guilty'
02-07-2010 13:24
If you want comprehensive coverage of the EDO trial Bristol Indymedia seems like the place to go.
Hoorah for the decommisioners!
Dont Blame The Blac Bloc for the Global Elites Mess!
02-07-2010 11:56
After yet more and more articles 'blaming' the blac bloc - a simple yet effective slang term for those of us that dont give a shit about raising capitalism to the ground in order to buld new, sustainable communityies for all and every - for the 'violence' in Toronto, I thought I'd knock up this little article so that the 'fluffies' out there - the ones who keep 'blaming' the blac bloc for the strentgh of the elite machine - might be able to answer this question, why is it so hard to understand we need violence to defeat the system?
Bristol Indymedia Film Night: Sharkwater
02-07-2010 11:52
.Winner of 26 international film festival awards, Sharkwater screens at Cube on Monday 5th July 7pm / £4 or £3 (but nobody refused for lack of funds)Bristol Indymedia and Bristol Animal Rights Collective (B.A.R.C.) present 'Sharkwater' : Film-maker, Rob Stewart debunks historical stereotypes and media depictions of sharks as bloodthirsty, man-eating monsters and reveals the reality of sharks as pillars in the evolution of the seas.
Sharkwater exposes the exploitation and corruption surrounding the world's shark populations in the marine reserves of Cocos Island, Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. In an effort to protect sharks, Stewart teams up with Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Their unbelievable adventure starts with a battle between the Sea Shepherd and shark poachers in Guatemala, resulting in pirate boat rammings, gunboat chases, mafia espionage, corrupt court systems and attempted murder charges, forcing them to flee for their lives. Stewart discovers these magnificent creatures have gone from predator to prey, and how despite surviving the earth's history of mass extinctions, they could easily be wiped out within a few years due to human greed.
Winner of 26 international film festival awards! Sharkwater features an original score from Jeff Rona (Original Music, The Lion King), plus tracks from Moby, Nina Simone, Portishead, Aphex Twin and more.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with B.A.R.C. about the issues raised in the film.
Cube Cinema, Dove Street South, Bristol 5th July 7pm / £4 or £3 (but nobody refused for lack of funds).
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Climate Justice? Climate Refugee? Capitalism, Nationalism and Migration
02-07-2010 11:21
The term ‘climate refugee’ is used by more and more activists to connect environmental and anti-racist politics. Here, STEPH DAVIES argues that the term isn’t as unproblematic as it seems.mayor of london & brian haws pspc - a story of three "laws"/no law
02-07-2010 11:19
which part of dpp v jones 1999 do the state not get....Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Metro targeted by anti-racist spoof
02-07-2010 11:02
London commuters were this morning surprised to find that their usual Metro paper was a bit thinner, yet more interesting and engaging, than usual.Tens of thousands of copies of a spoof newspaper that looked very similar to the free daily were distributed at 20 busy tube stations around the capital during rush hour. Thousands more were distributed in other cities around the country.
Romford cops disregard for law exposed in mainstream media
02-07-2010 10:58
The reasons these Romford cops use against the teen freelance photographer, Jules Mattsson, to stop him from photographing a parade of police cadets keeps shifting from "photography of children", to "obstruction", to "terrorism" and even a bit of "antisocial behaviour" for good - Circle this Date: 10/10/10
02-07-2010 10:01
Dear World,It’s been a tough year: in North America, oil gushing into the Gulf of Mexico; in Asia some of the highest temperatures ever recorded; in the Arctic, the fastest melting of sea ice ever seen; in Latin America, record rainfalls washing away whole mountainsides.
So we’re having a party.
Medialens: McChrystal - Death Squad Poster Boy
02-07-2010 09:42
The sacking of the head of NATO’s military command in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, caused a surge in coverage of the man described by political analyst James Petras as “Cheney’s chief assassin”.G20 solidarity protest Sat, 3rd July, 12noon Canada House, Trafalgar Square
02-07-2010 09:12
A mass protest has been called outside the Canadian embassy, for this Saturday the 3rd of July in protest at the violent repression and arrests of G20 protesters in Toronto. Meet outside the Canadian Embassy, Canada House on the west side of Trafalgar Square at 12noon.!Take action against ACTA!
02-07-2010 08:36
Help stop the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) from steamrolling our rights and freedoms. Please contact your Member of Parliament (MEP) today and ask them to sign a Declaration that takes a stand against efforts to curb Internet freedom in ACTA. ACTA threatens to make it an imprisonable offence to own MP3s and videos and even to 'incite' infringement.Southall Biofuel Power Station Plans Rejected
02-07-2010 08:22
Planning permission has now been refused at appeal for the vegetable oil burning power station Blue NG wanted to build in Southall.
The power station would have used 20,000 tonnes of fuel a year, and required a land area greater than the whole of Ealing to grow the energy crops to supply it.
Air pollution is already exceeding 'safe' limits in Ealing. The power station was rejected because it would have added unacceptable levels of pollutants Nitrogen Dioxide and Particulates to the atmosphere. And because tanker deliveries through the narrow streets in Southall were considered unsafe.
Ealing Councillors should be credited for refusing permission when the application was first heard last year.
Southall Biofuel Power Station Plans Rejected
30 June 2010 - Communities & Local Government Secretary of State Eric Pickles MP decides to turn down plans for Blue NG's biofuel power station in Southall.
