UK Newswire Archive
Tommy Robinson quits EDL - an Anti-Fascist response
08-10-2013 11:46

CURO Housing tenants threaten suicide over bedroom tax
08-10-2013 11:17
Curos's head of service development David Clarke said staff were dealing with very angry and upset tenants every day of the week.Kebele social centre is 18 years young
08-10-2013 10:58

The Grandparents strike again
08-10-2013 10:54
OAPs occupy the Bristol RBS offices in protest at the banks ongoing investment in the fossil fuel industry.Harssament, illeghal eviction: what does the dpp of engalnd do?
08-10-2013 10:28
The English DPP Kier Starmer QC is on his way out. He is often given unchallenged platform.Disabled Pensioner Murder witness Attacked
08-10-2013 09:03

The bottom line is that a disabled OAP is being denied his human rights and left to die. Guerrilla Democracy calls on Sussex Police, Katy Bourne, Age UK, Social Services, The Evening Argus and the world to take notice and HELP THIS MAN!
U.S. Supreme Court Will Not Take Argentina and NML Capital Debt Case
07-10-2013 18:39
The U.S. Supreme Court decided not to take the landmark debt case between Argentina and bondholders led by NML Capital, a hedge fund that buys the debt of countries in financial crisis. Argentina is expected to file a second petition in the coming months that the Supreme Court will review and decide again if it will hear the case. In June, Argentina filed a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Supreme Court asking the court to overturn a ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals made last October. The ruling ordered Argentina to pay bondholders $1.33 billion based on the court’s interpretation of a pari passu, or parity clause.Builders force entry to damage 195 Mare Street – help needed
07-10-2013 14:46

The 2013 London Anarchist Bookfair will be on Saturday 19th October!
07-10-2013 09:36

"Spied Upon" undercover cops film - preview tour
07-10-2013 08:45
Berlin director Jason Kirkpatrick will be presenting preview clips from his film on undercover cops, "Spied Upon", at various venues.Stop the Afghan War *12noon today @Downing St. *Vid/Photos Report from Sat @GCH
07-10-2013 08:30
VIDEO (7 mins) Joe Black, Ciaron O'Reilly Guy Smallman, Andy Worthington & anti-war/solidarity activistsat Giuseppe Conlon House, Sat August 5th.

Why we are not in this all together
07-10-2013 00:48
Why we are not in this all together. Well for a start I'm not the son of a stock broker. My dad was working class and had to find work where he could.TV License Threats And Intimidation
06-10-2013 23:47
I do not watch television but am receiving threatening letters.Fracking off Cuadrilla
06-10-2013 23:36
This seems to have gone unreported here. Might be of interest to some...USA: Government shutdown - Again!
06-10-2013 18:41
The recent shutdown of some government services in the USA are a symptom of the current crisis of the capitalist mode of production. This articles considers the underlying causes and the implications of of these for other parts of the world.UKUncut Legal Aid Roadblock in Cambridge
06-10-2013 17:46

UK Uncut and DPAC block road in Legal Aid Cuts protest
06-10-2013 15:51

The end of Nottingham's most famous squat
06-10-2013 14:55
The Post is reporting that planning application is pending for yet another 78 student flats in what they are calling Perry's factory but is better known to squatters as the J.B. Spray. A developer called Trivelles International wants to turn the grade II listed building into yet another identikit batch of student accommodation, no doubt at ridiculous rents to keep the riffraff out. It will join the other flats and "execulets" that have monopolised the Russell Street area and increase the gentrification of the town end of Radford.
It wasn't always this way. The J.B. Spray has been squatted a number of times over the past 10 years and used for community events and to house people who would otherwise be homeless. The squatters successfully stopped an eviction attempt by a property management company in 2010, was occupied for community purposes in 2009, hosted the week long Spring into Action series of climate action events in 2007 and was occupied in 2006.
It seems the squatting community aren't the only ones who are against the development. Comments on the Post article are uniformly negative:"Nearly every new development seems to be for students....Has the city sold its soul to the university's?", "Increasing supply with little demand, these schemes will become ghost developments", "To many students flat in Nottingham". Instead people want "affordable housing for everyone" which seems a vain hope given that Nottingham City Council is in the process of pulling down as many council flats as possible and putting all their residents on the ever expanding waiting list.
Squatting is still necessary!
Dissident Island Radio - the HEMP SPECIAL! - episode 127 - 4 Oct '13
05-10-2013 11:00
Have a listen to the latest Dissident Island Radio show - all about HEMP!