UK Newswire Archive
' I had a dream'....... Imagine all the peoples...?
02-08-2002 22:38
' I had a dream'....... Imagine all the peoples...? But if a look at what Europol il collectiong on data's now, then it is time we understand that the EU is since Bush bushed into the right corner - and one Indymedia will be gone!Taliban Chief Commander Mulla Fazal Tortured To Death At Camp X-Ray?
02-08-2002 21:35
This remains only a circulating rumour.However under the new world order prerogatives of the American fascist state, turtured to death may seem only too lightly.
btw should that be Camp Delta? And what's that about? - brain wave frequency after prolonged torture?
Caterpillar Corporation: Complicit in war crimes in the West Bank and Gaza.
02-08-2002 21:08

Albert Einstein wrote to NYT - Dec. 4, 1948
02-08-2002 18:50

Below is a "copy" in its entirety of a very important letter to the New York Times from Jewish intellectuals including Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, and Sidney Hook that appeared on December 4, 1948 While it is quoted from in brief on several web sites, it appears nowhere in its entirety, and it deserves to be disseminated as it originally appears.
Green Anarchist website update
02-08-2002 18:40
More articles have been added to the Green Anarchist websiteGOEBBELS-PROPAGANDA ON JERUSALEM - INDYMEDIA
02-08-2002 18:32
DESPERATE NAZI-NEANDERTALS ON JERUSALEM-INDYMEDIA .During all 24 hours of the day the "Anti-zionistic" racists at work on
GOOD RIDDANCE Open Letter to George Carey
02-08-2002 17:47
An Open Letter to the most reactionary, snivelling arse-licker of the Establishment, his piousness the Archbishop of Canterbury, welcoming his retirement. His plea for 'mercy' for Pinochet was in contrast to his silence over refugees.DISAPPEARED STOPAMERICA.ORG WEBMASTER SECRETLY TRANSFERRED TO VIRGINIA
02-08-2002 16:36

Bush's War On Terrorism-Greece & N17
02-08-2002 14:29
Trotskyists as 'Terrorists'!Blackwater Valley Environmental Justice - newsletter August 2002
02-08-2002 13:55
Latest BVEJ newsletter now on-lineMissile Defense, Iraq and Berlusconi
02-08-2002 12:18
Today in Global Observer
Playing Outside The National Team
02-08-2002 10:32
This is to be published in case I have any problem getting the renovation of my passport again.That is what I have thought first, but now I changed my mind. People have to know, and I have to liberate my chest from the heavy stone lying upon it. My passport will run out of use at March 2, 2003. I am writing in July. I have still 7 months to find a good lawyer or a human rights association that would volunteer to defend my right to be free.
Movie - GM dumped at DEFRA
02-08-2002 09:34

G8, a Cop with two molotovs in a bag.
02-08-2002 09:25
the inquiry into events at the G8 summit is warming up.article from the Corriere della Sera explains that the magistrates are looking at a videos supplied by Indymedia RAI TV,and a private local TV (GENOA). Yime is 24 past midnight,
but it's not the important fact, what is important is that
whats on the film doesn't fit with the cops version.
A Secret Plan to supplant Arafat
02-08-2002 09:11
Some signs are currently pointing to a possible secret plan for the Palestinian areas, expected to lead the American policy and to monitor the next evolutions. In this context, the Bush administration is said to be forging forward alone with a grand scheme for overhauling the Palestinian Authority politically, economically, militarily and administratively. But the most interesting feature in this current evolution concerns the manipulation of an international development agency – USAID- for that purpose.
Why DoMiddle Class Left Wingers Hate Fighting Local Issues?
02-08-2002 09:08
I have now figured out why all these so called far left wingers have continually got their heads into international issues when millions of us poor working class people, who live in the UK’s poorest run down areas, live in poverty. It’s quite simple they live to the analogy of. I’m all right Jack, so therefore everyone else in the UK must be the same.