Permission for the power station was initially refused by Ealing Council in September last year because of concerns about air pollution from the exhaust emissions and worries that road safety would be compromised by frequent fuel tanker deliveries though crowded streets.
Biofuelwatch, Friends of the Earth and other environmental campaign groups objected to the development because the production of liquid biofuels on a large scale is unsustainable; they accelerate rather than slow climate change; they harm biodiversity and cause more deforestation; and they can lead to human rights abuses in producing countries.
Blue NG's subsequent appeal claimed that the power station would only minimally worsen local air quality and that tanker deliveries could be handled safely.
But the appeal decision notes that the proposal would have had an adverse effect on air quality, that some absolute pollution levels would be 50% above statutory limits, and that many people would be affected in a deprived area where there is already a shorter life expectancy than elsewhere in the Borough of Ealing.
Nic Ferriday of Ealing Friends of the Earth said: "It makes absolutely no sense to burn biofuels for electricity and so increase air pollution when the UK is failing to meet EU targets for air quality in London. We calculated that the power station would emit about 126 tonnes of NOx and 46 tonnes of PM10 a year, and the planning inspector accepted our argument that this level of pollution was not acceptable in an urban area already blighted by high levels of air pollution. When we looked at the type of fuel to be used and how it is produced we came to the conclusion that it would lead to more carbon emissions than burning natural gas to generate electricity. Doing that and increasing air pollution is simply mad."
Robert Palgrave of Biofuelwatch added: "Far from reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the UK's bioenergy policy threatens to accelerate global warming by destroying tropical and sub-tropical forests and peatlands, which are amongst the world's most important carbon sinks. Even for energy crops grown in Europe, large amounts of nitrous oxide are released as high levels of fertilisers are used, and our biodiversity suffers. Europe's car industry has used biofuels as a means of avoiding strict fuel efficiency standards which are essential for reducing carbon emissions. Now the UK electricity sector is moving in, attracted by the excessive levels of subsidy on offer for burning biofuels. If we want to have any hope of avoiding the worst impacts of climate change then we need drastic cuts in energy use - not oil crops grown in vast monocultures to produce so-called green electricity.
"Planning policies in the UK are currently stacked in favour of power station developments like Southall. A policy drafted 6 years ago before large-scale vegatable oil power stations were on the horizon is being used to exclude full discussion of their environmental impacts in planning applications. To compound the problem, the last Government mistakenly chose to give biofuel electricity the highest level of financial support under the Renewable Obligation - the same as offshore wind power - and this has triggered a rush to build huge sheds around the country containing large diesel engines. Nothing to do with climate change, just a way of meeting an EU target for ‘renewable' energy."
Continuing Conflicts that Create Refugees, June 2010
02-07-2010 06:43
Four actual or potential conflict situations around the world deteriorated and none improved in June 2010, according to the International Crisis Group’s monthly bulletin CrisisWatch 83, released today.Deteriorated Situations: Burundi, Kyrgyzstan, Rwanda, Turkey
[This message from International Crisis Group]
Download the full report: CrisisWatch83.pdf
Dialect - 'Get the monster of Capitalism under control' - Post Mortem on England's World Cup failure
02-07-2010 02:32
plus questions about why alleged child abusers in Scotland have still not faced trialDialect Radio is a Bristol (UK) podcast produced by volunteers. Our main activity is our weekly current affairs and arts magazine programme Dialect, which is recorded at our Queen's Square studios and posted for download every week on Friday morning. Want to volunteer? Volunteering Bristol, Royal Oak House, Royal Oak Avenue, Bristol. BS1 4GB Tel: 0117 989 7733. Listen on air: 93.2 FM (BCFM), Sundays at 12 noon. Or listen live on the internet at
hi bandwidth download
00:00 - Introduction
01:00 Allegations of abuse against Hollie Greig who has Down's Syndrome - Robert Green talks about the case and his arrest
14:30 - Anthea Page talks to animator Tom Hicks from London
18:00 - Charles Thompson delivers a Post Mortem on the England team's World Cup performance after losing to Germany last weekend
22:30 - Good rail news for a change - New Fish and Chip supper train on the Avon Valley Railway
21:30 - Chanda, musician with a band called Chimanimani from Zimbabwe
43:00 - Secrets and Lies by David Southwell read by Malcolm Grieve - 'Nothing To See Here'
53:30 - What's On from Jeff Sparkes
58:00 - Credits
Presenter: John Peters-Coleman
Reporters: Anthea Page and Tony Gosling
Studio Engineer: Johnny Roydon
Producer: Tony Gosling
Direct action against the High-Speed Railway in the Basque Country
02-07-2010 00:03
Activista have locked themselves inside disused mines...The government is taking suggestions for laws that should be repealed.
01-07-2010 23:28
I know this is probably pointless, but the government is supposedly taking suggestions on which laws to repeal in their "Great repeal act"
Nottingham Animal Rights and Vegan Campaigns
01-07-2010 22:24
More events and other campaign news from Nottingham's animal right campaigners.
What are we gonna do about the chard?
01-07-2010 20:22
Royate Hill Community Orchard and Kebele AllotmentRegular bimonthly workday
Saturday 3rd July
drop in anytime, but we usually start cleaning up around 3:30pm
more info: or
map: (plot number 20)
Gloves and gardening tools provided
Bring your own lunch and snacks to share...we'll brew the tea
The weather forecast is for a nice sunny day...
No experience is necessary - only enthusiasm!
Hope to see you there...